# FDO Manager Service
**This is WIP - don't use it unless you want to break things.**
Reference implementation of a RESTful Service API for basic FDO operations.
This service exposes the functionality of the
[FDO Manager SDK](
## Build JAR
mvn clean package
This results in `application/target/fdo-manager-service.application-${version}.jar`
## Run
Either build the application and start the JAR with
java -jar application/target/fdo-manager-service.application-${version}.jar
or start it directly from maven with
mvn spring-boot:run
java -Dmock=true -jar application/target/fdo-manager-service.application-${version}.jar
### Request
By default you can access the service at `http://localhost:8081/api/v1`. Try
curl http://localhost:8081/api/v1/hello
You can view the API specs at `http://localhost:8081/api/v1/swagger-ui/index.html`.
### Stop
Stop the running service with `CTRL-C`.
## Troubleshooting
### Exception on startup
When running the mockup repository as described above, the following exception is shown:
``` ERROR: cannot read repository config directory: repositories
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool.getConfig(
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool.getRepositoryRegistry(
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool.createManager(
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool$2.create(
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool$ManagerAllocator.allocate(
at com.indiscale.fdo.manager.service.ManagerPool$ManagerAllocator.allocate(
at stormpot.ReallocatingAdaptor.allocate(
at stormpot.BAllocThread.alloc(
at stormpot.BAllocThread.increaseSizeByAllocating(
at stormpot.BAllocThread.replenishPool(
at stormpot.BAllocThread.continuouslyReplenishPool(
at java.base/
This configuration is not needed for the mockup repository and can be ignored.
# Contact
* (Lead) Timm Fitschen <>
# License
AGPL 3.0 or later. <>
# Copyright
* Copyright (C) 2024 Timm Fitschen <>
* Copyright (C) 2024 IndiScale GmbH <>