Extend upload API for new Upload service
- Discuss extended API in detail
- Change gRPC API for file uploads as suggested.
- Update docs?
message Checksum {
string checksum = 1;
string checksum_algorithm = 2;
message FileInformation {
string local_filename = 1;
string target_filename = 2;
int size_bytes = 3;
Checksum checksum = 4;
message RegisterFileUploadRequest {
repeated FileInformation = 1;
message UploadLocation {
string url = 1;
message UploadProtocolVersion {
int major = 1;
int minor = 2;
int patch = 3;
// Response of the file server upon an upload registration request.
message RegisterFileUploadResponse {
RegistrationStatus status = 1;
string registration_id = 2;
FileTransmissionSettings upload_settings = 4;
UploadProtocolVersion version = 5;
repeated UploadLocation location = 6;
service FileTransmissionService {
rpc RegisterFileUpload(RegisterFileUploadRequest)
returns (RegisterFileUploadResponse);
rpc FileUpload(stream FileUploadRequest) returns (FileUploadResponse);
rpc FileDownload(FileDownloadRequest) returns (stream FileDownloadResponse);
Expected Behavior
What did you expect how the software should behave?
Actual Behavior
What did the software actually do?
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
Please describe, step by step, how others can reproduce the problem. Please try these steps for yourself on a clean system.
- Version: Which version of this software?
- Platform: Which operating system, which other relevant software versions?
Possible fixes
Do you have ideas how the issue can be resolved?