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Commit 8992996a authored by Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut's avatar Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut
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[FEAT]: Add Basic demo code and sample in fileinputbutton component

parent 0e27cc3c
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import ShowDemoCode from "../../show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode";
const BasicDropzoneCode = ({ splittedOnly = false }) => {
const BasicDropzoneCode = ({ splittedOnly = false, button=false }) => {
return (
export default BasicDropzoneCode;
const splittedCodeJSButton = `<FileInputButton onChange={updateFiles} value={files} />
{ => (
<FileCard key={} {...file} onDelete={removeFile} info />
const splittedCodeTSButton = splittedCodeJSButton;
const splittedCodeJS = `<Dropzone
import { Dropzone, FileMosaic } from "../../../files-ui";
import {
} from "../../../files-ui";
import * as React from "react";
export default function BasicDemoDropzone() {
export default function BasicDemoDropzone({ button }) {
const [files, setFiles] = React.useState([]);
const updateFiles = (incommingFiles) => {
//do something with the files
......@@ -10,6 +15,38 @@ export default function BasicDemoDropzone() {
const removeFile = (id) => {
setFiles(files.filter((x) => !== id));
if (button) {
return (
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "space-evenly",
gap: "10px",
flexWrap: "wrap",
width: "100%",
<FileInputButton onChange={updateFiles} value={files} />
{files.length > 0 && (
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
flexDirection: "column",
{ => (
<FileCard key={} {...file} onDelete={removeFile} info />
return (
<Dropzone onChange={updateFiles} value={files}>
{files.length > 0 &&
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import MainParagraph from "../../components/paragraph-main/MainParagraph";
import RightMenu from "../../components/RightMenu/RightMenu";
import TypeHighlight from "../../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
import AnchorToTab from "../../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
import DemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
import DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
import CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
......@@ -46,9 +47,11 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
The "dropzone" component is a special{" "}
<CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced by the ability to allow
users to drag and drop files there or choose files from a file dialog.
The default <CodeHighlight>{'<input type="file"/>'}</CodeHighlight> is
just a quite boring button. That's why we present the"dropzone"
component is an special <CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced
by the ability to allow users to drag and drop files there or choose
files from a file dialog and also to validate an upload them.
......@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
<section id="basic-dropzone">
<SubTitle content="Basic Dropzone" />
In this demo we set dropzone with the minimum props that allows you
In this demo we set the <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> with the minimum props that allows you
to get your task done fast. These props are{" "}
<CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> and{" "}
import Alert from "@mui/material/Alert/Alert";
import AlertTitle from "@mui/material/AlertTitle/AlertTitle";
import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
import * as React from "react";
interface FileInputButtonDemoPageProps{}
const FileInputButtonDemoPage:React.FC<FileInputButtonDemoPageProps> = (props:FileInputButtonDemoPageProps) =>{
export default FileInputButtonDemoPage;
\ No newline at end of file
import CodeHighlight from "../../components/codeHighlight/CodeHighlight";
import DescParagraph from "../../components/demo-components/desc-paragraph/DescParagraph";
import SubTitle from "../../components/demo-components/sub-title/SubTitle";
import MainContentContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/MainContentContainer";
import MainTitle from "../../components/main-title/MainTitle";
import MainParagraph from "../../components/paragraph-main/MainParagraph";
import TypeHighlight from "../../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
import AnchorToTab from "../../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
import RightMenuContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/RightMenuContainer";
import RightMenu from "../../components/RightMenu/RightMenu";
import BasicDropzoneCodeJS from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS";
import DemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
import DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
import CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
import CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
import DemoDropzoneStyling from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneStyling";
import DemoDropzoneBehaviour from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneBehaviour";
import DemoDropzoneLabel from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneLabel";
import DemoDropzoneDropLayer from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneDropLayer";
import DemoDropzoneClickable from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneClickable";
import DemoDropzoneDisabled from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneDisabled";
import DemoDropzoneRipple from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneRipple";
import CodeDemoDropzoneStyling from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDropzoneDemoStyling";
import CodeDemoDropzoneRipple from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneRipple";
import CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled";
import CodeDemoDropzoneClickable from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneClickable";
import CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer";
import CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour";
import CodeDemoDropzoneLabel from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDropzoneDemoLabel";
import BasicDemoDropzone from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo";
import DemoDropzoneValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneValidation";
import CodeDemoDropzoneValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneValidation";
import DemoDropzoneCustomValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneCustomValidation";
import CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation";
import DemoDropzoneUploading from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneUploading";
import CodeDemoDropzoneUploading from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneUploading";
import DemoDropzoneActionButtons from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons";
import CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons";
interface FileInputButtonDemoPageProps {}
const FileInputButtonDemoPage: React.FC<FileInputButtonDemoPageProps> = (
props: FileInputButtonDemoPageProps
) => {
return (
The default <CodeHighlight>{'<input type="file"/>'}</CodeHighlight> is
just a quite boring button. That's why we present the
"fileinputbutton" component which is an special{" "}
<CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced by the ability to allow
users to choose files from a file dialog and also to validate an
upload them.
The widget is useful for handling one{" "}
<TypeHighlight>File</TypeHighlight> or a list of{" "}
<TypeHighlight>Files</TypeHighlight> in one or more of these
<li>The file(s) must be chosen from a File Dialog</li>
The file(s) must be validated or not. If validation is required,
it can be done by taking into account a predefined set of allowed{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="">
Common MIME Types
; specifiying the max file size (in bytes) and/or the max amount
of files.
<li>The file(s) must be uploaded somewhere in the internet.</li>
This component works perfectly with{" "}
<CodeHighlight>{"<FileMosaic/>"}</CodeHighlight> and
<CodeHighlight>{"<FileCard/>"}</CodeHighlight> components for
displaying the files.
<section id="basic-fileinputbutton">
<SubTitle content="Basic FileInputButton" />
In this demo we set the{" "}
<CodeHighlight>{"<FileInputButton/>"}</CodeHighlight> with the
minimum props that allows you to get your task done fast. These
props are <CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> and{" "}
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<BasicDemoDropzone button />
<BasicDropzoneCodeJS button />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> FileCard </AlertTitle>
For completeness, these examples include{" "}
<CodeHighlight>{`<FileCard/>`} </CodeHighlight>
component for showing the files selected by the user with minimun
props too. For further information of this component check out the{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/components/filecard">FileCard</AnchorToTab>{" "}
<br />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> ExtFile </AlertTitle>
{/* This is an info alert — <strong>check it out!</strong>
<strong>ExtFile type </strong>
is explicity used in the
<strong> Typescript</strong> example and is implicity used in the{" "}
<strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
makes possible the information exchange between components. For
further information about this data type check out the{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
<section id="validation">
<SubTitle content="Validation" />
In this demo you can see how{" "}
<CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component covers the
following features when it comes to validating files.
<li>Accepting specific file types.</li>
<li>Accepting an specific number of files.</li>
<li>Accepting files with an specific size (in bytes).</li>
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneValidation />
<CodeDemoDropzoneValidation />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> Removing non valid Files </AlertTitle>
We call "clean" to the operation of removing non valid files. Apart
from deleting them individually, there are some other ways in which
you can remove all of them. You can try the following props in the{" "}
{"<Dropzone/>"} component:
<TypeHighlight>cleanFiles</TypeHighlight> : This will make
dropzone header to display the "clean" icon which can trigger
the "clean" operation.
<TypeHighlight>actionButtons</TypeHighlight> : By setting this
prop properly, a button will be visible and will trigger the
"clean" operation (This is the way used in this demo).
<TypeHighlight>autoClean</TypeHighlight> : By setting this prop,
non valid files will be automatically discarted and will not be
given in the <CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> event.
<section id="custom-validation">
<SubTitle content="Custom validation" />
You can also override the Dropzone validation operation by giving a
custom validation function that must fit the following signature:{" "}
{"validator?: (f: "}
<AnchorToTab href="">
{") => "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#custom-validate-file-response">
. Custom validator can work together with{" "}
<TypeHighlight>accept</TypeHighlight>,{" "}
<TypeHighlight>maxFileSize</TypeHighlight> and{" "}
<TypeHighlight>maxFiles</TypeHighlight> props.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneCustomValidation />
<CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation />
<section id="uploading">
<SubTitle content="Uploading" />
For uploading , the prop <TypeHighlight>uploadConfig</TypeHighlight>{" "}
must be given. This prop recieves an object in which you can specify
the HTTP method, the url, the headers and also extra data to be
uploaded. The type definition for the prop mentioned can be found{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#UploadConfig">here</AnchorToTab>.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneUploading />
<CodeDemoDropzoneUploading />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> Server response </AlertTitle>
For uploading files through files-ui, server must return the
response with the structure of the{" "}
{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#ServerResponse">
</TypeHighlight>{" "}
<br />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> "fakeUpload" </AlertTitle>
By giving this prop, the {"<Dropzone/>"} component will simulate the
upload operation by randomly set the upload status and message in
ech uploadable <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It also will
set a fake progress.
<br />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> Upload config properties </AlertTitle>
Apart from the properties you can see in the example above, there
are more of them that can make the upload process to behave
<TypeHighlight>autoUpload</TypeHighlight> : By setting this prop
to true, the upload process will start automatically just after
the user drops or selects files.
<TypeHighlight>cleanOnUpload</TypeHighlight> : By setting this
prop, you can control whether the upload process should "clean"
the non valid files before uploading or not By default this
value is true.
More information about the uploadConfig type structure can be found{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#UploadConfig">here</AnchorToTab>.
<section id="action-buttons">
<SubTitle content="Dropzone with action buttons" />
If you need to display buttons that trigger the default events in
the <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component, you
can do it by adding the <TypeHighlight>actionButtons</TypeHighlight>{" "}
prop. This will add buttons to the top or to the bottom of this
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>actionButtons.cleanButton</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will display a button which triggers the clean process.
<br />
This button will be visible only{" "}
<strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>actionButtons.deleteButton</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will display a button which deletes all files.
<br />
this button will be visible only{" "}
<strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>actionButtons.uploadButton</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will display a button which starts the upload process.
This button will <strong>not</strong> be visible{" "}
<strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>actionButtons.abortButton</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will display a button which stops the upload process.
<br />
This button will be visible only{" "}
<strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneActionButtons />
<CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons />
<section id="header-config">
<SubTitle content="Dropzone header config" />
You can use the <TypeHighlight>headerConfig</TypeHighlight> prop to
define what will be displayed in the header.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.customHeader</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will display this prop replacing the entire default
By default all of these values are set to{" "}
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig />
<CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> HeaderConfig </AlertTitle>
There are more options that can be defined such as:
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.deleteFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a delete
button which triggers the delete process.
<br />
This button will be visible only{" "}
<strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.cleanFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a "clean"
buton. This button will be visible only during the "upload"
<br />
button will be visible only{" "}
<strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.uploadFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a button
which starts the upload process.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.uploading</TypeHighlight> prop set
to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a loading
icon <strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.maxFileSize</TypeHighlight> prop set
to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display the max file
size label.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>headerConfig.validFilesCount</TypeHighlight> prop
set to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display the
current count of valid files.
By default all of these values are set to
<TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight>. The complete type definition
can be found{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#header-config">here</AnchorToTab>.
<section id="footer-config">
<SubTitle content="Dropzone footer config" />
You can use the <TypeHighlight>footerConfig</TypeHighlight> prop to
define what will be displayed in the footer.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>footerConfig.customMessage</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will be considered the message to display in the footer.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
<CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
<Alert severity="info">
<AlertTitle> FooterConfig </AlertTitle>
There are more options that can be defined such as:
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>footerConfig.allowedTypesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will hide the
label that indicates the files types allowed. This label will be
hidden <strong>when the "upload" process is active</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
</TypeHighlight>{" "}
prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
display the label with the upload progress. This label will be
visible<strong> only during the "upload" process</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>footerConfig.uploadResultMessage</TypeHighlight>{" "}
prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
display a label at the end of the upload process. This label can{" "}
be visible for 2 seconds just{" "}
<strong>after the "upload" process finishes</strong>.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>footerConfig.noMissingFilesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
display a label when upload starts with no uploadable files.
Dropzone with the{" "}
<TypeHighlight></TypeHighlight> prop set to{" "}
<TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight>defined will override the
styles associated to the footer component.
By default all of these values are set to
<br />
The complete type definition can be found{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/types#footer-config">here</AnchorToTab>.
<section id="styling">
<SubTitle content="Styling Dropzone" />
You can use change the look and feel of the{" "}
<CodeHighlight>Dropzone</CodeHighlight> component
Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>color</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will use this color for border, drop layer, font color
and ripple.
Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>minHeight</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will use this value to define the minimum height of the
Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>background</TypeHighlight> prop
defined will use this value for the background. You can set nice
gradients or even a background image.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneStyling />
<CodeDemoDropzoneStyling />
<section id="label">
<SubTitle content="Label" />
You can specify a fixed label for{" "}
<CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component to display
when there isn't any files.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneLabel />
<CodeDemoDropzoneLabel />
<section id="ripple">
<SubTitle content="Ripple" />
According to{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="">
Material Design
, the Ripple component provides a radial action in the form of a
visual ripple expanding outward from the user's touch. Ripple is a
visual form of feedback for touch events providing users a clear
signal that an element is being touched. In this component, a ripple
is displayed after 2 user actions:
<li>When user clicks or touches the component.</li>
<li>Just after user dropped files.</li>
For disabling the ripple effect you can set the{" "}
<TypeHighlight>disableRipple</TypeHighlight> prop to true.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneRipple />
<CodeDemoDropzoneRipple />
<section id="disabled">
<SubTitle content="Disabled Dropzone" />
According to{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="">
Material Design
</AnchorToTab>{" "}
a disabled state communicates when a component or element isn’t
interactive, and should be deemphasized in a UI.
<TypeHighlight>disabled</TypeHighlight> prop to true.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneDisabled />
<CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled />
<section id="clickable">
<SubTitle content="Clickable Dropzone" />
Dropzone with the
<TypeHighlight>clickable</TypeHighlight> prop set to false will not
open the file dialog to select files when user clicks the component.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneClickable />
<CodeDemoDropzoneClickable />
<section id="drop-layer">
<SubTitle content="Drop Layer" />
Dropzone with the
<TypeHighlight>dropOnLayer</TypeHighlight> prop set to false will
not perform the drop operation in a layer that covers the complete
component container.
<br />
In this demo try to drag and drop files in both dropzones to see the
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneDropLayer />
<CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer />
<section id="add-or-replace">
<SubTitle content="Add or replace files" />
There are 2 different behaviours when user selects or drops new
Dropzone with the <CodeHighlight>behaviour</CodeHighlight> set
to <TypeHighlight>"add"</TypeHighlight> will add the new files
to the current array of ExtFiles.
Dropzone with the <CodeHighlight>behaviour</CodeHighlight> set
to <TypeHighlight>"replace"</TypeHighlight> will replace the
current array of ExtFiles with the new ones.
In this demo try to select or drop files more than once on each
dropzone to see the difference.
<Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneBehaviour />
<CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour />
<section id="localization">
<SubTitle content="Localization" />
The localization demo for this component can be found in the{" "}
<AnchorToTab href="/localization">localization page</AnchorToTab>
{/* <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
<DemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
<CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig /> */}
<section id="api">
<SubTitle content="API" />
See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the
props and classes available to the components mentioned here.
<AnchorToTab href="/api/dropzone">
{"<Dropzone />"}
<AnchorToTab href="/api/filemosaic">
{"<FileMosaic />"}
<RightMenu width="240px" items={rightMenuItems} />
export default FileInputButtonDemoPage;
const rightMenuItems = [
id: 0,
label: "Basic file input",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#basic-fileinputbutton",
id: 1,
label: "Validation",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#validation",
id: 2,
label: "Custom validation",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#custom-validation",
id: 3,
label: "Uploading",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#uploading",
/* {
id: 4,
label: "Dropzone events",
referTo: "/components/dropzone#dropzone-events",
}, */
id: 5,
label: "Action buttons",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#action-buttons",
id: 6,
label: "Styling",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#styling",
id: 14,
label: "Label",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#label",
id: 8,
label: "Ripple",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#ripple",
id: 11,
label: "Disabled",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#disabled",
id: 15,
label: "Add or replace",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#add-or-replace",
id: 7,
label: "Localization",
referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#localization",
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