Bloxberg: Proof of concept for integration with CaosDB
This very first poc (proof of concept) will provide two actions to users:
- Request a Bloxberg proof of existence for an entity and store it into CaosDB as a certificate record.
Take the certificate record and verify it.Not in the Bloxberg API yet.- Workaround: Generate JSON from certificate record which can then be used manually for verification.
The hash to be signed by Bloxberg is generated from:
- CaosDB server URL
- versioned ID of the entity
- a serialization (XML representation) of the entity
- peppered to prevent fingerprinting attack
The generated certificate record will consist of:
- The information needed to generate the hash:
- Server URL, versioned ID
- Pepper
- A reference to the certified entity (already included above?)
- Necessary (and other useful) information to verify the certificate with
- Metadata of the Bloxberg transaction, like time.
Out of scope
This poc does not deal with the following topics. If there is sufficient public interest, they should be implemented at a later stage.
- Certifying more than one entity.
- A user-friendly way to select "connected" entities.
- Storing the serialization (for when the serialization might change in the future).
- Integration into the WebUI or the server.
- Extensive error handling.
- Make Bloxberg server configurable
Definition of Done
- It is possible to create and store a certificate record for an entity.
- It is possible to create a verifiable JSON from a certificate record.