From 600a8491a129ee419d67b72f9f2176ceb3cccd68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jose Manuel Serrano Amaut <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:42:07 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [FEAT]: Add types API page

 .../CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx         |   4 +-
 .../DemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx             |   4 +-
 .../show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode.tsx           |   8 +-
 src/data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows.tsx          |  62 ++
 src/data/ActionButtonsAPIRows.tsx             | 138 +++--
 src/data/DropzoneAPIPropsRows.tsx             |  12 +-
 src/data/ExtFileAPIRows.tsx                   |   2 +-
 src/data/FileInputButtonPropsRows.tsx         | 564 +++++++++---------
 src/data/FooterConfigAPIRows.tsx              |  95 ++-
 src/data/HeaderConfigAPIRows.tsx              |  94 ++-
 src/data/ServerResponseAPIRows.tsx            |  25 +-
 src/pages/api/PropsTableApi.jsx               |   4 +-
 src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx           |  40 +-
 src/pages/demo/FileCardDemoPage.jsx           |   2 +-
 src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx    |   2 +-
 src/pages/demo/FileMosaicDemoPage.jsx         |   2 +-
 src/pages/types-page/TypesPage.jsx            |  88 ++-
 17 files changed, 757 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows.tsx

diff --git a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
index b900bca..45f9af4 100644
--- a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
+++ b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import ShowDemoCode from "../../show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode";
-const CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons = ({ splittedOnly = false, button }) => {
+const CodeDemoActionButtons = ({ splittedOnly = false, button }) => {
   if (button)
     return (
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons = ({ splittedOnly = false, button }) => {
-export default CodeDemoDropzoneActionButtons;
+export default CodeDemoActionButtons;
 const splittedCodeJSButton = `<FileInputButton
diff --git a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
index 110716b..1820671 100644
--- a/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
+++ b/src/components/demo-components/dropzone-demo/DemoDropzoneActionButtons.jsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import * as React from "react";
 import { Dropzone, FileCard, FileInputButton, FileMosaic } from "../../../files-ui";
-const DemoDropzoneActionButtons = ({ button }) => {
+const DemoActionButtons = ({ button }) => {
   const [files, setFiles] = React.useState([]);
   const updateFiles = (incommingFiles) => {
     //do something with the files
@@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ const DemoDropzoneActionButtons = ({ button }) => {
-export default DemoDropzoneActionButtons;
+export default DemoActionButtons;
diff --git a/src/components/show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode.tsx b/src/components/show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode.tsx
index 64494d9..d79f7fe 100644
--- a/src/components/show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode.tsx
+++ b/src/components/show-demo-code/ShowDemoCode.tsx
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ const ShowDemoCode: React.FC<ShowDemoCodeProps> = (
           console.log("code copied to clipboard: ");
-        style={{ 
+        style={{
           margin: "20px 0",
-          fontSize:"15px",
-          lineHeight:"",
-      }}
+          fontSize: "15px",
+          lineHeight: "",
+        }}
diff --git a/src/data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384ad25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+export const ActionButtonItemAPIRows = [
+  {
+    name: "children",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.ReactNode</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The content of the button.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "label",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The label of the button.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "style",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The in-line style object applied to the main container.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "className",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
+        of using in-line styles. Classname is applied to the main container.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "resetStyles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the given class name and style properties will replace the
+        default ones instead of overriding them.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "onClick",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Callback fired when the button is clicked. If given, will replace the
+        default behaviour.{" "}
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "disabled",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>false</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, the component is disabled.</>,
+  },
diff --git a/src/data/ActionButtonsAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/ActionButtonsAPIRows.tsx
index b79497d..7fce373 100644
--- a/src/data/ActionButtonsAPIRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/ActionButtonsAPIRows.tsx
@@ -1,44 +1,100 @@
 import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+import AnchorToTab from "../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
-export const ActionButtonsAPIRows =[
-    {
-        name: "position",
-        type: <>
-        <TypeHighlight np>{'"before"'}</TypeHighlight>{" | "}
+export const ActionButtonsAPIRows = [
+  {
+    name: "position",
+    type: (
+      <>
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"before"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
         <TypeHighlight np>{'"after"'}</TypeHighlight>
-        </>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            The position of the action buttons. Before or after the component.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "style",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The in-line style object applied to the main container.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "className",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
-            of using in-line styles. Classname is applied to the main container.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "uploadingMessage",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>{"string"}</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            A message to show in the footer when the uploading process takes place.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
\ No newline at end of file
+      </>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>The position of the action buttons. Before or after the component.</>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "style",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The in-line style object applied to the main container.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "className",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
+        of using in-line styles. Classname is applied to the main container.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "uploadButton",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"ActionButtonItem"}</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, the upload button will be shown. Specific props applied to the upload button.
+        Type definition can be found{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"here"}</AnchorToTab>.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "abortButton",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"ActionButtonItem"}</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, the abort button will be shown. Specific props applied to the abort button.
+        Type definition can be found{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"here"}</AnchorToTab>.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "deleteButton",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"ActionButtonItem"}</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, the delete button will be shown. Specific props applied to the delete button.
+        Type definition can be found{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"here"}</AnchorToTab>.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "cleanButton",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"ActionButtonItem"}</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, the clean button will be shown. Specific props applied to the clean button.
+        Type definition can be found{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttonitem">{"here"}</AnchorToTab>.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
diff --git a/src/data/DropzoneAPIPropsRows.tsx b/src/data/DropzoneAPIPropsRows.tsx
index 07fc6ea..cb69fff 100644
--- a/src/data/DropzoneAPIPropsRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/DropzoneAPIPropsRows.tsx
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export const DropzoneAPIPropsRows = [
         <br />
           {"(f: File) => "}{" "}
-          <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#validatefileresponse">
+          <AnchorToTab href="/types#validatefileresponse">
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export const DropzoneAPIPropsRows = [
     name: "uploadConfig",
     type: (
       <TypeHighlight np>
-        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#uploadconfig">UploadConfig</AnchorToTab>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#uploadconfig">UploadConfig</AnchorToTab>
     default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
@@ -311,9 +311,7 @@ export const DropzoneAPIPropsRows = [
     name: "actionButtons",
     type: (
       <TypeHighlight np>
-        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#actionbuttons">
-          ActionButtons
-        </AnchorToTab>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#actionbuttons">ActionButtons</AnchorToTab>
     default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
@@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ export const DropzoneAPIPropsRows = [
     name: "headerConfig",
     type: (
       <TypeHighlight np>
-        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#headerconfig">HeaderConfig</AnchorToTab>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#headerconfig">HeaderConfig</AnchorToTab>
     default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
@@ -363,7 +361,7 @@ export const DropzoneAPIPropsRows = [
     name: "footerConfig",
     type: (
       <TypeHighlight np>
-        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#footerconfig">FooterConfig</AnchorToTab>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#footerconfig">FooterConfig</AnchorToTab>
     default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
diff --git a/src/data/ExtFileAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/ExtFileAPIRows.tsx
index d4dfa1a..35b4cca 100644
--- a/src/data/ExtFileAPIRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/ExtFileAPIRows.tsx
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export const ExtFileAPIRows = [
     name: "uploadStatus",
     type: (
       <TypeHighlight np>
-        <AnchorToTab href="/api/dropzone#uploadstatus">
+        <AnchorToTab href="/types#uploadstatus">
diff --git a/src/data/FileInputButtonPropsRows.tsx b/src/data/FileInputButtonPropsRows.tsx
index 92cb1a4..a8ca9de 100644
--- a/src/data/FileInputButtonPropsRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/FileInputButtonPropsRows.tsx
@@ -2,290 +2,280 @@ import CodeHighlight from "../components/codeHighlight/CodeHighlight";
 import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
 import AnchorToTab from "../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
-export const FileInputButtonPropsRows=[
-    {
-        name: "value",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>{"ExtFile"}</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>{"[]"}</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            Just like any other input component. The value of the input element,
-            required for a controlled component.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "onChange",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            Probably one of the most important methods (callbacks). Returns as first
-            parameter an array of `ExtFile` objects.
-            This callback is fired when the delete
-            icon is clicked. If set, the delete icon will be shown.
-            <br />
-            <strong>Signature:</strong>
-            <br />
-            <CodeHighlight>{"(files: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      // Validation stage
-      {
-        name: "accept",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            A comma-separated list of one or more file types, or{" "}
-            <AnchorToTab href="">
-              unique file type specifiers
-            </AnchorToTab>
-            , describing which file types to allow. The default implementation of
-            accept checks the file's mime type or extension against this list. More
-            information can be found{" "}
-            <AnchorToTab href="">
-              here
-            </AnchorToTab>
-            .
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "maxFiles",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>number</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The max number of files to be accepted.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "maxFileSize",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>number</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The max file size allowed in bytes.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "validator",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            Callback fired when the delete icon is clicked. If set, the delete icon
-            will be shown.
-            <br />
-            <strong>Signature:</strong>
-            <br />
-            <CodeHighlight>
-              {"(f: File) => "}{" "}
-              <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#validatefileresponse">
-                ValidateFileResponse
-              </AnchorToTab>
-            </CodeHighlight>
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "autoClean",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            If true, the component will automatically remove non valid files when
-            user drops files or selects them from file dialog. This flag will only
-            work if validation is active.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      ///////////////         UPLOAD STAGE        ///////////////
-      {
-        name: "uploadConfig",
-        type: (
-          <TypeHighlight np>
-            <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#uploadconfig">
-              UploadConfig
-            </AnchorToTab>
-          </TypeHighlight>
-        ),
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            The configuration needed for uploading the files. If not set or or
-            uploadConfig.url is undefined the upload button will not be visible and
-            uploadOnDrop prop flag will not work.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "fakeUpload",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            If set, the component will simulate the upload operation by randomly
-            setting the upload status and message on each uploadable{" "}
-            <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It will also set a fake
-            progress. Will also ignore the uploadConfig prop and will show the
-            upload button
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "onUploadStart",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            Callback fired when the upload process starts.
-            <br />
-            <strong>Signature:</strong>
-            <br />
-            <CodeHighlight>{"(uploadAbleFiles: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
-            <ul>
-              <li>uploadAbleFiles: The list of files to be uploaded.</li>
-            </ul>
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "onUploadFinish",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            Callback fired when the upload process ends.
-            <br />
-            <strong>Signature:</strong>
-            <br />
-            <CodeHighlight>{"(uploadedFiles: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
-            <ul>
-              <li>uploadAbleFiles: The list of uploaded files.</li>
-            </ul>
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      ///////////////          STYLING          ///////////
-      {
-        name: "color",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"#646c7f"'}</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The main color for background, hover and borders.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "style",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The in-line style object.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "textColor",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"transparent'}</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The color of the text.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "className",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
-            of using in-line styles.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "label",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The text label for the button.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "localization",
-        type: (
-          <>
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"EN-en"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"ES-es"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"FR-fr"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"IT-it"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"PT-pt"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"RU-ru"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"ZH-cn"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"ZH-hk"'}</TypeHighlight>
-          </>
-        ),
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"EN-en"'}</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The language in which text labels are shown.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "disableRipple",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            If true, will not show a ripple effect everytime the user
-            clicks the components for selecting files.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "actionButtons",
-        type: (
-          <TypeHighlight np>
-            <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#actionbuttons">
-              ActionButtons
-            </AnchorToTab>
-          </TypeHighlight>
-        ),
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            If set, buttons will be added before or after of the component.
-            This buttons triggresthe common opertions of the component such as
-            clean, upload, abort and delete all.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
-      {
-        name: "disabled",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>false</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>If true, the component is disabled.</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "behaviour",
-        type: (
-          <>
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"add"'}</TypeHighlight>
-            {" | "}
-            <TypeHighlight np>{'"replace"'}</TypeHighlight>
-          </>
-        ),
-        default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"add"'}</TypeHighlight>,
-        description: <>The behaviour when new files are selected or dropped</>,
-      },
-      {
-        name: "children",
-        type: <TypeHighlight np>React.ReactNode</TypeHighlight>,
-        default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
-        description: (
-          <>
-            The content of the component.
-          </>
-        ),
-      },
\ No newline at end of file
+export const FileInputButtonPropsRows = [
+  {
+    name: "value",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>{"ExtFile"}</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>{"[]"}</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Just like any other input component. The value of the input element,
+        required for a controlled component.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "onChange",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Probably one of the most important methods (callbacks). Returns as first
+        parameter an array of `ExtFile` objects. This callback is fired when the
+        delete icon is clicked. If set, the delete icon will be shown.
+        <br />
+        <strong>Signature:</strong>
+        <br />
+        <CodeHighlight>{"(files: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  // Validation stage
+  {
+    name: "accept",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        A comma-separated list of one or more file types, or{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="">
+          unique file type specifiers
+        </AnchorToTab>
+        , describing which file types to allow. The default implementation of
+        accept checks the file's mime type or extension against this list. More
+        information can be found{" "}
+        <AnchorToTab href="">
+          here
+        </AnchorToTab>
+        .
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "maxFiles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>number</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The max number of files to be accepted.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "maxFileSize",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>number</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The max file size allowed in bytes.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "validator",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Callback fired when the delete icon is clicked. If set, the delete icon
+        will be shown.
+        <br />
+        <strong>Signature:</strong>
+        <br />
+        <CodeHighlight>
+          {"(f: File) => "}{" "}
+          <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#validatefileresponse">
+            ValidateFileResponse
+          </AnchorToTab>
+        </CodeHighlight>
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "autoClean",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the component will automatically remove non valid files when
+        user drops files or selects them from file dialog. This flag will only
+        work if validation is active.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  ///////////////         UPLOAD STAGE        ///////////////
+  {
+    name: "uploadConfig",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#uploadconfig">UploadConfig</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The configuration needed for uploading the files. If not set or or
+        uploadConfig.url is undefined the upload button will not be visible and
+        uploadOnDrop prop flag will not work.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "fakeUpload",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, the component will simulate the upload operation by randomly
+        setting the upload status and message on each uploadable{" "}
+        <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It will also set a fake
+        progress. Will also ignore the uploadConfig prop and will show the
+        upload button
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "onUploadStart",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Callback fired when the upload process starts.
+        <br />
+        <strong>Signature:</strong>
+        <br />
+        <CodeHighlight>{"(uploadAbleFiles: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
+        <ul>
+          <li>uploadAbleFiles: The list of files to be uploaded.</li>
+        </ul>
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "onUploadFinish",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>func</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        Callback fired when the upload process ends.
+        <br />
+        <strong>Signature:</strong>
+        <br />
+        <CodeHighlight>{"(uploadedFiles: ExtFile[]) => void"}</CodeHighlight>
+        <ul>
+          <li>uploadAbleFiles: The list of uploaded files.</li>
+        </ul>
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  ///////////////          STYLING          ///////////
+  {
+    name: "color",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"#646c7f"'}</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The main color for background, hover and borders.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "style",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The in-line style object.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "textColor",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"transparent'}</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The color of the text.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "className",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
+        of using in-line styles.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "label",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The text label for the button.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "localization",
+    type: (
+      <>
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"EN-en"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"ES-es"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"FR-fr"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"IT-it"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"PT-pt"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"RU-ru"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"ZH-cn"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"ZH-hk"'}</TypeHighlight>
+      </>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"EN-en"'}</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The language in which text labels are shown.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "disableRipple",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, will not show a ripple effect everytime the user clicks the
+        components for selecting files.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "actionButtons",
+    type: (
+      <TypeHighlight np>
+        <AnchorToTab href="/api/types#actionbuttons">ActionButtons</AnchorToTab>
+      </TypeHighlight>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If set, buttons will be added before or after of the component. This
+        buttons triggresthe common opertions of the component such as clean,
+        upload, abort and delete all.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "disabled",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>false</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, the component is disabled.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "behaviour",
+    type: (
+      <>
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"add"'}</TypeHighlight>
+        {" | "}
+        <TypeHighlight np>{'"replace"'}</TypeHighlight>
+      </>
+    ),
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>{'"add"'}</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The behaviour when new files are selected or dropped</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "children",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.ReactNode</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The content of the component.</>,
+  },
diff --git a/src/data/FooterConfigAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/FooterConfigAPIRows.tsx
index d0c0156..fb75138 100644
--- a/src/data/FooterConfigAPIRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/FooterConfigAPIRows.tsx
@@ -1 +1,94 @@
-export const FooterConfigAPIRows =[];
\ No newline at end of file
+import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+export const FooterConfigAPIRows = [
+  {
+    name: "style",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The in-line style object applied to the main container.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "className",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
+        of using in-line styles. Classname is applied to the main container.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "resetStyles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the given class name and style properties will replace the
+        default ones instead of overriding them.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "allowedTypesLabel",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If false, the label that indicates the allowed files types will not be
+        shown.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "uploadProgressMessage",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If false, the label that indicates the current upload progress will not
+        be shown.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "uploadResultMessage",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If false, the label that indicates the final result of the upload
+        progress will not be shown.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "noMissingFilesLabel",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If false, the label that indicates that there are not files missing to
+        upload will not be shown.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "customMessage",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>JSX.Element</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>A custom message to display in the footer.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "customFooter",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>JSX.Element</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        A custom header to replace the default one. If given, the rest of the
+        props are ignored
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
diff --git a/src/data/HeaderConfigAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/HeaderConfigAPIRows.tsx
index c3b0fc6..7354914 100644
--- a/src/data/HeaderConfigAPIRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/HeaderConfigAPIRows.tsx
@@ -1 +1,93 @@
-export const HeaderConfigAPIRows=[]
\ No newline at end of file
+import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+export const HeaderConfigAPIRows = [
+  {
+    name: "style",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>React.CSSProperties</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The in-line style object applied to the main container.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "className",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        The classname to override the css styles in .css or .sass file instead
+        of using in-line styles. Classname is applied to the main container.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "resetStyles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the given class name and style properties will replace the
+        default ones instead of overriding them.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "deleteFiles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, the delete icon will be shown.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "cleanFiles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, the clean icon will be shown.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "uploadFiles",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, the upload icon will be shown.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "uploadingIcon",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the upload in progress icon will be shown during the upload
+        process.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "maxFileSize",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the upload in progress icon will be shown during the upload
+        process.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "validFilesCount",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np>true</TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        If true, the current count of alid files will be shown.
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
+  {
+    name: "customHeader",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>JSX.Element</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: (
+      <>
+        A custom header to replace the default one. If given, the rest of the
+        props are ignored
+      </>
+    ),
+  },
diff --git a/src/data/ServerResponseAPIRows.tsx b/src/data/ServerResponseAPIRows.tsx
index b5276a9..2ab4cbe 100644
--- a/src/data/ServerResponseAPIRows.tsx
+++ b/src/data/ServerResponseAPIRows.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
-export const ServerResponseAPIRows=[
\ No newline at end of file
+import TypeHighlight from "../components/typeHighlight/TypeHighlight";
+export const ServerResponseAPIRows = [
+  {
+    name: "success",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>boolean</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>If true, it means that the request was successful.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "message",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>string</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>A message that describes the result of the request.</>,
+  },
+  {
+    name: "payload",
+    type: <TypeHighlight np>Object</TypeHighlight>,
+    default: <TypeHighlight np></TypeHighlight>,
+    description: <>The response of the server.</>,
+  },
diff --git a/src/pages/api/PropsTableApi.jsx b/src/pages/api/PropsTableApi.jsx
index 5172338..1140eb3 100644
--- a/src/pages/api/PropsTableApi.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/api/PropsTableApi.jsx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function compareNames(a, b) {
 export default function PropsTableApi({
   rows = [],
   title = "",
-  desc = "",
+  desc=<></>,
   omitDefault = false,
 }) {
   const [sorted, setSorted] = React.useState(false);
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export default function PropsTableApi({
         </Tooltip>{" "}
-      {desc.length > 0 && <DescParagraph>{desc}</DescParagraph>}
+      {desc!==undefined && <DescParagraph>{desc}</DescParagraph>}
       <TableContainer component={Paper}>
         <Table sx={{ minWidth: 700 }} aria-label="customized table">
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx b/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
index e29558d..0a83f46 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/DropzoneDemoPage.jsx
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
             <strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
             makes possible the information exchange between components. For
             further information about this data type check out the{" "}
-            <AnchorToTab href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#extfile">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
           <Alert severity="info">
             <AlertTitle> "fakeUpload" </AlertTitle>
             By giving this prop, the {"<Dropzone/>"} component will simulate the
-            upload operation by randomly setting the upload status and message on
-            each uploadable <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It will also
-            set a fake progress.
+            upload operation by randomly setting the upload status and message
+            on each uploadable <TypeHighlight>ExtFile</TypeHighlight>. It will
+            also set a fake progress.
           <br />
           <Alert severity="info">
@@ -405,8 +405,9 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
                 Dropzone with the{" "}
                 <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.allowedTypesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
                 prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will hide the
-                label that indicates the files types allowed. This label will be
-                hidden <strong>when the "upload" process is active</strong>.
+                label that indicates the allowed file types. This label is
+                normally hidden{" "}
+                <strong>when the "upload" process is active</strong>.
                 Dropzone with the{" "}
@@ -414,28 +415,30 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
                 </TypeHighlight>{" "}
                 prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
-                display the label with the upload progress. This label will be
-                visible<strong> only during the "upload" process</strong>.
+                display the that indicates the current upload progress. This
+                label is normally visible
+                <strong> only during the "upload" process</strong>.
                 Dropzone with the{" "}
                 <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.uploadResultMessage</TypeHighlight>{" "}
                 prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
-                display a label at the end of the upload process. This label can{" "}
-                be visible for 2 seconds just{" "}
+                display a label that indicates the final result of the upload
+                progress will not be shown. This label is normally visible for 2
+                seconds just{" "}
                 <strong>after the "upload" process finishes</strong>.
                 Dropzone with the{" "}
                 <TypeHighlight>footerConfig.noMissingFilesLabel</TypeHighlight>{" "}
                 prop set to <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight> will not
-                display a label when upload starts with no uploadable files.
+                display a label that indicates that there are not files missing
+                to upload.
                 Dropzone with the{" "}
-                <TypeHighlight></TypeHighlight> prop set to{" "}
-                <TypeHighlight>false</TypeHighlight>defined will override the
-                styles associated to the footer component.
+                <TypeHighlight></TypeHighlight> prop defined
+                will override the styles associated to the footer component.
             By default all of these values are set to
@@ -605,11 +608,10 @@ const DropzoneDemoPage = (props) => {
             <CodeHighlight>{"<Dropzone/>"}</CodeHighlight> component uses the{" "}
             <TypeHighlight>localization</TypeHighlight> prop in the validation
-            and the upload process for setting status and messages according to the language that
-            this prop refers to. 
-            <br/>
-            The localization demo for this component can be found in
-            the{" "}
+            and the upload process for setting status and messages according to
+            the language that this prop refers to.
+            <br />
+            The localization demo for this component can be found in the{" "}
             <AnchorToTab href="/localization">localization page</AnchorToTab>.
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/FileCardDemoPage.jsx b/src/pages/demo/FileCardDemoPage.jsx
index a287a51..beeb957 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/FileCardDemoPage.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/FileCardDemoPage.jsx
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ const FileCardDemoPage = (props) => {
             <strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
             makes possible the information exchange between components. For
             further information about this data type check out the{" "}
-            <a href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </a>
+            <a href="/types#extfile">ExtFile-API. </a>
         <section id="image-preview">
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx b/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
index 0557454..180eb68 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/FileInputButtonDemoPage.tsx
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ const FileInputButtonDemoPage: React.FC<FileInputButtonDemoPageProps> = (
             <strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
             makes possible the information exchange between components. For
             further information about this data type check out the{" "}
-            <AnchorToTab href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
+            <AnchorToTab href="/types#extfile">ExtFile-API. </AnchorToTab>
diff --git a/src/pages/demo/FileMosaicDemoPage.jsx b/src/pages/demo/FileMosaicDemoPage.jsx
index cd0ab2f..2c5a4f7 100644
--- a/src/pages/demo/FileMosaicDemoPage.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/demo/FileMosaicDemoPage.jsx
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ const FileMosaicDemoPage = (props) => {
             <strong>Javascript</strong> example for handling the metadata that
             makes possible the information exchange between components. For
             further information about this data type check out the{" "}
-            <a href="/types#ext-file">ExtFile-API. </a>
+            <a href="/types#extfile">ExtFile-API. </a>
diff --git a/src/pages/types-page/TypesPage.jsx b/src/pages/types-page/TypesPage.jsx
index da1583b..f2ace17 100644
--- a/src/pages/types-page/TypesPage.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/types-page/TypesPage.jsx
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+import { Highlighter } from "rc-highlight";
 import * as React from "react";
+import SubTitle from "../../components/demo-components/sub-title/SubTitle";
 //import DescParagraph from "../../components/demo-components/desc-paragraph/DescParagraph";
 import MainContentContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/MainContentContainer";
 import MainLayoutPage from "../../components/layout-pages/MainLayoutPage";
@@ -6,53 +8,58 @@ import RightMenuContainer from "../../components/layout-pages/RightMenuContainer
 import MainTitle from "../../components/main-title/MainTitle";
 import MainParagraph from "../../components/paragraph-main/MainParagraph";
 import RightMenu from "../../components/RightMenu/RightMenu";
+import AnchorToTab from "../../components/util-components/AnchorToTab";
+import { ActionButtonItemAPIRows } from "../../data/ActionButtonItemAPIRows";
 import { ActionButtonsAPIRows } from "../../data/ActionButtonsAPIRows";
 import { ExtFileAPIRows } from "../../data/ExtFileAPIRows";
 import { FooterConfigAPIRows } from "../../data/FooterConfigAPIRows";
 import { HeaderConfigAPIRows } from "../../data/HeaderConfigAPIRows";
 import { ServerResponseAPIRows } from "../../data/ServerResponseAPIRows";
 import { UploadConfigAPIRows } from "../../data/UploadConfigAPIRows";
-import { UPLOADSTATUSAPIRows } from "../../data/UploadStatusAPIRows";
 import { ValidateFileResponseAPIrows } from "../../data/ValidateFileResponseAPIrows";
 import PropsTableApi from "../api/PropsTableApi";
 const rightMenuItems = [
-    id: 1,
+    id: 0,
     label: "ExtFile",
     referTo: "/types#extfile",
-    id: 7,
+    id: 1,
     label: "ValidateFileResponse",
     referTo: "/types#validatefileresponse",
-    id: 5,
+    id: 2,
     label: "UploadConfig",
     referTo: "/types#uploadconfig",
-    id: 2,
+    id: 3,
     label: "ActionButtons",
     referTo: "/types#actionbuttons",
-    id: 3,
+    id: 4,
+    label: "ActionButtonItem",
+    referTo: "/types#actionbuttonitem",
+  },
+  {
+    id: 5,
     label: "HeaderConfig",
     referTo: "/types#headerconfig",
-    id: 4,
+    id: 6,
     label: "FooterConfig",
     referTo: "/types#footerconfig",
-    id: 6,
+    id: 7,
     label: "ServerResonse",
     referTo: "/types#uploadconfig",
     id: 8,
     label: "UPLOADSTATUS",
@@ -73,7 +80,16 @@ const TypesPage = (props) => {
           <section id="extfile">
-              desc={'This object "extends" the File Object'}
+              desc={
+                <>
+                  Data estructure that "extends" the{" "}
+                  <AnchorToTab href="">
+                    File
+                  </AnchorToTab>{" "}
+                  Object. This object is designed to allow the information
+                  exchange between components.
+                </>
+              }
@@ -83,29 +99,68 @@ const TypesPage = (props) => {
+              desc="Response convention for file validation"
           <section id="uploadconfig">
-            <PropsTableApi rows={UploadConfigAPIRows} title="UploadConfig" />
+            <PropsTableApi
+              rows={UploadConfigAPIRows}
+              title="UploadConfig"
+              desc="Configuration needed for performing the upload process"
+            />
           <section id="actionbuttons">
-            <PropsTableApi rows={ActionButtonsAPIRows} title="ActionButtons" />
+            <PropsTableApi
+              rows={ActionButtonsAPIRows}
+              title="ActionButtons"
+              omitDefault
+              desc="Advanced configuration for buttons after or before the component. (Dropzone and FileInputButton)"
+            />
+          </section>
+          <section id="actionbuttonitem">
+            <PropsTableApi
+              rows={ActionButtonItemAPIRows}
+              title="ActionButtonItem"
+              desc="Advanced configuration for each action button"
+            />
           <section id="headerconfig">
-            <PropsTableApi rows={HeaderConfigAPIRows} title="HeaderConfig" />
+            <PropsTableApi
+              rows={HeaderConfigAPIRows}
+              title="HeaderConfig"
+              desc="Advanced configuration for dropzone header"
+            />
           <section id="footerconfig">
-            <PropsTableApi rows={FooterConfigAPIRows} title="FooterConfig" />
+            <PropsTableApi
+              rows={FooterConfigAPIRows}
+              title="FooterConfig"
+              desc="Advanced configuration for dropzone footer"
+            />
           <section id="serverresponse">
+              omitDefault
+              desc="Convention for server response"
           <section id="uploadstatus">
-            <PropsTableApi rows={UPLOADSTATUSAPIRows} title="UPLOADSTATUS" />
+            <SubTitle content={"UPLOADSTATUS"} />{" "}
+            <Highlighter
+              style={{
+                margin: "20px 0",
+                fontSize: "15px",
+                lineHeight: "",
+              }}
+              onCopyToClipboard={(code_) => {
+                console.log("code copied to clipboard: ");
+                console.log(code_);
+              }}
+            >
+              {UPLOADSTATUSCODE}
+            </Highlighter>
       </MainLayoutPage>{" "}
@@ -116,3 +171,4 @@ const TypesPage = (props) => {
 export default TypesPage;
+const UPLOADSTATUSCODE = `export type UPLOADSTATUS = "preparing" | "aborted" | "uploading" | "success" | "error";`;