Server error when trying to change the password of a user which is authenticated via PAM
Created by: Quazgar
I tried to change the password of admin with admin-tools of pylib/utils. The admin user is included from PAM and this resulted in a server error.
Imported comments:
By Timm Fitschen on 2021-02-26T11:25:45.660Z
marked this issue as related to #121 (closed)
By Alexander Schlemmer on 2020-10-28T13:17:51.266Z
Solution: A meaningful message should be displayed instead of changing the password.
By Timm Fitschen on 2019-09-03T06:27:50.595Z
changed due date to October 02, 2019
By Timm Fitschen on 2019-08-30T06:26:58.805Z
assigned to @timm.fitschen and unassigned @quazgar
By Timm Fitschen on 2019-08-30T06:26:53.945Z
changed due date to September 04, 2019
By Quazgar on 2019-08-13T09:56:20.366Z
@henrik_indiscale Should this stay assigned to me?
- A meaningful error message is displayed whenever a user outside CaosDB realm is tried to be edited.