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DOC: added examples to documentation

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    # How to Develop and Use Libcaosdb
    ## Dependencies
    * See [](
    ## Build
    We use [cmake]( as build tool.
    0. clone/update the subrepo `git submodule update --init proto`
    1. `mkdir build && cd build`
    2. `conan install .. -s "compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11"`
    3. `cmake -B . ..`
    4. `cmake --build .`
    You may also want to install libcaosdb system-wide to
    5. `cmake --install .`
    The default install prefix is `~/.local`. It can be set by adding
    `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/prefix` to the first cmake
    command (3.).
    ### How to build on MacOS
    Instead of the above conan command (2.) use
    2. `conan install .. -s "cppstd=11"`
    and continue as you would when building on a Linux system. You may
    have to add `build/lib/` (or, alternatively after installation,
    `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib`) to your `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` environmental
    ### How to build on Windows
    We use [Visual Studio 2019](
    as compiler. We use [cmake]( as build tool.
    0. clone/update the subrepo `git submodule update --init proto`
    1. `mkdir build`
    2. `cd build`
    3. `conan install .. -g visual_studio -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Release -s compiler.toolset=v142 -s compiler.version=16 -s compiler.runtime=MD --build=missing --update`
    4. `cmake -B . ..`
    5. open ` libcaosdb.sln` with Visual Studio, change the buildtype to `Release`
    and build the project. (You can open Tools/Command Line/Developer Command
    Prompt and execute `msbuild libcaosdb.sln /property:Configuration=Release`)
    ### Creating a Local Conan Package ##
    Building and installing libcaosdb with Conan is just a single command: `make conan-install`
    For MacOS, you probably should adjust the option as mentioned above.
    ### Troubleshooting
    #### `conan install` Fails Due to Missing Prebuilts
    When `conan install` fails during the installation of the dependencies because
    a precompiled package is not available for your specific settings, try adding
    the `--build=missing` option: `conan install .. [ other options
    ] --build=missing`. This should download and compile the sources of the
    #### cmake fails when using the Debug flag
    Depending on the clang version it might be necessary to use additionally the following flag:
    ## Unit Tests
    ### Build
    For the tests there is a slightly different setup required (with option `-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`)
    1. `mkdir build && cd build/`
    2. `conan install .. -s "compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11"`
    3. `cmake -B . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..`
    * If your clang-format version is too old, formatting, linting etc. can be skipped:
    `cmake -B . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D SKIP_LINTING=ON ..`
    4. `cmake --build .`
    ### Run
    In the build directory, run `ctest`
    ### Framework
    We use [GoogleTest]( for unit testing.
    ### Coverage
    We use [gcov]( and
    [lcov]( for generating test coverage
    In the build directory, generate the coverage report by running
    `cmake --build . --target unit_test_coverage`.
    Note that this special target will run the tests again. Thus it is not
    necessary to run `ctest` prior to this target.
    The coverage report can be viewed in a browser by opening
    ## Code Formatting
    * install clang-format on your system.
    * `clang-format -i --verbose $(find test/ src/ include/ -type f -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*")`
    ## Naming Convention
    Please adhere to [Google's C++ naming conventions](
    ## Client Configuration
    You can use a json file for the configuration of the client. See
    `test/test_data/test_caosdb_client.json` for an example. You may use
    `caosdb-client-configuration-schema.json` to validate your schema.
    Typically, you will need to provide the path to your SSL certificate.
    The client will load the configuration file from the first existing
    file in the following locations (precedence from highest to lowest):
    1. A file specified by the environment variable
    2. `$PWD/caosdb_client.json`
    3. `$PWD/caosdb-client.json`
    4. `$PWD/.caosdb_client.json`
    5. `$PWD/.caosdb-client.json`
    6. `$HOME/caosdb_client.json`
    7. `$HOME/caosdb-client.json`
    8. `$HOME/.caosdb_client.json`
    9. `$HOME/.caosdb-client.json`
    ## Documentation
    In the build directory, run
    * `cmake --build . --target doc-doxygen` (generate Doxygen)
    * `cmake --build . --target doc-sphinx` (generate Sphinx)
    \ No newline at end of file
    ......@@ -81,10 +81,19 @@ if (DOXYGEN_FOUND)
    DEPENDS doc-doxygen
    DEPENDS doc-doxygen
    COMMENT "Generating API documentation with Sphinx"
    # Copying files is necessary:
    # Tutorial.rst
    else ()
    message("Sphinx need to be installed to generate the sphinx documentation")
    endif ()
    Connect to a CaosDB server
    See also the hints on how to :doc:`get started<README_SETUP>`, and set-up of
    libcaosdb. In order to connect to a CaosDB server with libcaosdb you first have to configure the
    connection via a configuration file as explained in the :ref:`configuration section <Client Configuration>`. Once the configuration is set up, connecting to the server is
    as easy as
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    You can print the full version of the server that you are connected to (and
    therby test the connection) via:
    .. code:: cpp
    // get version info of the server
    const auto &v_info = connection->GetVersionInfo();
    std::cout << "Server Version: " << v_info->GetMajor() << "."
    << v_info->GetMinor() << "." << v_info->GetPatch() << "-"
    << v_info->GetPreRelease() << "-" << v_info->GetBuild()
    << std::endl;
    Retrieve a Record
    With libcaosdb you can create a transaction
    object, fill it with sub-requests, execute it, and retrieve the
    result(s) . This
    is handy when you want to have several requests in the same transaction.
    However, most of the time, e.g., when retrieving one or multiple
    Records, this is not necessary. libcaosdb provides helper functions so
    you don’t have to worry about transactions and their executions. Assume
    you want to retrieve an Entity with id=123. This is done via
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    auto transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    const auto *id = "1231";
    auto status = transaction->Execute();
    const auto &result_set = transaction->GetResultSet();
    const auto &entity =
    You can then use the getter methods like :cpp:any:`GetId<caosdb::entity::Entity::GetId>`,
    :cpp:any:`GetParents<caosdb::entity::Entity::GetParents>`, or :cpp:any:`GetProperties`<caosdb::entity::Entity::GetProperties>` to get the
    name, the parents, or the properties of the retrieved entity.
    Retrieving multiple entities works in the same way. Type
    .. code:: cpp
    const std::vector<std::string> ids = {"1220", "1221", "1222"};
    transaction->RetrieveById(ids.begin(), ids.end());
    to retrieve the entities with ids 1220, 1221 and 1222. They can then be
    accessed using ```` etc.
    The same (and more) can be achieved by building and executing the
    transaction manually. This is done by
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    auto transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    auto status = transaction->Execute();
    A result set can be obtained
    via :cpp:any:`GetResultSet`<caosdb::transaction::Transaction::GetResultSet>` which contains the resulting entities
    and can, e.g., be checked for length.
    Execute queries
    Executing queries works very similar to the retrieval of entities via
    FIND and SELECT queries
    In general, entities can be found using CaosDB’s query language like
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    auto query_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    query_transaction->Query("FIND ENTITY WITH id = 1222");
    auto result_set = query_transaction->GetResultSet();
    std::cout << "Found " << result_set.size()
    << "entity with id="
    << << std::endl;
    ``result_set`` is a (possibly empty) list of entities that can be
    inspected as above.
    SELECT queries haven't been implemented in the C++ client yet and
    thus cannot be executed from libcaosdb right now. SELECT queries
    will be added in a future release.
    COUNT queries
    COUNT queries are different from FIND or SELECT queries in two ways.
    Firstly, they do not return entities but a single number which is why,
    secondly, they do not have a result set that could be returned.
    The result of the count is
    obtained using the :cpp:any:`GetCountResult<caosdb::transaction::Transaction::GetCountResult>` function:
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    auto query_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    query_transaction->Query("COUNT RECORD person WITH NAME LIKE '*Baggins'");
    std::cout << "Found " << query_transaction->GetCountResult()
    << "entities."<< std::endl;
    Insert, update, and delete entities
    Insert, update and delete operations function the same way. The respective
    task is added to a transaction and the transaction is executed.
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    // ######## INSERT ########
    // create the entity
    Entity entity;
    // create the transaction, add the task and execute the transaction
    auto insert_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    auto insert_status = insert_transaction->Execute();
    const auto &insert_result_set = insert_transaction->GetResultSet();
    // the result is an entity with the new id
    const auto &new_entity =;
    std::cout << "The newly inserted entity has the id "
    << new_entity.GetId() << std::endl;
    // get the inserted entity
    auto retrieve_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    // save the entity from the result set in a new variable
    auto update_entity(retrieve_transaction->GetResultSet().at(0));
    // ######## UPDATE ########
    // and change it
    // create update transaction
    auto update_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    auto update_status = update_transaction->Execute();
    // same as with insert transaction, the update transaction returns an entity
    // with the id
    const auto &updated_entity = update_transaction->GetResultSet().at(0);
    std::cout << "The entity with the id "
    << update_entity.GetId() << "was updated." << std::endl;
    // ######## DELETE ########
    auto delete_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    delete_transaction->DeleteById(updated_entity .GetId());
    auto delete_status = delete_transaction->Execute();
    // again, the delete transaction returns a result set with entities
    // with the ids that where deleted
    const auto &delete_result_set = delete_transaction->GetResultSet();
    Up- and Download a file
    .. code:: cpp
    const auto &connection =
    Entity file;
    // in order to upload a file, the corresponding entity simply has to be
    // inserted
    auto insert_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    // entity in the result set contains the new id
    const auto &insert_results = insert_transaction->GetResultSet();
    const auto &inserted_file =;
    // for the download you need to use the RetrieveAndDownloadFilesById task and
    // supply the path where the file shall be stored
    test_download_file = fs::path("test_download_file_delete_me.dat");
    auto download_transaction(connection->CreateTransaction());
    inserted_file.GetId(), test_download_file.string());
    const auto &download_results = download_transaction->GetResultSet();
    const auto &downloaded_file =;
    # How to Develop and Use Libcaosdb
    ## Dependencies
    * See [](
    ## Build
    We use [cmake]( as build tool.
    0. clone/update the subrepo `git submodule update --init proto`
    1. `mkdir build && cd build`
    2. `conan install .. -s "compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11"`
    3. `cmake -B . ..`
    4. `cmake --build .`
    You may also want to install libcaosdb system-wide to
    5. `cmake --install .`
    The default install prefix is `~/.local`. It can be set by adding
    `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/prefix` to the first cmake
    command (3.).
    ### How to build on MacOS
    Instead of the above conan command (2.) use
    2. `conan install .. -s "cppstd=11"`
    and continue as you would when building on a Linux system. You may
    have to add `build/lib/` (or, alternatively after installation,
    `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib`) to your `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` environmental
    ### How to build on Windows
    We use [Visual Studio 2019](
    as compiler. We use [cmake]( as build tool.
    0. clone/update the subrepo `git submodule update --init proto`
    1. `mkdir build`
    2. `cd build`
    3. `conan install .. -g visual_studio -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Release -s compiler.toolset=v142 -s compiler.version=16 -s compiler.runtime=MD --build=missing --update`
    4. `cmake -B . ..`
    5. open ` libcaosdb.sln` with Visual Studio, change the buildtype to `Release`
    and build the project. (You can open Tools/Command Line/Developer Command
    Prompt and execute `msbuild libcaosdb.sln /property:Configuration=Release`)
    ### Creating a Local Conan Package ##
    Building and installing libcaosdb with Conan is just a single command: `make conan-install`
    For MacOS, you probably should adjust the option as mentioned above.
    ### Troubleshooting
    #### `conan install` Fails Due to Missing Prebuilts
    When `conan install` fails during the installation of the dependencies because
    a precompiled package is not available for your specific settings, try adding
    the `--build=missing` option: `conan install .. [ other options
    ] --build=missing`. This should download and compile the sources of the
    #### cmake fails when using the Debug flag
    Depending on the clang version it might be necessary to use additionally the following flag:
    ## Unit Tests
    ### Build
    For the tests there is a slightly different setup required (with option `-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`)
    1. `mkdir build && cd build/`
    2. `conan install .. -s "compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11"`
    3. `cmake -B . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..`
    * If your clang-format version is too old, formatting, linting etc. can be skipped:
    `cmake -B . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D SKIP_LINTING=ON ..`
    4. `cmake --build .`
    ### Run
    In the build directory, run `ctest`
    ### Framework
    We use [GoogleTest]( for unit testing.
    ### Coverage
    We use [gcov]( and
    [lcov]( for generating test coverage
    In the build directory, generate the coverage report by running
    `cmake --build . --target unit_test_coverage`.
    Note that this special target will run the tests again. Thus it is not
    necessary to run `ctest` prior to this target.
    The coverage report can be viewed in a browser by opening
    ## Code Formatting
    * install clang-format on your system.
    * `clang-format -i --verbose $(find test/ src/ include/ -type f -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*")`
    ## Naming Convention
    Please adhere to [Google's C++ naming conventions](
    ## Client Configuration
    You can use a json file for the configuration of the client. See
    `test/test_data/test_caosdb_client.json` for an example. You may use
    `caosdb-client-configuration-schema.json` to validate your schema.
    Typically, you will need to provide the path to your SSL certificate.
    The client will load the configuration file from the first existing
    file in the following locations (precedence from highest to lowest):
    1. A file specified by the environment variable
    2. `$PWD/caosdb_client.json`
    3. `$PWD/caosdb-client.json`
    4. `$PWD/.caosdb_client.json`
    5. `$PWD/.caosdb-client.json`
    6. `$HOME/caosdb_client.json`
    7. `$HOME/caosdb-client.json`
    8. `$HOME/.caosdb_client.json`
    9. `$HOME/.caosdb-client.json`
    ## Documentation
    In the build directory, run
    * `cmake --build . --target doc-doxygen` (generate Doxygen)
    * `cmake --build . --target doc-sphinx` (generate Sphinx)
    ......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ extensions = [
    "recommonmark" # For markdown files.
    # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
    ......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
    Welcome to |PROJECT_NAME|'s documentation!
    This is work in progress.
    .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 4
    :caption: Contents:
    Welcome <self>
    Getting Started <README_SETUP>
    ......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ alabaster==0.7.12
    0% Loading or .
    You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
    Finish editing this message first!
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