diff --git a/bugs.md b/bugs.md
index 86b72e3c19a29b763e68cab2580d01813cc953ac..1702ce601403e8214da874510587f79f78138114 100644
--- a/bugs.md
+++ b/bugs.md
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
 - [SOLVED]on change progress the loader is reredered again and again, I think that the 3 states or layers must be there from the begining
   "preparing", "uploading", "result" - on cancel, the 2nd layer will dissapear, it will not be any big deal
-- After uploading, progress must be reiitialized to 0
+- [SOLVED] After uploading, progress must be reiitialized to 0
 ## Dropzone
-- When no validation, upload removes all files.
+- [SOLVED] When no validation, upload removes all files.
 - [SOLVED]: action buttons rendered again and again since they were created again every time "value" prop changed
 - [SOLVED]: Uploading works in 2 times (first time stops after setting progress = UPLOADING.progrss), but fails to recover from the manager. [UPDATED]: Problem is at `useDropzoneFileListUpdater.ts` file. The problem is that hook for updating when user wants to interrupt preparing, is called at the begining of the upload process, with value of undefined in all files. It is probably the last update on localFiles outside Dropzone component.
-- When file is set from preparing to undefined it can be deleted, however, will appear again if onDelete is called. It would be great to add a reconciliation procedure to support different array sizes in updater hook. Or "canceled" upload status could be added and file Item should not show the "X" button when uploading and canceled. After Upload process, all files with "canceled" upload status should be set to "undefined" again. This can be a workaround.
+- [DONE] When file is set from preparing to undefined it can be deleted, however, will appear again if onDelete is called. It would be great to add a reconciliation procedure to support different array sizes in updater hook. Or "canceled" upload status could be added and file Item should not show the "X" button when uploading and canceled. After Upload process, all files with "canceled" upload status should be set to "undefined" again. This can be a workaround. (`Using the extraData for keeping track if a Filemosaic was deleted`)
-- [SOLVED] Dropzpne is afected by adding more files as children
+- [SOLVED] Dropzone is afected by adding more files as children
 - offset should not be used, instead a padding, given header or footer
-- When layer is visible, border in the root container must dissapear
+- [SOLVED] When layer is visible, border in the root container must dissapear
 ## Tooltip
diff --git a/features.md b/features.md
index 3247d94e5ac452329328d46fb251a3390c6dd4e1..323db2a719516e05a0f03a81d0de32eb6dc17890 100644
--- a/features.md
+++ b/features.md
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 - Validate with accept prop
 - Validate with maxFileSize prop
 - Validate with maxFiles prop
+- custom validation
 ## Read
@@ -31,6 +32,6 @@
 - ImagePreview
 - VideoPreview
 - PDFPreview
-- JsonPreview fix rc-highlight
-- FullScreenPreview
+- JsonPreview [DONE]fix rc-highlight
+- FullScreenPreview => FullScreen
 - DropLayer
diff --git a/future-features.md b/future-features.md
index 70e6a9d00ec1570c648cd8ff3af185ec55321c80..84361025cd4bc841a7dd12c0da7c7616f118a21a 100644
--- a/future-features.md
+++ b/future-features.md
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Future Possible Features
 ## DROP
 WHen data transfer only text or iimage in string, event
 files dissapear in "replace". create a text file in memoory
@@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ files dissapear in "replace". create a text file in memoory
 - custom icons
 - menu icon for FileItem ( FileOptions (menu collapsed from click in option icon) )
 - [DONE]: Outside actions or buttons for Dropzone
-- [WIP]:header and footer custom props
-- FileItem: checkbox support
+- [DONE]:header and footer custom props
+- [NOT_YET]: FileItem: checkbox support
 - [DONE] FileItem: ( smart prop ) detect when width of image is greater than height or viceversa in order to decide the orientation
 ## Upload
diff --git a/ideas.md b/ideas.md
index c001002bfddcbad888c35291aa9c6e926e202576..df16a14c4c864045a820295c4d7c14139e55120e 100644
--- a/ideas.md
+++ b/ideas.md
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
 ## Phrases
-- Stop pain with developing a complex widget, don't need to create a file upload component from scratch
-- If you need to do it from scratch, there is an example [show some basic code] Bellow main page component
+- Stop pain with developing a complex widget, don't need to create a file upload component from scratch [landingpage_section_3]
+- If you need to do it from scratch, there is an example [show some basic code] Bellow main page component[landing_sec_3_pat_2]
 ## MIgrating from dropzone-ui
 ## Migrating from react-dropzone