@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ Let's start with an example taken from https://gitlab.indiscale.com/caosdb/src/c
datatype: FILE
description: 'A table document associated with this recording'
- Textfile
This example defines 3 ``RecordType``s:
@@ -46,6 +49,9 @@ This example defines 3 ``RecordType``s:
- A ``Project`` with one obligatory property ``datatype``
- A Person with a ``firstName`` and a ``lastName`` (as recommended properties)
- A ``LabbookEntry`` with multiple recommended properties of different data types
- It is assumed that the server knows a RecordType or Property with the name
One major advantage of using this interface (in contrast to the standard python interface) is that properties can be defined and added to record types "on-the-fly". E.g. the three lines for ``firstName`` as sub entries of ``Person`` have two effects on CaosDB:
@@ -60,6 +66,8 @@ Note the difference between the three property declarations of ``LabbookEntry``:
- ``responsible``: This defines and adds a property with name "responsible" to ``LabbookEntry`, which has a datatype ``Person``. ``Person`` is defined above.
- ``firstName``: This defines and adds a property with the standard data type ``TEXT`` to record type ``Person``.
If the data model depends on already existing parts, those can be added using the ``extern`` keyword.