- Mar 10, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[REF]: Add preventdefault in all icons, refactor file card and mosaic for download also added stoppropagation. Add section for extra components. [BUG]: chick <input/> is not workng
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
JinSSJ3 authored
17 feat add file card demo page
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[FEAT]: Improve anchor to open new tab when url is not same origin aviding to show the content in the same page
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
- Mar 09, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[FEAT]: Refactor prop in VideoPreview from videoSource to just src and allow that propto be a File or string
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Add file card demo page. Refactor container to fit appropialy with cards. Maybe new components will be required or just only refactor the ones that already exists
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
- Mar 08, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Add FileCard Component, add upload layer, info layer, improve the close info button and tooltip for file card. Refactor FIle CardDemoPage darkmode section to wrap flex forw and minwidth
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Add FileCard component and FileCard demo page. Missing to add upload layer in component. Also missing to decide to delete rightlayer and set abosulte positions for delete button and others. Missing to refactopr some grids flexbox for displaying filecard properly since they are horizontal higher.
- Mar 07, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
JinSSJ3 authored
Add MVP FileMosaicDemoPage
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Add FIleMosaic Demo Localization, upload, darkmode and file icons. Missing to properly set the right menu. Also missing to decide whether to keep the extensive list in FIle mosaic demo page and replicate in File card or to create a new page for the list of icons
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Add FIleMosaic Demo Localization, upload, darkmode and file icons. Missing to properly set the right menu. Also missing to decide whether to keep the extensive list in FIle mosaic demo page and replicate in File card or to create a new page for the list of icons
- Mar 06, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Added validation and image preview demos for File Mosaic. Upload demo is missing to refactor the code to bw shown
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
JinSSJ3 authored
[REF]: 14 ref props table order alpha
JinSSJ3 authored
JinSSJ3 authored
[REF]: 12 refactor fake upload progress message
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[REF]: Imporove support for fake upload progress. Also improved ExtFileObject response to avoid copying undefined attributes from ExtFileInstance
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[FEAT]: Add sort button and sort function in Props table for sorting by name or importance, maybe will be changed to 'relevance'
- Mar 05, 2023
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
[WIP]: Fixed issue that set undefined the uploadMessage. Missing solve issue that copies undefined attributes; However is not critical.
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored
- Mar 03, 2023
JinSSJ3 authored
[FEAT]: 11 fix dropzone upload starts no validation
Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut authored