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Labels 97

  • BugConfirmed
    If this is a documentation or specification issue the missing/inaccurate parts have been identified. If this is about behavior, the defect has successfully been reproduced.
  • An unconfirmend bug is a bug that has not been confirmed yet.
  • CloseAnswered
    This question has been answered. The actual answer should be included in the issue description in an “Answer” section.
  • This task has been completed. The issue description should include the report on any relevant outcome of this task under the “Report” section or a link to a report.
  • This is a duplicate of another issue
  • CloseInvalid
    This issue does not meet any standard or reasonable non-standard requirements to be further processed.
  • CloseObsolete
    This issue was split up into several sub-issues and does not exist on its own any more.
  • CloseRejected
    This feature proposal has been rejected. The decision should be explained in the issue description in the “Rationale” section.
  • CloseResolved
    The feature or bug fix is implemented, tested and documented if necessary and has successfully been reviewed. It can be included into the next release.
  • The issue describes unwanted behavior which is produced by outdated/non- compliant/erroneous/unratable third-party software or it describes something that is not a defect in the first place.
  • The performance problems or defective behavior cannot be reproduced even though the information in the issue seems to be complete or the allegedly missing documentation or spefication is available, accurate and complete.
  • Customers: Einarbeiten in bestehende Umgebung.
  • CustRechnung
    Customers: Rechnungen erstellen
  • CustReporting
    Customers: Stundenübersichten
  • Customer
    requested by customer(s)
  • The enhancement proposal has been accepted.
  • A proposed feature is to be discussed and further specified by the project team who then decides to accept or reject the proposal.
  • Protokolle und Notizen, Kontakte ins CRM eintragen, Issues erstellen
  • Veranstaltungen finden und darüber entscheiden