[](https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb-advanced-user-tools/commits/master) Project migrated to https://gitlab.com/caosdb # Welcome This is the **CaosDB Advanced User Tools** repository and a part of the CaosDB project. This project contains tools that are beyond the typical use of the CaosDB python client. Especially, this includes the crawler which will typically be used by a data curator. # Setup Please read the [README_SETUP.md](README_SETUP.md) for instructions on how to setup this code. # Further Reading Please refer to the [official gitlab repository of the CaosDB project](https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb) for more information. # License Copyright (C) 2018 Research Group Biomedical Physics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Göttingen. All files in this repository are licensed under a [GNU Affero General Public License](LICENCE.md) (version 3 or later).