diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
index bf6f8ef044c04c12dc1c7a5821c8a26f6d812530..b0f8d2dfe33f420df5e22d45c48e4aa6fea58d21 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
@@ -29,16 +29,7 @@ from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook
 from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
 from .table_generator import ColumnType, RowType
-def _fill_leaves(json_doc: dict, workbook):
-    for key, value in json_doc:
-        if not isinstance(value, list):
-            value = [value]
-        for el in value:
-            if isinstance(el, dict):
-                _fill_leaves(el, workbook)
-            workbook.cell(1, 2, el)
+from .utils import p2s
 def _is_exploded_sheet(sheet: Worksheet) -> bool:
@@ -48,44 +39,80 @@ def _is_exploded_sheet(sheet: Worksheet) -> bool:
     sheet.  A sheet is detected as exploded iff it has FOREIGN columns.
     column_types = _get_column_types(sheet)
-    return ColumnType.FOREIGN.value in column_types.values()
+    return ColumnType.FOREIGN.name in column_types.values()
 def _get_column_types(sheet: Worksheet) -> OrderedDict:
     """Return an OrderedDict: column index -> column type for the sheet.
     result = OrderedDict()
-    type_row_index = _get_row_type_column_index(sheet) - 1
+    type_row_index = _get_row_type_column_index(sheet)
     for idx, col in enumerate(sheet.columns):
         type_cell = col[type_row_index]
         result[idx] = type_cell.value
-        assert hasattr(ColumnType, type_cell.value) or type_cell.value is None, (
+        assert (hasattr(ColumnType, type_cell.value)
+                or type_cell.value == RowType.COL_TYPE.name
+                or type_cell.value is None), (
             f"Unexpected column type value: {type_cell.value}")
     return result
-def _get_row_type_column_index(worksheet):
-    """Return the column index (1-indexed) of the column which defines the row types.
+def _get_foreign_key_columns(sheet: Worksheet) -> Dict[str, SimpleNamespace]:
+    """Return the foreign keys of the worksheet.
+out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
+  The keys are the stringified paths.  The values are SimpleNamespace objects with ``index``,
+  ``path`` and ``column`` attributes.
+    """
+    column_types = _get_column_types(sheet)
+    path_rows = _get_path_rows(sheet)
+    result = OrderedDict()
+    for for_idx, name in column_types.items():
+        if name != ColumnType.FOREIGN.name:
+            continue
+        path = []
+        for row in path_rows:
+            component = sheet.cell(row=row+1, column=for_idx+1).value
+            if component is None:
+                break
+            assert isinstance(component, str), f"Expected string: {component}"
+            path.append(component)
+        result[p2s(path)] = SimpleNamespace(index=for_idx, path=path,
+                                            column=list(sheet.columns)[for_idx])
+    return result
+def _get_deep_value(data: Dict[str, Any], path: List[str]):
+    """Return the value at ``path`` inside the dict ``data``.
+    """
+    if len(path) > 1:
+        return _get_deep_value(data[path.pop(0)], path)
+    return data[path[0]]
+def _get_row_type_column_index(sheet: Worksheet):
+    """Return the column index (0-indexed) of the column which defines the row types.
-    for col in worksheet.columns:
+    for col in sheet.columns:
         for cell in col:
             if cell.value == RowType.COL_TYPE.name:
-                return cell.column
+                return cell.column - 1
     raise ValueError("The column which defines row types (COL_TYPE, PATH, ...) is missing")
-def _get_path_rows(worksheet):
-    """Return the 1-based indices of the rows which represent paths."""
+def _get_path_rows(sheet: Worksheet):
+    """Return the 0-based indices of the rows which represent paths."""
     rows = []
-    rt_col = _get_row_type_column_index(worksheet)
-    for cell in list(worksheet.columns)[rt_col-1]:
-        print(cell.value)
+    rt_col = _get_row_type_column_index(sheet)
+    for cell in list(sheet.columns)[rt_col]:
         if cell.value == RowType.PATH.name:
-            rows.append(cell.row)
+            rows.append(cell.row-1)
     return rows
-def _next_row_index(sheet) -> int:
+def _next_row_index(sheet: Worksheet) -> int:
     """Return the index for the next data row.
     This is defined as the first row without any content.
@@ -94,13 +121,16 @@ def _next_row_index(sheet) -> int:
 class TemplateFiller:
-    def __init__(self, workbook):
+    def __init__(self, workbook: Workbook):
         self._workbook = workbook
+        self._context: Optional[dict] = None
     def fill_data(self, data: dict):
         """Fill the data into the workbook."""
+        self._context = data
         self._handle_data(data=data, current_path=[])
+        self._context = None
     def _create_index(self):
         """Create a sheet index for the workbook.
@@ -113,7 +143,7 @@ class TemplateFiller:
         for sheetname in self._workbook.sheetnames:
             sheet = self._workbook[sheetname]
             type_column = [x.value for x in list(sheet.columns)[
-                _get_row_type_column_index(sheet) - 1]]
+                _get_row_type_column_index(sheet)]]
             # 0-indexed, as everything outside of sheet.cell(...):
             coltype_idx = type_column.index(RowType.COL_TYPE.name)
             path_indices = [i for i, typ in enumerate(type_column) if typ == RowType.PATH.name]
@@ -127,12 +157,12 @@ class TemplateFiller:
                 for path_idx in path_indices:
                     if col[path_idx].value is not None:
-                # col_key = ".".join([col[coltype_idx].value] + path)
+                # col_key = p2s([col[coltype_idx].value] + path)
                 # col_index[col_key] = SimpleNamespace(column=col, col_index=col_idx)
                 if col[coltype_idx].value not in [ColumnType.SCALAR.name, ColumnType.LIST.name]:
-                path_str = ".".join(path)
+                path_str = p2s(path)
                 assert path_str not in self._sheet_index
                 self._sheet_index[path_str] = SimpleNamespace(
                     sheetname=sheetname, sheet=sheet, col_index=col_idx,
@@ -197,13 +227,13 @@ out: union[dict, None]
                 value = content[0]
                 value = ";".join(content)
-            path_str = ".".join(path)
+            path_str = p2s(path)
             assert path_str not in insertables
             insertables[path_str] = value
         if only_collect_insertables:
             return insertables
         if not current_path:
-            return
+            return None
         # actual data insertion
         insert_row = None
@@ -219,6 +249,14 @@ out: union[dict, None]
             sheet.cell(row=insert_row+1, column=col_index+1, value=value)
             # self._handle_simple_data(data=content, current_path=path)
+        # Insert foreign keys
+        if insert_row is not None and sheet is not None and _is_exploded_sheet(sheet):
+            foreigns = _get_foreign_key_columns(sheet)
+            for index, path in ((f.index, f.path) for f in foreigns.values()):
+                value = _get_deep_value(self._context, path)
+                sheet.cell(row=insert_row+1, column=index+1, value=value)
         return None
diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
index 0074e4aed7162152c50ee0568056610e5cdb7a6c..905c225f8548b6aad10f43eec18f48e57258bcab 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2024 Indiscale GmbH <info@indiscale.com>
 # Copyright (C) 2024 Henrik tom Wörden <h.tomwoerden@indiscale.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Daniel Hornung <d.hornung@indiscale.com>
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ from openpyxl import Workbook
 from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
 from openpyxl.workbook.child import INVALID_TITLE_REGEX
+from .utils import p2s
 class ColumnType(Enum):
     """ column types enum """
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ class TableTemplateGenerator(ABC):
             if (schema['items'].get('type') == 'object'
                     and len(path) > 1):  # list of references; special treatment
                 # we add a new sheet with columns generated from the subtree of the schema
-                sheetname = ".".join(path)
+                sheetname = p2s(path)
                 if sheetname in sheets:
                     raise ValueError("The schema would lead to two sheets with the same name, "
                                      f"which is forbidden: {sheetname}")
@@ -200,11 +203,11 @@ class TableTemplateGenerator(ABC):
                 for array_path in array_paths:
                     foreigns = self._get_foreign_keys(foreign_keys, array_path)
                     for foreign in foreigns:
-                        internal_key = ".".join(array_path + [foreign])
+                        internal_key = p2s(array_path + [foreign])
                         if internal_key in sheets[sheetname]:
                             raise ValueError("The schema would lead to two columns with the same "
                                              f"name, which is forbidden: {internal_key}")
-                        ref_sheet = ".".join(array_path)
+                        ref_sheet = p2s(array_path)
                         sheets[sheetname][internal_key] = (
                             ColumnType.FOREIGN, f"see sheet '{ref_sheet}'", array_path + [foreign])
                 # Columns are added to the new sheet, thus we do not return any columns for the
@@ -237,7 +240,7 @@ class TableTemplateGenerator(ABC):
         # The schema is a leaf.
         description = schema['description'] if 'description' in schema else None
         # definition of a single column
-        default_return = {".".join(path[level_in_sheet_name:]): (ctype, description, path)}
+        default_return = {p2s(path[level_in_sheet_name:]): (ctype, description, path)}
         if 'type' not in schema and 'enum' in schema:
             return default_return
         if 'type' not in schema and 'anyOf' in schema:
diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/utils.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15ae488d7cb8e142afba58424b49e8fc3a15e0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This file is a part of the LinkAhead Project.
+# Copyright (C) 2024 IndiScale GmbH <info@indiscale.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Daniel Hornung <d.hornung@indiscale.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from typing import List
+def p2s(path: List[str]):
+    """Path to string: dot-separated.
+    """
+    return ".".join(path)
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
index c3f26251011333fa8d5c3071ed481315f096c47f..3fa03aa6d67828771369e3d20342541164055733 100644
--- a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
+++ b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ def rfp(*pathcomponents):
 def test_detect():
     example = load_workbook(rfp("example_template.xlsx"))
-    assert 1 == _get_row_type_column_index(example['Person'])
-    assert [2, 3] == _get_path_rows(example['Person'])
+    assert 0 == _get_row_type_column_index(example['Person'])
+    assert [1, 2] == _get_path_rows(example['Person'])
 def test_fill_xlsx():