Building shared libraries on Windows fails
The setup in the does not work.
How to build on Windows
We use `Visual Studio
2019 <>`__
as compiler. We use `cmake <>`__ as build
1. clone/update the subrepo ``git submodule update --init proto``
2. ``mkdir build``
3. ``cd build``
4. ``conan install .. -g visual_studio -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Release -s compiler.toolset=v142 -s compiler.version=16 -s compiler.runtime=MD --build=missing --update``
5. ``cmake -B . ..``
6. open ``libcaosdb.sln`` with Visual Studio, change the buildtype to
``Release`` and build the project. (You can open Tools/Command
Line/Developer Command Prompt and execute
``msbuild libcaosdb.sln /property:Configuration=Release``)
Edited by Joscha Schmiedt