F consolidation
Insert a meaningful description for this merge request here. What is the
new/changed behavior? Which bug has been fixed? Are there related Issues?
Point the reviewer to the core of the code change. Where should they start
reading? What should they focus on (e.g. security, performance,
maintainability, user-friendliness, compliance with the specs, finding more
corner cases, concrete questions)?
Test Environment
How to set up a test environment for manual testing?
Check List for the Author
Please, prepare your MR for a review. Be sure to write a summary and a focus and create gitlab comments for the reviewer. They should guide the reviewer through the changes, explain your changes and also point out open questions. For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines
All automated tests pass -
Reference related Issues -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md -
Annotations in code (Gitlab comments) - Intent of new code
- Problems with old code
- Why this implementation?
Check List for the Reviewer
I understand the intent of this MR -
All automated tests pass -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md -
The test environment setup works and the intended behavior is reproducible in the test environment -
In-code documentation and comments are up-to-date. -
Check: Are there specifications? Are they satisfied?
For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines.
Edited by Henrik tom Wörden
Merge request reports
added 7 commits
9664ee6a...33f388f6 - 6 commits from branch
- db9a94b6 - Merge branch 'f-extended-c' into f-consolidation
9664ee6a...33f388f6 - 6 commits from branch
added 9 commits
db9a94b6...de91228b - 8 commits from branch
- a12c9ac6 - Merge branch 'dev' into f-consolidation
db9a94b6...de91228b - 8 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- ddb79265 - ENH: cmake option -D SKIP_LINTING=ON also affects auto-format now.
added 2 commits
added 13 commits
- b2f50e2c - ENH: New GTest macro, fixed typo.
- a34f7beb - ENH: ColumnLimit increased to 100.
- e5010408 - ENH: New functions getEnumNameFromValue() and getEnumValueFromName()
- 4df5b416 - DOC: Changelog updated.
- 3ce3fae9 - STY: adding a few consts
- 67522b83 - ENH: Convenient list constructor for DataType.
- f4ed997d - ENH: Convenience list argument for SetDataType(..., bool list_type).
- df4efa18 - typo
- bce3a671 - Merge branch 'f-consolidation' into f-enum-utilities
- 91220699 - STY: Use references in for loops and a lot of whitespaces
- 52081b05 - FIX: Trigger Int Tests in dev if there is no matching f branch
- a5b1719b - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/f-consolidation' into f-enum-utilities
- 51f202ec - Merge branch 'f-enum-utilities' into 'f-consolidation'
Toggle commit listmentioned in commit 442869b1
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