# Installation pip install . --user pip install tox --user In order to run the tests you need to install the [scifolder package](https://gitlab.com/henrik_indiscale/scifolder) by Henrik tom Wörden. # Run Unit Tests tox # Run Integration Tests Locally 1. Change directory to `integrationtests/`. 2. Mount `extroot` to the folder that will be used as extroot. E.g. `sudo mount -o bind extroot ../../caosdb-deploy/profiles/empty/paths/extroot` (or whatever path the extroot of the empty profile to be used is located at). 3. Start an empty (!) CaosDB instance (with the mounted extroot). The database will be cleared during testing, so it's important to use an empty insctance. 4. Run `test.sh`. # Code Formatting autopep8 -i -r ./ # Dependencies test: - scifolder package from https://gitlab.com/henrik_indiscale/scifolder # Documentation # Build documentation in `build/` with `make doc`. ## Requirements ## - sphinx - sphinx-autoapi - recommonmark