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Combined fixes from reviews

I. Nüske requested to merge f-endpoint-tests-combined-fixes into f-endpoint-tests


Addresses improvements suggested in the reviews of and as well as the enhancements proposed in

  • Added a bash script to auto-build the python client
  • Expanded checks with handle system
  • localhost can be configured with env variable
  • Added a .gitignore
  • Refactors + Style Fixes:
    • Reworked utils, split off assertions and refactored the methods to standardize usage
    • Added API versions to config
    • file paths are now built independent of folder names
    • Removed static methods, example files, .keys()
    • Improved readability
      • Ran autopep8
      • Fixed all pylint errors, warnings, and convention warnings or added ignores where a fix was not feasible


Testing the bash script on another system is necessary. No setup should be needed.

Check List for the Author

  • All automated tests pass
  • Reference related issues
  • Appropriate user and developer documentation for new code
  • Annotations in code (Gitlab comments)

Check List for the Reviewer

  • I understand the intent of this MR
  • All automated tests pass
  • Appropriate user and developer documentation for new code
  • The test environment setup works and the intended behavior is reproducible
  • In-code documentation and comments are up-to-date.
  • The bash script has been tested
Edited by I. Nüske

Merge request reports