*  eln_layout.css  *
*  basic.css  *
* colors  *
* helper  *
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* functions  *
* css *
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img.default_profile_picture_small {
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/* ****************** */
/* more_options START */
/* ****************** */
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.more_options_panel.in_project {
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.more_options_item:first-child {
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div.zoom_bar {
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div.zoom_bar:hover {
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div.zoom_bar:hover {
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/* **************** */
/* more_options END */
/* **************** */
/* ****************** */
/* gear_button START */
/* ****************** */
/* ************ */
/* layout START */
/* ************ */
/* generic rules */
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/* specific rules */
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.app_header > h2 {
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.app_header .filter_dn_wrap {
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.app_header .dropdown_button {
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.app_header .dropdown_button p {
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.app_header .dropdown_button span {
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.get_more_apps {
  height: 100%;
  padding: 20px;
/* ********** */
/* layout END */
/* ********** */
/* ****************** */
/* action links START */
/* ****************** */
.action_link_submit {
  background: url(/static/img/design/action/submit.png) top right no-repeat;
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  height: 25px;
  display: block;
.action_link_submit:hover {
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.action_link_signout {
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.action_link_signout:hover {
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.action_link_profile:hover {
  background: url(/static/img/design/action/profile_hover.png);
/* **************** */
/* action links END */
/* **************** */
/* ************ */
/* header START */
/* ************ */
/* LOGO */
.eln_header_logo {
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/* Storage icon */
#eln_header_storage_button {
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#eln_header_storage_fill {
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/* Storage drop down panel */
#eln_header_storage_panel {
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#eln_header_storage_info {
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#eln_header_storage_info:hover {
  color: #374858;
#eln_header_storage_info span {
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  text-align: right;
  width: 80px;
/* Storage percent bar */
#eln_header_storage_bar_container {
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  padding: 12px 10px 0;
#eln_header_storage_bar {
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span#eln_header_storage_bar_percent {
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#eln_header_actions_button:hover {
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#eln_header_storage_button:active {
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div#eln_header_actions_button.active {
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#eln_header_arrow span {
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#eln_header_arrow {
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#eln_header_actions_panel {
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.eln_header_actions_item {
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.eln_header_actions_item span {
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.eln_header_actions_item:hover {
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.colorbar {
  height: 4px;
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/* ************ */
/* header END */
/* ************ */
/* **************** */
/* navigation START */
/* **************** */
#eln_navigation {
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#eln_navigation a {
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#eln_navigation a:first-child {
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#eln_navigation span {
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#eln_navigation span.icon-group {
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#eln_navigation span.icon-inventory {
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#eln_navigation span.icon-template {
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#eln_navigation .highlight {
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#eln_navigation .disabled,
#eln_navigation .disabled:hover {
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#eln_navigation button {
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#feedback_button span,
#invite_button span {
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#invite_button {
  background-color: #bdca70;
#feedback_submit {
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  width: 60px;
  height: 30px;
  font-weight: bold;
#feedback_button {
  background-color: #ad4e88;
.eln_navigation_support_buttons {
  margin-top: 100px;
#feedback_panel {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  top: -2px;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 102;
  background: #d9e1e8;
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.feedback_title {
  background: #ab48a9;
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.feedback_title h4 {
  display: inline-block;
.feedback_title img {
  vertical-align: top;
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.feedback_content {
  padding: 10px;
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.feedback_content h4 {
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#feedback_panel h4 {
  margin: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 5px;
#feedback_comment {
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  height: 120px;
#feedback_submit_loader {
  display: none;
  margin: 8px 15px;
/* ************** */
/* navigation END */
/* ************** */
/* ********* */
/* ********* */
#epb_container {
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img.imageOriginal {
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img.imageLayer {
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#commentBlock {
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#epb_newer_blocks_panel {
  text-align: center;
  color: #999;
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  line-height: 30px;
  margin: 10px 0;
.show_more_entries {
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.show_more_entries span {
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.epb_entry {
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#epb_container {
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.epb_entry:last-child {
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.epb_entry_removed {
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.epb_entry p {
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.epb_header {
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/* .epb_header_container { */
/* 	height: 45px; */
/* } */
.epb_header_sticky {
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.epb_header_sticky div.action_button_text {
  margin-left: 5px;
.epb_header_sticky div.more_options {
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/*Hack for comments*/
.epb_content_wrap {
  display: table;
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.epb_show_comments .epb_content_container {
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.epb_show_comments .comment_block_container {
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/*End of comment Hack */
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/* ******* */
/* EPB END */
/* ******* */
/* ******************* */
/* block history START */
/* ******************* */
.block_history_table {
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tr.history_row:nth-child(odd) {
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tr.history_row:nth-child(even) {
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/* ***************** */
/* block history END */
/* ***************** */
/* ************** */
/* plupload START */
/* ************** */
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/* ************ */
/* plupload END */
/* ************ */
/* *************** */
/* workspace START */
/* *************** */
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/** Modified at the end of the section
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a.order_link_desc:hover {
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.workspace_name a:hover {
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  text-decoration: none;
/* ************* */
/* workspace END */
/* ************* */
/* ******************* */
/* profile block START */
/* ******************* */
#user_settings_innovation_level_form select {
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/*FIND A BETTER WAY WITH last-child*/
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#updatePersonalForm .placeholder_frame {
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.profile_block_value input[type=password] {
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.profile_name_field {
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.placeholder_frame label.profile_personalEdit {
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.profileTitle_field {
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#profile_personal .profile_show div {
  display: inline;
/* ***************** */
/* profile block END */
/* ***************** */
/* ******************** */
/* sticky infobox START */
/* ******************** */
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/* ****************** */
/* sticky infobox END */
/* ****************** */
/* ************ */
/* search START */
/* ************ */
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/* ********** */
/* search END */
/* ********** */
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/* admin active weeks START */
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/* admin active weeks END */
/* pdf viewer       START */
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/*          END */
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/* popup END */
/* custom selectbox START */
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div.lfSelectOption:hover {
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/* custom selectbox END */
/* ************ */
/* button START */
/* ************ */
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button.btn span {
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button.btn img {
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button.btn:active span {
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/* 	padding: 11px 0px 9px 2px; */
/* } */
/* ********** */
/* button END */
/* ********** */
/* ************ */
/* errors START */
/* ************ */
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.errorMessage {
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/* ********** */
/* errors END */
/* ********** */
/* *********************** */
/* input placeholder START */
/* *********************** */
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/* *********************** */
/* input placeholder END */
/* *********************** */
/* ************ */
/* inputs START */
/* ************ */
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/* ********** */
/* inputs END */
/* ********** */
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textarea {
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input[type="checkbox"].default_checkbox + div:before,
input[type="checkbox"].default_checkbox + div:after {
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input[type="checkbox"].default_checkbox + div:after {
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/* Draggable */
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a.dragging_helper {
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* header css *
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* overwrite jqueryUI *
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