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F schema export references

Merged Florian Spreckelsen requested to merge f-schema-export-references into dev
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@@ -42,10 +42,23 @@ def _mock_execute_query(query_string, unique=False, **kwargs):
referencing_type_rt = db.RecordType(name="ReferencingType")
referencing_type_records = db.Container().extend([
db.Record(id=104, name="referencing").add_parent(referencing_type_rt)
all_files.append(db.File(id=105, name="GenericFile.txt"))
if query_string == "SELECT name, id FROM RECORD 'OtherType'":
return other_type_records
elif query_string == "FIND RECORDTYPE WITH name='OtherType'" and unique is True:
return other_type_rt
elif query_string == "SELECT name, id FROM RECORD 'ReferencingType'":
return referencing_type_records
elif query_string == "FIND RECORDTYPE WITH name='ReferencingType'" and unique is True:
return referencing_type_rt
elif query_string == "SELECT name, id FROM RECORD":
return all_records
elif query_string == "SELECT name, id FROM FILE":
@@ -289,6 +302,25 @@ def test_rt_with_references():
db.execute_query("SELECT name, id FROM FILE"))
assert "oneOf" not in props["RefProp"]
example = {
"RefProp": "101, otherB"
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": "23, I don't exist"
with raises(ValidationError):
# Wrong enum value
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": {
"IntegerProp": 12
with raises(ValidationError):
# Can't have objects in generic references
validate(example, schema)
rt = db.RecordType()
rt.add_property(name="RefProp", datatype="OtherType")
rt.add_property(name="OtherTextProp", datatype=db.TEXT)
@@ -321,6 +353,19 @@ def test_rt_with_references():
assert "OtherTextProp" in props
assert props["OtherTextProp"]["type"] == "string"
example = {
"RefProp": {
"IntegerProp": 12
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": "101, otherB",
"OtherTextProp": "something"
validate(example, schema)
rt = db.RecordType(name="TestType", description="Some description")
rt.add_property(name="RefProp", datatype=db.LIST(db.REFERENCE),
description="I'm a list of references.")
@@ -343,10 +388,75 @@ def test_rt_with_references():
assert "oneOf" not in items
assert "description" not in items
example = {
"RefProp": "101, otherB"
with raises(ValidationError):
# Should be list but isn't
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": ["101, otherB"]
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": ["101, otherB", "102", "104, referencing"]
validate(example, schema)
rt = db.RecordType()
rt.add_property(name="RefProp", datatype=db.LIST("OtherType"))
schema = rtjs(rt)
schema = rtjs(rt, additional_properties=False,
assert schema["additionalProperties"] is False
assert "name" in schema["properties"]
assert schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
assert "description" in schema["properties"]
assert schema["properties"]["description"]["type"] == "string"
assert "RefProp" in schema["properties"]
assert schema["properties"]["RefProp"]["type"] == "array"
assert "additionalProperties" not in schema["properties"]["RefProp"]
assert "items" in schema["properties"]["RefProp"]
items = schema["properties"]["RefProp"]["items"]
assert "oneOf" in items
assert len(items["oneOf"]) == 2
# same as above, we can't rely on the order
enum_index = 0
if "enum" not in items["oneOf"][enum_index]:
enum_index = 1 - enum_index
assert "enum" in items["oneOf"][enum_index]
assert isinstance(items["oneOf"][enum_index]["enum"], list)
assert len(items["oneOf"][enum_index]["enum"]) == 3
assert "100, otherA" in items["oneOf"][enum_index]["enum"]
assert "101, otherB" in items["oneOf"][enum_index]["enum"]
assert "102" in items["oneOf"][enum_index]["enum"]
other_type = items["oneOf"][1 - enum_index]
assert other_type["type"] == "object"
assert other_type["additionalProperties"] is False
assert "IntegerProp" in other_type["properties"]
assert len(other_type["required"]) == 1
assert "IntegerProp" in other_type["required"]
example = {
"RefProp": ["101, otherB", "102", "104, referencing"]
with raises(ValidationError):
# Wrong value in enum
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": [{"IntegerProp": 12}]
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": [{"IntegerProp": 12, "additionalProperty": "something"}]
with raises(ValidationError):
# we have additional_properties=False which propagates to subschemas
validate(example, schema)
example = {
"RefProp": [{"IntegerProp": 12}, "101, otherB"]
validate(example, schema)
rt = db.RecordType()
rt.add_property(name="FileProp", datatype=db.FILE)