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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • Unexpected
    An issue that came up during a sprint and needs immediate treatment, i.e. it can not wait until the next sprint.
  • Task of Shame
    A task that took much longer than expected from its complexity, due to bad DoDs, unexpected pitfalls, etc.
  • Customer
    requested by customer(s)
  • Need Funding
    The maintainers would like to tackle this issue but they also have to eat, drink, pay their rent, buy clothes for their children... If you need this, cannot resolve it yourself, and can support us otherwise please contact us.
  • (ongoing
    Ongoing Issue. Don't Close.
  • (timeboxed
    Issue with a fixed time frame. No complexity or weight makes sense here.
  • Is being tracked on an ongoing issue
  • Shitty Title
    This issue has a really shitty title
  • This issue is well-suited for newcomers without any specific experience in developing LinkAhead.