F tables converter
Two new converters:
- XLSXConverter (using pd.read_excel)
- CSVConverter (using pd.read_csv)
... both responsible for converting tables to structure elements.
Both table converters use existing structure elements:
- The rows of the table become DictDictElements
- The columns can then be crawled using the created Dict*Elements
Both converters accept a lot of options as defined by the pandas library. All options supported by the converters are explicitly enabled using the get_options function.
- Please check whether the enabled options are reasonable. Do we need more?
- Are there enough unit tests for the majority of cases?
- Does the reuse of DictDictElements make sense or are there important limitations?
Test Environment
There are unit tests provided in this MR.
Check List for the Author
Please, prepare your MR for a review. Be sure to write a summary and a focus and create gitlab comments for the reviewer. They should guide the reviewer through the changes, explain your changes and also point out open questions. For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines
All automated tests pass -
Reference related issues -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md (or not necessary) -
Annotations in code (Gitlab comments) - Intent of new code
- Problems with old code
- Why this implementation?
Check List for the Reviewer
I understand the intent of this MR -
All automated tests pass -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md (or not necessary) -
The test environment setup works and the intended behavior is reproducible in the test environment -
In-code documentation and comments are up-to-date. -
Check: Are there specifications? Are they satisfied?
For further good practices have a look at our review guidelines.
Edited by Alexander Schlemmer