diff --git a/.docker/Dockerfile b/.docker/Dockerfile
index 4f986d190cf8b8215efd42ee7317155672130e2f..88460865a90f65f98a0a052a74c4e8925e6296ce 100644
--- a/.docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/.docker/Dockerfile
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ RUN cmake ..
 RUN cmake --build .
 RUN cmake --install . --prefix /usr/local/
+COPY . /caosdb-cppinttest
+WORKDIR /caosdb-cppinttest
+RUN rm -rf .git
 CMD ls -la && /wait-for-it.sh caosdb-server:10443 -t 500 -- \
     # ... and run tests
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 54a916fb691a57fa5fac5a8dcc0a84d731fa3895..aa2f1c73a56dcca1f162261bdd857255bc0f3433 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ build-test:
   tags: [ docker ]
   stage: build
+    - echo $PWD
     - mkdir build
     - cd build
     - cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/libcaosdb-${CPPLIB_VERSION} ..
@@ -138,53 +139,54 @@ test:
     - job: cert
       artifacts: true
-      - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
+    - echo $PWD
+    - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
-      - if [[ "$CAOSDB_TAG" == "" ]]; then
-          if echo "$F_BRANCH" | grep -c "^f-" ; then
-            CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}_F_${F_BRANCH}-latest;
-            docker pull $CI_REGISTRY/caosdb/src/caosdb-deploy:$CAOSDB_TAG || CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}-latest ;
-          else
-            CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}-latest;
-          fi;
-        fi
-      - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY/caosdb/src/caosdb-deploy:$CAOSDB_TAG || CAOSDB_TAG=dev-latest ;
+    - if [[ "$CAOSDB_TAG" == "" ]]; then
+        if echo "$F_BRANCH" | grep -c "^f-" ; then
+          CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}_F_${F_BRANCH}-latest;
+          docker pull $CI_REGISTRY/caosdb/src/caosdb-deploy:$CAOSDB_TAG || CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}-latest ;
+        else
+          CAOSDB_TAG=${DEPLOY_REF}-latest;
+        fi;
+      fi
+    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY/caosdb/src/caosdb-deploy:$CAOSDB_TAG || CAOSDB_TAG=dev-latest ;
-      - docker load < /image-cache/${CPPINTTEST_IMAGE_CACHE} || true
-      - docker pull $CPPINTTEST_REGISTRY_IMAGE
+    - docker load < /image-cache/${CPPINTTEST_IMAGE_CACHE} || true
-      - docker load < /image-cache/mariadb.tar || true
-        # load any(!!!) mariab image
-      - cd .docker
-      - ls -la
-      - ls -la cert
+    - docker load < /image-cache/mariadb.tar || true
+      # load any(!!!) mariab image
+    - cd .docker
+    - ls -la
+    - ls -la cert
-        # here the server and the mysql backend docker are being started
-      - echo "$CAOSDB_TAG"
-      - CAOSDB_TAG=$CAOSDB_TAG docker-compose  up -d
+      # here the server and the mysql backend docker are being started
+    - echo "$CAOSDB_TAG"
+    - CAOSDB_TAG=$CAOSDB_TAG docker-compose  up -d
-        # the pyinttest docker writes the return value of the tests into the
-        # file result
-      - /bin/sh ./run.sh
+      # the pyinttest docker writes the return value of the tests into the
+      # file result
+    - /bin/sh ./run.sh
-        # collect log files
-      - docker logs docker_caosdb-server_1 &> ../caosdb_log.txt
-      - docker logs docker_sqldb_1 &> ../mariadb_log.txt
+      # collect log files
+    - docker logs docker_caosdb-server_1 &> ../caosdb_log.txt
+    - docker logs docker_sqldb_1 &> ../mariadb_log.txt
-        # shut down
-      - CAOSDB_TAG=$CAOSDB_TAG docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
+      # shut down
+    - CAOSDB_TAG=$CAOSDB_TAG docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
-        # collect results
-      - rc=`cat result`
+      # collect results
+    - rc=`cat result`
-        # renew mariadb image in the cache (why? to renew the timestamp???)
-      - echo mariadb:$(docker image ls mariadb | grep mariadb | awk '{print $2}')
-      - docker save mariadb:$(docker image ls mariadb | grep mariadb | awk '{print $2}') > /image-cache/mariadb.tar || true
+      # renew mariadb image in the cache (why? to renew the timestamp???)
+    - echo mariadb:$(docker image ls mariadb | grep mariadb | awk '{print $2}')
+    - docker save mariadb:$(docker image ls mariadb | grep mariadb | awk '{print $2}') > /image-cache/mariadb.tar || true
-        # exit with fail when errors exist
-      - exit $rc
+      # exit with fail when errors exist
+    - exit $rc
   timeout: 3h