Review changes -
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Plain diff
Minimal documentation is written now and shows up on
- Is the documentation correct and complete?
- Is the minimal example enough for users to get started?
- Is it acceptable that the API documentation is outside sphinx?
Test Environment
Build: make doc_clean; make doc
Open the html: xdg-open build/doc/html/index.html
To test the pages build: download the artifact directory from the pipeline, extract it and inspect the index.html
Check List for the Author
Please, prepare your MR for a review. Be sure to write a summary and a focus and create gitlab comments for the reviewer. They should guide the reviewer through the changes, explain your changes and also point out open questions. For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines
All automated tests pass-> integration test is allowed to fail since no corresponding repo exists there. -
Reference related Issues: for caosdb/customers/lfpb/management#417 -
Up-to-date -
Annotations in code (Gitlab comments) - Intent of new code
- Problems with old code
- Why this implementation?
Check List for the Reviewer
I understand the intent of this MR -
All automated tests pass -
Up-to-date -
The test environment setup works and the intended behavior is reproducible in the test environment -
In-code documentation and comments are up-to-date. -
Check: Are there spezifications? Are they satisfied?
For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines.
Add description to how to run unit tests locally
Edited by Timm Fitschen
Merge request reports
Compare and
Show latest version
- version 16e7f2d6e3
- version 15c946bae6
- version 143646f297
- version 133646f297
- version 1291c330e0
- version 11f61693ec
- version 10cb9966d7
- version 95387df2a
- version 81a9c5d8b
- version 7a8c26b78
- version 65fee0f5a
- version 5234fe134
- version 4922b6142
- version 306ead608
- version 206ead608
- version 12ad62967
- dev (base)
- latest version222ccbee24 commits,
- version 16e7f2d6e323 commits,
- version 15c946bae622 commits,
- version 143646f29720 commits,
- version 133646f29720 commits,
- version 1291c330e019 commits,
- version 11f61693ec18 commits,
- version 10cb9966d717 commits,
- version 95387df2a16 commits,
- version 81a9c5d8b15 commits,
- version 7a8c26b7814 commits,
- version 65fee0f5a13 commits,
- version 5234fe13412 commits,
- version 4922b614210 commits,
- version 306ead6089 commits,
- version 206ead60846 commits,
- version 12ad6296745 commits,
Compare changes
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