XLSX-Konverter: Bessere Fehlermeldung bei inkorrektem Typ in Spalte, zusätzlicher Spalte
Type and Validation errors are now collected and formatted as a table. The error raised when there is an additional column not present in the schema now describes the problem. Addresses https://gitlab.indiscale.com/caosdb/customers/dimr/management/-/issues/251
- Does this solution improve readability and error identification? (is it a 'better output'?)
- Are all errors covered?
Test Environment
Manual testing.
Check List for the Author
All automated tests pass -
Reference related issues -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md(not necessary) -
Appropriate user and developer documentation (or not necessary) -
Annotations in code (Gitlab comments)
Check List for the Reviewer
I understand the intent of this MR -
All automated tests pass -
Up-to-date CHANGELOG.md (or not necessary) -
Appropriate user and developer documentation (or not necessary) -
The test environment setup works and the intended behavior is reproducible in the test environment -
In-code documentation and comments are up-to-date. -
Check: Are there specifications? Are they satisfied?
Edited by Daniel Hornung