Sketch Upload API with Tus Hooks
Sketch API for
Authentication/Authorization via pre-create hook - Metadata handling
- Move/Copy of file after completion
- Insert into Database after move
- Potential cleanup
- Follow-up issues: [#24], [caosdb-server#355], [caosdb-server#354], []
Current File Transmission gRPC API
// Stores a single chunk of a file
message FileChunk {
// Temporary identifier containing the file and registration_id.
FileTransmissionId file_transmission_id = 1;
// Binary data of a chunk.
bytes data = 2;
// Temporary identifier of a single file during a transmission.
message FileTransmissionId {
// The registration id which has been issued by the target of the trans
string registration_id = 1;
// A temporary identifier which identifies the file of this chunk. The
// file_id is also used by transaction to associate entities (which are to be
// inserted or updated) with a binary blob.
string file_id = 2;
// Settings for the the file transmission.
message FileTransmissionSettings {
// The maximum chunk size.
int64 max_chunk_size = 1;
// The maximum file size.
int64 max_file_size = 2;
// Indicates whether a registration (for upload or download) has been accepted
// or rejected.
enum RegistrationStatus {
// The registration status is unspecified.
// The registration has been accepted and the client may proceed with the
// actual transmissions.
// The registration has been rejected and the client should not try to
// proceed with the transmission.
// Indicates the state of an upload or a download (a stream of chunks).
enum TransmissionStatus {
// The transmission status is unspecified.
// The transmission has been successful.
// The transmission terminated with errors.
// The transmission is incomplete and the client may send/request the next
// chunk.
// Register a file upload.
message RegisterFileUploadRequest {}
// Response of the file server upon an upload registration request.
message RegisterFileUploadResponse {
// Whether the server accepted or rejected the registration.
RegistrationStatus status = 1;
// The registration id is used to identify chunks and files which belong to
// the same upload .
string registration_id = 2;
// The server's transmission settings for the upload.
FileTransmissionSettings upload_settings = 4;
// Request for a file upload which has been registered previously. Chunks may be
// send in any order.
message FileUploadRequest {
// A single file chunk
FileChunk chunk = 1;
// Response of the server upon a finished FileUpload.
message FileUploadResponse {
// Status of the upload.
TransmissionStatus status = 1;
// Request for a file download which has been registered previously.
message FileDownloadRequest {
// Request the next chunk for this file.
FileTransmissionId file_transmission_id = 1;
// Response containing a chunk of a file.
message FileDownloadResponse {
// Status of the download
TransmissionStatus status = 1;
// A single file chunk
FileChunk chunk = 2;
// File Transaction Service
service FileTransmissionService {
// Register a file upload. This needs to be done prior to the actual upload
// and prior to the transaction request which uses the uploaded files.
rpc RegisterFileUpload(RegisterFileUploadRequest)
returns (RegisterFileUploadResponse);
// The actual file upload. The upload has to be registered prior to this rpc.
rpc FileUpload(stream FileUploadRequest) returns (FileUploadResponse);
// A file download. The download has to be registered prior this rpc in the
// RetrieveRequest.
rpc FileDownload(FileDownloadRequest) returns (stream FileDownloadResponse);
Available tusd hooks
Hook name | Blocking? | Triggered … | Useful for … | Enabled by default? |
pre-create | Yes | before a new upload is created. | validation of meta data, user authentication, specification of custom upload ID | Yes |
post-create | No | after a new upload is created. | registering the upload with the main application, logging of upload begin | Yes |
post-receive | No | regularly while data is being transmitted. | logging upload progress, stopping running uploads | Yes |
pre-finish | Yes | after all upload data has been received but before a response is sent. | sending custom data when an upload is finished | No |
post-finish | No | after all upload data has been received and after a response is sent. | post-processing of upload, logging of upload end | Yes |
post-terminate | No | after an upload has been terminated. | clean up of allocated resources | Yes |
Suggested new API
message Checksum {
string checksum = 1;
string checksum_algorithm = 2;
message FileInformation {
string local_filename = 1;
string target_filename = 2;
int size_bytes = 3;
Checksum checksum = 4;
message RegisterFileUploadRequest {
repeated FileInformation = 1;
message UploadLocation {
string url = 1;
message UploadProtocolVersion {
int major = 1;
int minor = 2;
int patch = 3;
// Response of the file server upon an upload registration request.
message RegisterFileUploadResponse {
RegistrationStatus status = 1;
string registration_id = 2;
FileTransmissionSettings upload_settings = 4;
UploadProtocolVersion version = 5;
repeated UploadLocation location = 6;
service FileTransmissionService {
rpc RegisterFileUpload(RegisterFileUploadRequest)
returns (RegisterFileUploadResponse);
rpc FileUpload(stream FileUploadRequest) returns (FileUploadResponse);
rpc FileDownload(FileDownloadRequest) returns (stream FileDownloadResponse);
Pseudo Python Client:
from tusclient import Uploader
filename = ""
metadata = {}
response = grpc_client.register_file_upload(files=[filename], metadata=metadata)
if not response.status == REGISTRATION_STATUS_ACCEPTED:
uploader = Uploader(filename,
Example Pseudo Python LinkAhead server: The server must implement the InvokeHook
rpc from hook.proto
. The server can then respond to finished uploads (move/rename files, clean up temporary files, verify checksum, ...)
class HookHandler(pb2_grpc.HookHandlerServicer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def InvokeHook(self, hook_request, context):
# Print data from hook request for debugging
print('Received hook request:')
# Prepare hook response structure
hook_response = pb2.HookResponse()
# Example: Use the pre-create hook to check if a filename has been supplied
# using metadata. If not, the upload is rejected with a custom HTTP response.
# In addition, a custom upload ID with a choosable prefix is supplied.
# Metadata is configured, so that it only retains the filename meta data
# and the creation time.
if hook_request.type == 'pre-create':
metaData = hook_request.event.upload.metaData
isValid = 'filename' in metaData
if not isValid:
hook_response.rejectUpload = True
hook_response.httpResponse.statusCode = 400
hook_response.httpResponse.body = 'no filename provided'
hook_response.httpResponse.headers['X-Some-Header'] = 'yes'
else: = f'prefix-{uuid.uuid4()}'
hook_response.changeFileInfo.metaData['filename'] = metaData['filename']
hook_response.changeFileInfo.metaData['creation_time'] = time.ctime()
# Example: Use the post-finish hook to print information about a completed upload,
# including its storage location.
if hook_request.type == 'post-finish':
id =
size = hook_request.event.upload.size
storage =
print(f'Upload {id} ({size} bytes) is finished. Find the file at:')
# Print data of hook response for debugging
print('Responding with hook response:')
# Return the hook response to send back to tusd
return hook_response
Happy Path of an Upload via gRPC
- Authenticated LinkAhead client sends request to upload files (via gRPC or HTTP).
- LinkAhead server (internally) requests upload locations from tusd.
- (optional: tusd validates upload request against LinkAhead server via
hook) - LinkAhead client receives upload locations from LinkAhead server.
- LinkAhead client uses tus client to upload files.
- LinkAhead server moves files to target location an inserts file to database after being informed via