<p><pstyle="text-align: center;text-align: center;"><spanstyle="color: rgb(61, 142, 185);"><strong>Use the buttons above to add text, tables, handwritten sketches, files, or data elements.</strong></span></p></p>
<p><pstyle="text-align: center;text-align: center;"><spanstyle="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Table Element</strong></span></p><pstyle="text-align: center;text-align: center;">You can record your data with the Table Element below to later perform operations, do calculations, or create charts.</p></p>
<p><p><spanstyle="font-size: 24px;"><strong>File Elements</strong></span></p><p><br/></p><p>You can upload and directly view PDF files in labfolder. See the example one on the right side. >></p></p>
<p>Check out the Microsoft Word® and Excel® support. After uploading a file you can do the following: <ul><li><strong>Preview:</strong> Shows you a preview to see the content of the file.</li><li><strong>Extract: </strong>All content from a file will be extracted and added to the entry.</li><li><strong>Download: </strong>You can always download a file, which you uploaded to labfolder.</li></ul></p>
<p><p><spanstyle="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Data Element</strong></span></p><p><br/></p><p>The Data Element (DE) can be found in the entry toolbar next to the <em>Text</em>, <em>Table</em>, <em>Sketch</em> and <em>Upload</em> functions. You have these possibilities when working on the DE:</p><p><br/></p><ul><li>Insert a <em>Numerical Data Element</em> for quantitative experimental parameters.</li><li>Insert a <em>Descriptive Data Element</em> to document parameters with qualitative data.</li><li>Insert a <em>Data Group</em> with several experimental parameters.</li><li>Insert an item from your Material Database, referenced here as a <em>Material Element</em>.</li></ul><p><br/></p><p>Explore the example to the right. >></p></p>