diff --git a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS.jsx b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS.jsx
index 8de8378c08e8d7c284cc5714702c5db0d9fd2f4c..73d271fe79b40a69dff611025989632bc0a47a06 100644
--- a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS.jsx
+++ b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS.jsx
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
 import ShowDemoCode from "../../show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode";
-const BasicDropzoneCode = ({ splittedOnly = false }) => {
+const BasicDropzoneCode = ({ splittedOnly = false, button=false }) => {
   return (
-      codeCompleteJS={completeCodeJS}
-      codeCompleteTS={completeCodeTS}
+      codeCompleteJS={button?splittedCodeJSButton:completeCodeJS}
+      codeCompleteTS={button?splittedCodeTSButton:completeCodeTS}
-      codeSplittedJS={splittedCodeJS}
-      codeSplittedTS={splittedCodeTS}
+      codeSplittedJS={button?splittedCodeJSButton:splittedCodeJS}
+      codeSplittedTS={button?splittedCodeTSButton:splittedCodeTS}
 export default BasicDropzoneCode;
+const splittedCodeJSButton = `<FileInputButton onChange={updateFiles} value={files} />
+{files.map((file) => (
+  <FileCard key={file.id} {...file} onDelete={removeFile} info />
+const splittedCodeTSButton = splittedCodeJSButton;
 const splittedCodeJS = `<Dropzone
diff --git a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo.jsx b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo.jsx
index 29bd9d13c7c74843ce757b2c85f0a6f2f56bb05a..c9f440ed1c814309ee0895965c3c4a540089c1cd 100644
--- a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo.jsx
+++ b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo.jsx
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-import { Dropzone, FileMosaic } from "../../../files-ui";
+import {
+  Dropzone,
+  FileCard,
+  FileInputButton,
+  FileMosaic,
+} from "../../../files-ui";
 import * as React from "react";
-export default function BasicDemoDropzone() {
+export default function BasicDemoDropzone({ button }) {
   const [files, setFiles] = React.useState([]);
   const updateFiles = (incommingFiles) => {
     //do something with the files
@@ -10,6 +15,38 @@ export default function BasicDemoDropzone() {
   const removeFile = (id) => {
     setFiles(files.filter((x) => x.id !== id));
+  if (button) {
+    return (
+      <div
+        style={{
+          display: "flex",
+          alignItems: "center",
+          justifyContent: "space-evenly",
+          gap: "10px",
+          flexWrap: "wrap",
+          width: "100%",
+        }}
+      >
+        <FileInputButton onChange={updateFiles} value={files} />
+        {files.length > 0 && (
+          <div
+            style={{
+              display: "flex",
+              alignItems: "center",
+              justifyContent: "center",
+              flexDirection: "column",
+              gap:"5px",
+              minWidth:"50%"
+            }}
+          >
+            {files.map((file) => (
+              <FileCard key={file.id} {...file} onDelete={removeFile} info />
+            ))}
+          </div>
+        )}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
   return (
     <Dropzone onChange={updateFiles} value={files}>
       {files.length > 0 &&
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx b/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
index bcfc979f2e3058ac3be2bce5b1101711c21ae009..935aac1ca78027994b5016d2fc9e385a202ebfa0 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import MainParagraph from "../../components/paragraph-main/MainParagraph";
 import RightMenu from "../../components/RightMenu/RightMenu";
 import TypeHighlight from "../../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
 import AnchorToTab from "../../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
 import DemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
 import DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
 import CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
@@ -46,9 +47,11 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
-          The "dropzone" component is a special{" "}
-          <CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced by the ability to allow
-          users to drag and drop files there or choose files from a file dialog.
+          The default <CodeHighlight>{'<input type="file"/>'}</CodeHighlight> is
+          just a quite boring button. That's why we present the"dropzone"
+          component is an special <CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced
+          by the ability to allow users to drag and drop files there or choose
+          files from a file dialog and also to validate an upload them.
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
         <section id="basic-dropzone">
           <SubTitle content="Basic Dropzone" />
-            In this demo we set dropzone with the minimum props that allows you
+            In this demo we set the <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> with the minimum props that allows you
             to get your task done fast. These props are{" "}
             <CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> and{" "}
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx b/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
index 144f5d4a4ac9a542583b82c3b69d702ace3a73e8..975fc1c13c3fa553d9a854da9ecded0ccb7c07f7 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,715 @@
+import Alert from "@mui/material/Alert/Alert";
+import AlertTitle from "@mui/material/AlertTitle/AlertTitle";
+import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
 import * as React from "react";
-interface FileInputButtonDemoPageProps{}
-const FileInputButtonDemoPage:React.FC<FileInputButtonDemoPageProps> = (props:FileInputButtonDemoPageProps) =>{
-    return(
-        <div>
-        FileInputButtonDemoPage
-        </div>
-    )
-export default FileInputButtonDemoPage;
\ No newline at end of file
+import CodeHighlight from "../../components/codeHighlight/CodeHighlight";
+import DescParagraph from "../../components/demo-components/desc-paragraph/DescParagraph";
+import SubTitle from "../../components/demo-components/sub-title/SubTitle";
+import MainContentContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/MainContentContainer";
+import MainTitle from "../../components/main-title/MainTitle";
+import MainParagraph from "../../components/paragraph-main/MainParagraph";
+import TypeHighlight from "../../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+import AnchorToTab from "../../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
+import RightMenuContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/RightMenuContainer";
+import RightMenu from "../../components/RightMenu/RightMenu";
+import BasicDropzoneCodeJS from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneCodeJS";
+import DemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
+import DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig";
+import DemoDropzoneStyling from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneStyling";
+import DemoDropzoneBehaviour from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneBehaviour";
+import DemoDropzoneLabel from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneLabel";
+import DemoDropzoneDropLayer from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneDropLayer";
+import DemoDropzoneClickable from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneClickable";
+import DemoDropzoneDisabled from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneDisabled";
+import DemoDropzoneRipple from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneRipple";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneStyling from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDropzoneDemoStyling";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneRipple from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneRipple";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneClickable from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneClickable";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneLabel from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDropzoneDemoLabel";
+import BasicDemoDropzone from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/BasicDropzoneDemo";
+import DemoDropzoneValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneValidation";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneValidation";
+import DemoDropzoneCustomValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneCustomValidation";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation";
+import DemoDropzoneUploading from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneUploading";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneUploading from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneUploading";
+import DemoDropzoneActionButtons from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons";
+import CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons from "../../components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons";
+interface FileInputButtonDemoPageProps {}
+const FileInputButtonDemoPage: React.FC<FileInputButtonDemoPageProps> = (
+  props: FileInputButtonDemoPageProps
+) => {
+  return (
+    <React.Fragment>
+      <MainContentContainer>
+        <MainTitle>FileInputButton</MainTitle>
+        <MainParagraph>
+          The default <CodeHighlight>{'<input type="file"/>'}</CodeHighlight> is
+          just a quite boring button. That's why we present the
+          "fileinputbutton" component which is an special{" "}
+          <CodeHighlight>input</CodeHighlight> enhanced by the ability to allow
+          users to choose files from a file dialog and also to validate an
+          upload them.
+        </MainParagraph>
+        <DescParagraph>
+          The widget is useful for handling one{" "}
+          <TypeHighlight>File</TypeHighlight> or a list of{" "}
+          <TypeHighlight>Files</TypeHighlight> in one or more of these
+          scenarios:
+          <ol>
+            <li>The file(s) must be chosen from a File Dialog</li>
+            <li>
+              The file(s) must be validated or not. If validation is required,
+              it can be done by taking into account a predefined set of allowed{" "}
+              <AnchorToTab href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#accept">
+                Common MIME Types
+              </AnchorToTab>
+              ; specifiying the max file size (in bytes) and/or the max amount
+              of files.
+            </li>
+            <li>The file(s) must be uploaded somewhere in the internet.</li>
+          </ol>
+        </DescParagraph>
+        <DescParagraph>
+          This component works perfectly with{" "}
+          <CodeHighlight>{"<FileMosaic/>"}</CodeHighlight> and
+          <CodeHighlight>{"<FileCard/>"}</CodeHighlight> components for
+          displaying the files.
+        </DescParagraph>
+        <section id="basic-fileinputbutton">
+          <SubTitle content="Basic FileInputButton" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            In this demo we set the{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>{"<FileInputButton/>"}</CodeHighlight> with the
+            minimum props that allows you to get your task done fast. These
+            props are <CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> and{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>value</CodeHighlight>.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <BasicDemoDropzone button />
+          </Paper>
+          <BasicDropzoneCodeJS button />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> FileCard </AlertTitle>
+            For completeness, these examples include{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>{`<FileCard/>`} </CodeHighlight>
+            component for showing the files selected by the user with minimun
+            props too. For further information of this component check out the{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/components/filecard">FileCard</AnchorToTab>{" "}
+            page.
+          </Alert>
+          <br />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> ExtFile </AlertTitle>
+            {/*  This is an info alert — <strong>check it out!</strong>
+             */}
+            <strong>ExtFile type </strong>
+            is explicity used in the
+            <strong> Typescript</strong> example and is implicity used in the{" "}
+            <strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
+            makes possible the information exchange between components. For
+            further information about this data type check out the{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
+          </Alert>
+        </section>
+        <section id="validation">
+          <SubTitle content="Validation" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            In this demo you can see how{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component covers the
+            following features when it comes to validating files.
+            <ol>
+              <li>Accepting specific file types.</li>
+              <li>Accepting an specific number of files.</li>
+              <li>Accepting files with an specific size (in bytes).</li>
+            </ol>
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneValidation />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneValidation />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> Removing non valid Files </AlertTitle>
+            We call "clean" to the operation of removing non valid files. Apart
+            from deleting them individually, there are some other ways in which
+            you can remove all of them. You can try the following props in the{" "}
+            {"<Dropzone/>"} component:
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                <TypeHighlight>cleanFiles</TypeHighlight> : This will make
+                dropzone header to display the "clean" icon which can trigger
+                the "clean" operation.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <TypeHighlight>actionButtons</TypeHighlight> : By setting this
+                prop properly, a button will be visible and will trigger the
+                "clean" operation (This is the way used in this demo).
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <TypeHighlight>autoClean</TypeHighlight> : By setting this prop,
+                non valid files will be automatically discarted and will not be
+                given in the <CodeHighlight>onChange</CodeHighlight> event.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </Alert>
+        </section>
+        <section id="custom-validation">
+          <SubTitle content="Custom validation" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            You can also override the Dropzone validation operation by giving a
+            custom validation function that must fit the following signature:{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>
+              {"validator?: (f: "}
+              <AnchorToTab href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File">
+                File
+              </AnchorToTab>
+              {") => "}
+              <AnchorToTab href="/types#custom-validate-file-response">
+                CustomValidateFileResponse
+              </AnchorToTab>
+            </CodeHighlight>
+            . Custom validator can work together with{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>accept</TypeHighlight>,{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>maxFileSize</TypeHighlight> and{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>maxFiles</TypeHighlight> props.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneCustomValidation />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneCustomValidation />
+        </section>
+        <section id="uploading">
+          <SubTitle content="Uploading" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            For uploading , the prop <TypeHighlight>uploadConfig</TypeHighlight>{" "}
+            must be given. This prop recieves an object in which you can specify
+            the HTTP method, the url, the headers and also extra data to be
+            uploaded. The type definition for the prop mentioned can be found{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#UploadConfig">here</AnchorToTab>.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneUploading />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneUploading />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> Server response </AlertTitle>
+            For uploading files through files-ui, server must return the
+            response with the structure of the{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>
+              {" "}
+              <AnchorToTab href="/types#ServerResponse">
+                ServerResponse
+              </AnchorToTab>
+            </TypeHighlight>{" "}
+            type.
+          </Alert>
+          <br />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> "fakeUpload" </AlertTitle>
+            By giving this prop, the {"<Dropzone/>"} component will simulate the
+            upload operation by randomly set the upload status and message in
+            ech uploadable <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It also will
+            set a fake progress.
+          </Alert>
+          <br />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> Upload config properties </AlertTitle>
+            Apart from the properties you can see in the example above, there
+            are more of them that can make the upload process to behave
+            differently.
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                <TypeHighlight>autoUpload</TypeHighlight> : By setting this prop
+                to true, the upload process will start automatically just after
+                the user drops or selects files.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <TypeHighlight>cleanOnUpload</TypeHighlight> : By setting this
+                prop, you can control whether the upload process should "clean"
+                the non valid files before uploading or not By default this
+                value is true.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            More information about the uploadConfig type structure can be found{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#UploadConfig">here</AnchorToTab>.
+          </Alert>
+        </section>
+        <section id="action-buttons">
+          <SubTitle content="Dropzone with action buttons" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            If you need to display buttons that trigger the default events in
+            the <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component, you
+            can do it by adding the <TypeHighlight>actionButtons</TypeHighlight>{" "}
+            prop. This will add buttons to the top or to the bottom of this
+            component.
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>actionButtons.cleanButton</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will display a button which triggers the clean process.
+                <br />
+                This button will be visible only{" "}
+                <strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>actionButtons.deleteButton</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will display a button which deletes all files.
+                <br />
+                this button will be visible only{" "}
+                <strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>actionButtons.uploadButton</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will display a button which starts the upload process.
+                This button will <strong>not</strong> be visible{" "}
+                <strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>actionButtons.abortButton</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will display a button which stops the upload process.
+                <br />
+                This button will be visible only{" "}
+                <strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneActionButtons />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons />
+        </section>
+        <section id="header-config">
+          <SubTitle content="Dropzone header config" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            You can use the <TypeHighlight>headerConfig</TypeHighlight> prop to
+            define what will be displayed in the header.
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.customHeader</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will display this prop replacing the entire default
+                header.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            By default all of these values are set to{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight>.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneHeaderConfig />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneHeaderConfig />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> HeaderConfig </AlertTitle>
+            There are more options that can be defined such as:
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.deleteFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
+                to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a delete
+                button which triggers the delete process.
+                <br />
+                This button will be visible only{" "}
+                <strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.cleanFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
+                to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a "clean"
+                buton. This button will be visible only during the "upload"
+                process.
+                <br />
+                button will be visible only{" "}
+                <strong>when the "upload" process is not active</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.uploadFiles</TypeHighlight> prop set
+                to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a button
+                which starts the upload process.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.uploading</TypeHighlight> prop set
+                to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display a loading
+                icon <strong>during the "upload" process</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.maxFileSize</TypeHighlight> prop set
+                to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display the max file
+                size label.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>headerConfig.validFilesCount</TypeHighlight> prop
+                set to <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight> will display the
+                current count of valid files.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            By default all of these values are set to
+            <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight>. The complete type definition
+            can be found{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#header-config">here</AnchorToTab>.
+          </Alert>
+        </section>
+        <section id="footer-config">
+          <SubTitle content="Dropzone footer config" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            You can use the <TypeHighlight>footerConfig</TypeHighlight> prop to
+            define what will be displayed in the footer.
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.customMessage</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will be considered the message to display in the footer.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
+          <Alert severity="info">
+            <AlertTitle> FooterConfig </AlertTitle>
+            There are more options that can be defined such as:
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.allowedTypesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
+                prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will hide the
+                label that indicates the files types allowed. This label will be
+                hidden <strong>when the "upload" process is active</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>
+                  footerConfig.uploadProgressMessage
+                </TypeHighlight>{" "}
+                prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
+                display the label with the upload progress. This label will be
+                visible<strong> only during the "upload" process</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.uploadResultMessage</TypeHighlight>{" "}
+                prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
+                display a label at the end of the upload process. This label can{" "}
+                be visible for 2 seconds just{" "}
+                <strong>after the "upload" process finishes</strong>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.noMissingFilesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
+                prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
+                display a label when upload starts with no uploadable files.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.style</TypeHighlight> prop set to{" "}
+                <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight>defined will override the
+                styles associated to the footer component.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            By default all of these values are set to
+            <TypeHighlight>true</TypeHighlight>.
+            <br />
+            The complete type definition can be found{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#footer-config">here</AnchorToTab>.
+          </Alert>
+        </section>
+        <section id="styling">
+          <SubTitle content="Styling Dropzone" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            You can use change the look and feel of the{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>Dropzone</CodeHighlight> component
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>color</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will use this color for border, drop layer, font color
+                and ripple.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>minHeight</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will use this value to define the minimum height of the
+                component.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the <TypeHighlight>background</TypeHighlight> prop
+                defined will use this value for the background. You can set nice
+                gradients or even a background image.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneStyling />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneStyling />
+        </section>
+        <section id="label">
+          <SubTitle content="Label" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            You can specify a fixed label for{" "}
+            <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component to display
+            when there isn't any files.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneLabel />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneLabel />
+        </section>
+        <section id="ripple">
+          <SubTitle content="Ripple" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            According to{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="https://m2.material.io/develop/ios/supporting/ripple">
+              Material Design
+            </AnchorToTab>
+            , the Ripple component provides a radial action in the form of a
+            visual ripple expanding outward from the user's touch. Ripple is a
+            visual form of feedback for touch events providing users a clear
+            signal that an element is being touched. In this component, a ripple
+            is displayed after 2 user actions:
+            <ul>
+              <li>When user clicks or touches the component.</li>
+              <li>Just after user dropped files.</li>
+            </ul>
+            For disabling the ripple effect you can set the{" "}
+            <TypeHighlight>disableRipple</TypeHighlight> prop to true.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneRipple />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneRipple />
+        </section>
+        <section id="disabled">
+          <SubTitle content="Disabled Dropzone" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            According to{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="https://m2.material.io/develop/ios/supporting/ripple">
+              Material Design
+            </AnchorToTab>{" "}
+            a disabled state communicates when a component or element isn’t
+            interactive, and should be deemphasized in a UI.
+            <TypeHighlight>disabled</TypeHighlight> prop to true.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneDisabled />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneDisabled />
+        </section>
+        <section id="clickable">
+          <SubTitle content="Clickable Dropzone" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            Dropzone with the
+            <TypeHighlight>clickable</TypeHighlight> prop set to false will not
+            open the file dialog to select files when user clicks the component.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneClickable />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneClickable />
+        </section>
+        <section id="drop-layer">
+          <SubTitle content="Drop Layer" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            Dropzone with the
+            <TypeHighlight>dropOnLayer</TypeHighlight> prop set to false will
+            not perform the drop operation in a layer that covers the complete
+            component container.
+            <br />
+            In this demo try to drag and drop files in both dropzones to see the
+            difference.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneDropLayer />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneDropLayer />
+        </section>
+        <section id="add-or-replace">
+          <SubTitle content="Add or replace files" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            There are 2 different behaviours when user selects or drops new
+            files:
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the <CodeHighlight>behaviour</CodeHighlight> set
+                to <TypeHighlight>"add"</TypeHighlight> will add the new files
+                to the current array of ExtFiles.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                Dropzone with the <CodeHighlight>behaviour</CodeHighlight> set
+                to <TypeHighlight>"replace"</TypeHighlight> will replace the
+                current array of ExtFiles with the new ones.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            In this demo try to select or drop files more than once on each
+            dropzone to see the difference.
+          </DescParagraph>
+          <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+            <DemoDropzoneBehaviour />
+          </Paper>
+          <CodeDemoDropzoneBehaviour />
+        </section>
+        <section id="localization">
+          <SubTitle content="Localization" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            The localization demo for this component can be found in the{" "}
+            <AnchorToTab href="/localization">localization page</AnchorToTab>
+          </DescParagraph>
+          {/*   <Paper variant="outlined" style={{ padding: "25px" }}>
+          <DemoDropzoneFooterConfig />
+        </Paper>
+        <CodeDemoDropzoneFooterConfig /> */}
+        </section>
+        <section id="api">
+          <SubTitle content="API" />
+          <DescParagraph>
+            See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the
+            props and classes available to the components mentioned here.
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                <CodeHighlight>
+                  <AnchorToTab href="/api/dropzone">
+                    {"<Dropzone />"}
+                  </AnchorToTab>
+                </CodeHighlight>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <CodeHighlight>
+                  <AnchorToTab href="/api/filemosaic">
+                    {"<FileMosaic />"}
+                  </AnchorToTab>
+                </CodeHighlight>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </DescParagraph>
+        </section>
+      </MainContentContainer>
+      <RightMenuContainer>
+        <RightMenu width="240px" items={rightMenuItems} />
+      </RightMenuContainer>
+    </React.Fragment>
+  );
+export default FileInputButtonDemoPage;
+const rightMenuItems = [
+  {
+    id: 0,
+    label: "Basic file input",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#basic-fileinputbutton",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 1,
+    label: "Validation",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#validation",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 2,
+    label: "Custom validation",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#custom-validation",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 3,
+    label: "Uploading",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#uploading",
+  },
+  /*  {
+      id: 4,
+      label: "Dropzone events",
+      referTo: "/components/dropzone#dropzone-events",
+    }, */
+  {
+    id: 5,
+    label: "Action buttons",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#action-buttons",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 6,
+    label: "Styling",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#styling",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 14,
+    label: "Label",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#label",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 8,
+    label: "Ripple",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#ripple",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 11,
+    label: "Disabled",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#disabled",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 15,
+    label: "Add or replace",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#add-or-replace",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 7,
+    label: "Localization",
+    referTo: "/components/fileinputbutton#localization",
+  },