% This file is a part of the CaosDB Project. % % Copyright (C) 2021 IndiScale GmbH <info@indiscale.com> % Copyright (C) 2021 Daniel Hornung <d.hornung@indiscale.com> % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU Affero General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License % along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. %% The main function which intitializes the tests. function test_suite = test_caosdb() try % assignment of 'localfunctions' is necessary in Matlab >= 2016 test_functions = localfunctions(); catch % no problem; early Matlab versions can use initTestSuite fine end initTestSuite; end %% Only test the connection function test_connection() % Default connection c1 = Caosdb(); info = c1.info(); % another working connection c2 = Caosdb("local-caosdb-admin"); c2.info(); % This connection should fail % c3 = Caosdb(connection = "does-not-exist"); % Error message is: % maox_info: The ConnectionManager does not know any connection of this name. % No connection named 'does-not-exist' present. if moxunit_util_platform_is_octave() assertExceptionThrown(@non_existing_connection); else assertExceptionThrown(@non_existing_connection, "16"); end expected_msg = ... strjoin({"maox_info: The ConnectionManager does not know any connection of this name.", ... "No connection named 'does-not-exist' present."}, "\n"); assertEqual(lasterror().message, expected_msg); end function info = non_existing_connection() c = Caosdb("does-not-exist"); info = c.info(); end %% Test retrieval of a single Entity function test_retrieve_single() % Default connection configuration is sufficient. c = Caosdb(); % Retrieve a single entity violin = c.retrieve_by_id("120"){1}; % Check content assertEqual(violin.name, "Sherlock Holmes' violin"); props = violin.get_properties(); assertEqual(props{1}.name, "price"); assertEqual(props{1}.value, 814873.0); assertEqual(props{2}.name, "Manufacturer"); assertEqual(props{2}.value, "119"); assertFalse(violin.has_errors()); assertFalse(violin.has_warnings()); assertFalse(violin.has_infos()); end %% Test retrieval of multiple Entities function test_retrieve_multiple() % Retrieve two entities c = Caosdb(); violin = c.retrieve_by_id("120"){1}; collection = c.retrieve_by_id({"120", "119"}); assertEqual(length(collection), 2); assertEqual(numel(collection), 2); assertEqual(collection{1}.id, violin.id); assertEqual(collection{1}.name, violin.name); assertEqual(collection{2}.name, "Antonio Stradivari"); props = collection{2}.get_properties(); assertEqual(props{1}.name, "latitude"); assertEqual(props{1}.value, 45.07353); assertEqual(props{2}.name, "longitude"); assertEqual(props{2}.value, 7.68315); end %% Test query execution function test_execute_query() c = Caosdb(); % FIND query query = ['FIND Record Violin WITH name="Sherlock Holmes' "'" ' violin"']; results = c.query(query); assertTrue(iscell(results)); assertFalse(isempty(results)); violin = results{1}; props = violin.get_properties(); assertEqual(props{1}.name, "price"); assertEqual(props{1}.value, 814873.0); assertEqual(props{2}.name, "Manufacturer"); assertEqual(props{2}.value, "119"); % COUNT query % TODO still fails with current libcaosdb@dev %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % query = ['COUNT Record Violin']; % count = c.query(query); % assertTrue(isscalar(count)); % assertEqual(count, int64(4)); end % Error handling tests %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Test retrieval with errors function test_retrieve_failure() % Default connection configuration is sufficient. c = Caosdb(); % Retrieve a non-existing entity. does_not_exist = c.retrieve_by_id("i-do-not-exist"){1}; assertTrue(does_not_exist.has_errors()); error = does_not_exist.get_errors(){1}; assertEqual(typeinfo(error.code), "int64 scalar"); assertEqual(error.code, int64(2)); assertEqual(error.description, "Entity does not exist."); end %% Test querying with errors function test_execute_query_failure() c = Caosdb(); results = c.query("FIND Record I-Do-Not-Exist"); % Must not segfault. assertTrue(isempty(results)); end