diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/convert.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/convert.py
index 09882f963fd976583d4acbc8f2dd3b67ef510ac8..3c5b78faa3fe3aef677a15293a712855cf1be3b0 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/convert.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/convert.py
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 import datetime
 import itertools
 import sys
+import textwrap
 from functools import reduce
 from operator import getitem
 from types import SimpleNamespace
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, TextIO, Union
+from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, TextIO, Union, Optional
 from warnings import warn
 import jsonschema
@@ -46,6 +47,105 @@ def _strict_bool(value: Any) -> bool:
     raise TypeError(f"Not a good boolean: {repr(value)}")
+def _column_id_to_chars(num):
+    """Converts a column id (zero based) to the corresponding string
+    representation, e.g. 0 -> 'A', 97 -> 'CT'"""
+    if num < 0:
+        return ""
+    return _column_id_to_chars(int(num / 26) - 1) + chr(int(num % 26) + 65)
+def _format_exception_table(exceptions: list[tuple], worksheet_title: str,
+                            column_names: Optional[Union[dict, list]] = None,
+                            max_line_length: int = 120) -> str:
+    """
+    Given a list of tuples containing a row and column number as well as an
+    exception in that order, and the title of the current worksheet, returns
+    a formatted table of the exceptions.
+    Optionally takes a dict of column names, if given a header will be
+    generated for each column and exceptions will be clustered by column.
+    Default line length is 120 and can be overwritten by max_line_length.
+    Params
+    ------
+    exceptions:         list of tuples containing row, column, and exception
+                        Data to be formatted
+    worksheet_title:    str
+                        Name of the current worksheet
+    column_names:       dict or list, optional
+                        column_names[column_num] should return the name of
+                        column column_names.
+                        If given, exceptions will be clustered by column.
+    max_line_length:    int, default=120
+                        Soft cap for the line length of the resulting table
+    Return
+    ------
+    string_rep:         str
+                        Table containing the given exceptions
+    """
+    max_line_length -= 40             # Estimate of Field + Type space use
+    headers = {"loc": "Location", "type": "Error Type", "mess": ["Message"]}
+    lengths = {key: len(headers[key]) for key in headers}
+    new_data = []
+    current_column = None
+    exceptions.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
+    for row_i, col_i, excep in exceptions:
+        if column_names is not None:
+            # Add a line with information about the current column
+            if current_column != col_i:
+                current_column = col_i
+                new_data.append({
+                    "loc": f"\nErrors in column '{column_names[col_i]}':",
+                    "type": "", "mess": [""]
+                })
+        # Setup for current Exception
+        curr_err_data: Any = {}
+        new_data.append(curr_err_data)
+        # Get field
+        if isinstance(row_i, int):
+            curr_err_data["loc"] = f"Cell {_column_id_to_chars(col_i)}{row_i + 1}"
+        else:
+            curr_err_data["loc"] = f"Column {_column_id_to_chars(col_i)}"
+        lengths["loc"] = max(lengths["loc"], len(curr_err_data["loc"]))
+        # Add error code
+        curr_err_data["type"] = type(excep).__name__
+        lengths["type"] = max(lengths["type"], len(curr_err_data["type"]))
+        # Format message - split into lines
+        lines = str(excep).split('\n')
+        new_lines = []
+        for line in lines:
+            new_lines += textwrap.wrap(line, max_line_length, break_long_words=False)
+        for line in new_lines:
+            lengths["mess"] = max(lengths["mess"], len(line))
+        if new_lines == []:
+            new_lines = [""]
+        curr_err_data["mess"] = new_lines
+    # Generate underline for each header
+    dividers = {key: '–' * l for key, l in lengths.items()}
+    dividers["mess"] = [dividers["mess"]]
+    # Fill with spaces for alignment
+    string_rep = f"There were errors during the validation of worksheet '{worksheet_title}':\n\n"
+    for curr_err_data in [headers, dividers] + new_data:
+        string_rep += ' {loc: <{fill}}  '.format(loc=curr_err_data["loc"],
+                                                 fill=lengths["loc"])
+        string_rep += ' {typ: <{fill}}  '.format(typ=curr_err_data["type"],
+                                                 fill=lengths["type"])
+        # Fill for the messages is set to 0, if we want another column or align
+        # right we need to use lengths["mess"]
+        string_rep += ' {mes: <{fill}}\n'.format(mes=curr_err_data["mess"][0], fill=0)
+        for line in curr_err_data["mess"][1:]:
+            # Front padding for lines without location and error type
+            string_rep += ' ' * (lengths["loc"] + lengths["type"] + 6)
+            string_rep += ' {mes: <{fill}}\n'.format(mes=line, fill=0)
+    return string_rep
 class ForeignError(KeyError):
     def __init__(self, *args, definitions: list, message: str = ""):
         super().__init__(message, *args)
@@ -55,10 +155,9 @@ class ForeignError(KeyError):
 class XLSXConverter:
     """Class for conversion from XLSX to JSON.
-For a detailed description of the required formatting of the XLSX files, see ``specs.md`` in the
+    For a detailed description of the required formatting of the XLSX files, see ``specs.md`` in the
+    documentation.
     PARSER: dict[str, Callable] = {
         "string": str,
         "number": float,
@@ -69,21 +168,26 @@ documentation.
     def __init__(self, xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO], schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO],
                  strict: bool = False):
-xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO]
-  Path to the XLSX file or opened file object.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO]
+          Path to the XLSX file or opened file object.
-schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO]
-  Schema for validation of XLSX content.
+        schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO]
+          Schema for validation of XLSX content.
-strict: bool, optional
-  If True, fail faster.
+        strict: bool, optional
+          If True, fail faster.
+        """
         self._workbook = load_workbook(xlsx)
         self._schema = read_or_dict(schema)
         self._defining_path_index = xlsx_utils.get_defining_paths(self._workbook)
-        self._check_columns(fail_fast=strict)
+        try:
+            self._check_columns(fail_fast=strict)
+        except KeyError as e:
+            raise jsonschema.ValidationError(f"Malformed metadata: Cannot parse paths. "
+                                             f"Unknown path: '{e.args[1]}' in sheet '{e.args[0]}'."
+                                             ) from e
         self._handled_sheets: set[str] = set()
         self._result: dict = {}
         self._errors: dict = {}
@@ -91,27 +195,47 @@ strict: bool, optional
     def to_dict(self, validate: bool = False, collect_errors: bool = True) -> dict:
         """Convert the xlsx contents to a dict.
-validate: bool, optional
-  If True, validate the result against the schema.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        validate: bool, optional
+          If True, validate the result against the schema.
-collect_errors: bool, optional
-  If True, do not fail at the first error, but try to collect as many errors as possible.  After an
-  Exception is raised, the errors can be collected with ``get_errors()`` and printed with
-  ``get_error_str()``.
+        collect_errors: bool, optional
+          If True, do not fail at the first error, but try to collect as many errors as possible.  After an
+          Exception is raised, the errors can be collected with ``get_errors()`` and printed with
+          ``get_error_str()``.
-out: dict
-  A dict representing the JSON with the extracted data.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        out: dict
+          A dict representing the JSON with the extracted data.
         self._handled_sheets = set()
         self._result = {}
         self._errors = {}
-        for sheetname in self._workbook.sheetnames:
-            if sheetname not in self._handled_sheets:
-                self._handle_sheet(self._workbook[sheetname], fail_later=collect_errors)
+        if not collect_errors:
+            for sheetname in self._workbook.sheetnames:
+                if sheetname not in self._handled_sheets:
+                    self._handle_sheet(self._workbook[sheetname], fail_later=collect_errors)
+        else:
+            # Collect errors from converting
+            exceptions = []
+            for sheetname in self._workbook.sheetnames:
+                if sheetname not in self._handled_sheets:
+                    try:
+                        self._handle_sheet(self._workbook[sheetname], fail_later=collect_errors)
+                    except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
+                        exceptions.append(e)
+                        # do not collect errors from sheet again
+                        self._handled_sheets.add(sheetname)
+            if len(exceptions) == 1:
+                raise exceptions[0]
+            elif len(exceptions) > 1:
+                mess = "There were errors during the validation of several worksheets:\n\n"
+                mess += '\n\n'.join([str(e).replace("There were errors during the validation of worksheet",
+                                                    "In worksheet")
+                                     for e in exceptions])
+                raise jsonschema.ValidationError(mess)
         if validate:
             jsonschema.validate(self._result, self._schema)
         if self._errors:
@@ -147,8 +271,11 @@ out: dict
                 parents[xlsx_utils.p2s(col.path[:-1])] = col.path[:-1]
             for path in parents.values():
-                subschema = xlsx_utils.get_subschema(path, self._schema)
+                try:
+                    subschema = xlsx_utils.get_subschema(path, self._schema)
+                except KeyError as kerr:
+                    kerr.args = (sheetname, *kerr.args)
+                    raise
                 # Unfortunately, there are a lot of special cases to handle here.
                 if subschema.get("type") == "array":
                     subschema = subschema["items"]
@@ -177,24 +304,29 @@ out: dict
     def _handle_sheet(self, sheet: Worksheet, fail_later: bool = False) -> None:
         """Add the contents of the sheet to the result (stored in ``self._result``).
-Each row in the sheet corresponds to one entry in an array in the result.  Which array exactly is
-defined by the sheet's "proper name" and the content of the foreign columns.
+        Each row in the sheet corresponds to one entry in an array in the result.  Which array exactly is
+        defined by the sheet's "proper name" and the content of the foreign columns.
-Look at ``xlsx_utils.get_path_position`` for the specification of the "proper name".
+        Look at ``xlsx_utils.get_path_position`` for the specification of the "proper name".
-fail_later: bool, optional
-  If True, do not fail with unresolvable foreign definitions, but collect all errors.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fail_later: bool, optional
+          If True, do not fail with unresolvable foreign definitions, but collect all errors.
+        """
         row_type_column = xlsx_utils.get_row_type_column_index(sheet)
+        col_type_row = xlsx_utils.get_column_type_row_index(sheet)
         foreign_columns = xlsx_utils.get_foreign_key_columns(sheet)
         foreign_column_paths = {col.index: col.path for col in foreign_columns.values()}
         data_columns = xlsx_utils.get_data_columns(sheet)
         data_column_paths = {col.index: col.path for col in data_columns.values()}
         # Parent path, insert in correct order.
-        parent, proper_name = xlsx_utils.get_path_position(sheet)
+        try:
+            parent, proper_name = xlsx_utils.get_path_position(sheet)
+        except UnboundLocalError as e:
+            raise jsonschema.ValidationError(f"Malformed metadata: Cannot parse "
+                                             f"paths in worksheet '{sheet.title}'.") from e
         if parent:
             parent_sheetname = xlsx_utils.get_worksheet_for_path(parent, self._defining_path_index)
             if parent_sheetname not in self._handled_sheets:
@@ -206,8 +338,11 @@ fail_later: bool, optional
         # # - data: The actual data of this entry, a dict.
         # entries: dict[str, list[SimpleNamespace]] = {}
+        exceptions = []
+        warns = []
+        col_names = {}
         for row_idx, row in enumerate(sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True)):
-            # Skip non-data rows.
+            # Skip non-data rows
             if row[row_type_column] is not None:
             foreign_repr = ""
@@ -220,24 +355,41 @@ fail_later: bool, optional
                     foreign.append(foreign_column_paths[col_idx] + [value])
-                if col_idx in data_column_paths:
-                    path = data_column_paths[col_idx]
-                    if self._is_multiple_choice(path):
-                        real_value = path.pop()  # Last component is the enum value, insert above
-                        # set up list
-                        try:
-                            _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=[], prefix=parent, skip=1)
-                        except ValueError as err:
-                            if not str(err).startswith("There is already some value at"):
-                                raise
-                        if not xlsx_utils.parse_multiple_choice(value):
-                            continue
-                        _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=real_value, prefix=parent,
-                                       skip=1, append_to_list=True)
+                try:
+                    if col_idx in data_column_paths:
+                        path = data_column_paths[col_idx]
+                        col_names[col_idx] = '.'.join(path)
+                        if self._is_multiple_choice(path):
+                            real_value = path.pop()  # Last component is the enum value, insert above
+                            # set up list
+                            try:
+                                _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=[], prefix=parent, skip=1)
+                            except ValueError as err:
+                                if not str(err).startswith("There is already some value at"):
+                                    raise
+                            if not xlsx_utils.parse_multiple_choice(value):
+                                continue
+                            _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=real_value, prefix=parent,
+                                           skip=1, append_to_list=True)
+                        else:
+                            value = self._validate_and_convert(value, path)
+                            _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=value, prefix=parent, skip=1)
+                        continue
+                    elif sheet.cell(col_type_row+1, col_idx+1).value is None:
+                        mess = (f"\nNo metadata configured for column "
+                                f"'{_column_id_to_chars(col_idx)}' in worksheet "
+                                f"'{sheet.title}'.\n")
+                        if mess not in warns:
+                            print(mess, file=sys.stderr)
+                            warns.append(mess)  # Prevent multiple instances of same warning
+                except (ValueError, KeyError, jsonschema.ValidationError) as e:
+                    # Append error for entire column only once
+                    if isinstance(e, KeyError) and 'column' in str(e):
+                        if len([err for ri, ci, err in exceptions
+                                if ci == col_idx and isinstance(err, KeyError)]) == 0:
+                            exceptions.append((None, col_idx, e))
-                        value = self._validate_and_convert(value, path)
-                        _set_in_nested(mydict=data, path=path, value=value, prefix=parent, skip=1)
-                    continue
+                        exceptions.append((row_idx, col_idx, e))
                 # Find current position in tree
@@ -251,6 +403,12 @@ fail_later: bool, optional
                 if not fail_later:
                 self._errors[(sheet.title, row_idx)] = kerr.definitions
+        if exceptions:
+            exception_table = _format_exception_table(exceptions, sheet.title,
+                                                      col_names)
+            raise jsonschema.ValidationError(exception_table)
     def _is_multiple_choice(self, path: list[str]) -> bool:
@@ -267,9 +425,9 @@ fail_later: bool, optional
     def _get_parent_dict(self, parent_path: list[str], foreign: list[list]) -> dict:
         """Return the dict into which values can be inserted.
-This method returns, from the current result-in-making, the entry at ``parent_path`` which matches
-the values given in the ``foreign`` specification.
+        This method returns, from the current result-in-making, the entry at ``parent_path`` which matches
+        the values given in the ``foreign`` specification.
+        """
         foreign_groups = _group_foreign_paths(foreign, common=parent_path)
         current_object = self._result
@@ -296,33 +454,31 @@ the values given in the ``foreign`` specification.
     def _validate_and_convert(self, value: Any, path: list[str]):
         """Apply some basic validation and conversion steps.
-This includes:
-- Validation against the type given in the schema
-- List typed values are split at semicolons and validated individually
+        This includes:
+        - Validation against the type given in the schema
+        - List typed values are split at semicolons and validated individually
         if value is None:
             return value
-        subschema = self._get_subschema(path)
+        try:
+            subschema = self._get_subschema(path)
+        except KeyError as e:
+            raise KeyError("There is no entry in the schema that corresponds to this column.") from e
         # Array handling only if schema says it's an array.
         if subschema.get("type") == "array":
             array_type = subschema["items"]["type"]
             if isinstance(value, str) and ";" in value:
                 values = [self.PARSER[array_type](v) for v in value.split(";")]
                 return values
-        try:
-            # special case: datetime or date
-            if ("anyOf" in subschema):
-                if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and (
-                        {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'} in subschema["anyOf"]):
-                    return value
-                if isinstance(value, datetime.date) and (
-                        {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date'} in subschema["anyOf"]):
-                    return value
-            jsonschema.validate(value, subschema)
-        except jsonschema.ValidationError as verr:
-            print(verr)
-            print(path)
-            raise
+        # special case: datetime or date
+        if ("anyOf" in subschema):
+            if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and (
+                    {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'} in subschema["anyOf"]):
+                return value
+            if isinstance(value, datetime.date) and (
+                    {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date'} in subschema["anyOf"]):
+                return value
+        jsonschema.validate(value, subschema)
         # Finally: convert to target type
         return self.PARSER[subschema.get("type", "string")](value)
@@ -340,29 +496,29 @@ This includes:
 def _group_foreign_paths(foreign: list[list], common: list[str]) -> list[SimpleNamespace]:
     """Group the foreign keys by their base paths.
-foreign: list[list]
-  A list of foreign definitions, consisting of path components, property and possibly value.
-common: list[list[str]]
-  A common path which defines the final target of the foreign definitions.  This helps to understand
-  where the ``foreign`` paths shall be split.
-out: list[dict[str, list[list]]]
-  A list of foreign path segments, grouped by their common segments.  Each element is a namespace
-  with detailed information of all those elements which form the group.  The namespace has the
-  following attributes:
-  - ``path``: The full path to this path segment.  This is always the previous segment's ``path``
-    plus this segment's ``subpath``.
-  - ``stringpath``: The stringified ``path``, might be useful for comparison or sorting.
-  - ``subpath``: The path, relative from the previous segment.
-  - ``definitions``: A list of the foreign definitions for this segment, but stripped of the
-    ``path`` components.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    foreign: list[list]
+      A list of foreign definitions, consisting of path components, property and possibly value.
+    common: list[list[str]]
+      A common path which defines the final target of the foreign definitions.  This helps to understand
+      where the ``foreign`` paths shall be split.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: list[dict[str, list[list]]]
+      A list of foreign path segments, grouped by their common segments.  Each element is a namespace
+      with detailed information of all those elements which form the group.  The namespace has the
+      following attributes:
+      - ``path``: The full path to this path segment.  This is always the previous segment's ``path``
+        plus this segment's ``subpath``.
+      - ``stringpath``: The stringified ``path``, might be useful for comparison or sorting.
+      - ``subpath``: The path, relative from the previous segment.
+      - ``definitions``: A list of the foreign definitions for this segment, but stripped of the
+        ``path`` components.
     # Build a simple dict first, without subpath.
     results = {}
@@ -392,9 +548,6 @@ out: list[dict[str, list[list]]]
         last_level = len(elem.path)
-    # from IPython import embed
-    # embed()
     if last_level != len(common):
         raise ValueError("Foreign keys must cover the complete `common` depth.")
     return resultlist
@@ -405,31 +558,31 @@ def _set_in_nested(mydict: dict, path: list, value: Any, prefix: list = [], skip
                    overwrite: bool = False, append_to_list: bool = False) -> dict:
     """Set a value in a nested dict.
-mydict: dict
-  The dict into which the ``value`` shall be inserted.
-path: list
-  A list of keys, denoting the location of the value.
-  The value which shall be set inside the dict.
-prefix: list
-  A list of keys which shall be removed from ``path``.  A KeyError is raised if ``path`` does not
-  start with the elements of ``prefix``.
-skip: int = 0
-  Remove this many additional levels from the path, *after* removing the prefix.
-overwrite: bool = False
-  If True, allow overwriting existing content. Otherwise, attempting to overwrite existing values
-  leads to an exception.
-append_to_list: bool = False
-  If True, assume that the element at ``path`` is a list and append the value to it.  If the list
-  does not exist, create it.  If there is a non-list at ``path`` already, overwrite it with a new
-  list, if ``overwrite`` is True, otherwise raise a ValueError.
-mydict: dict
-  The same dictionary that was given as a parameter, but modified.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mydict: dict
+      The dict into which the ``value`` shall be inserted.
+    path: list
+      A list of keys, denoting the location of the value.
+    value
+      The value which shall be set inside the dict.
+    prefix: list
+      A list of keys which shall be removed from ``path``.  A KeyError is raised if ``path`` does not
+      start with the elements of ``prefix``.
+    skip: int = 0
+      Remove this many additional levels from the path, *after* removing the prefix.
+    overwrite: bool = False
+      If True, allow overwriting existing content. Otherwise, attempting to overwrite existing values
+      leads to an exception.
+    append_to_list: bool = False
+      If True, assume that the element at ``path`` is a list and append the value to it.  If the list
+      does not exist, create it.  If there is a non-list at ``path`` already, overwrite it with a new
+      list, if ``overwrite`` is True, otherwise raise a ValueError.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    mydict: dict
+      The same dictionary that was given as a parameter, but modified.
     for idx, el in enumerate(prefix):
         if path[idx] != el:
@@ -473,25 +626,25 @@ def to_dict(xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO], schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO],
             validate: bool = None, strict: bool = False) -> dict:
     """Convert the xlsx contents to a dict, it must follow a schema.
-xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO]
-  Path to the XLSX file or opened file object.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xlsx: Union[str, BinaryIO]
+      Path to the XLSX file or opened file object.
-schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO]
-  Schema for validation of XLSX content.
+    schema: Union[dict, str, TextIO]
+      Schema for validation of XLSX content.
-validate: bool, optional
-  If True, validate the result against the schema.
+    validate: bool, optional
+      If True, validate the result against the schema.
-strict: bool, optional
-  If True, fail faster.
+    strict: bool, optional
+      If True, fail faster.
-out: dict
-  A dict representing the JSON with the extracted data.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: dict
+      A dict representing the JSON with the extracted data.
     converter = XLSXConverter(xlsx, schema, strict=strict)
     return converter.to_dict()
diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/xlsx_utils.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/xlsx_utils.py
index 5002f3ac7fe4bd78accffe0697cd7ecc7273dc27..7770e3ecd372aa0bfb149659dc6397e3b675ff87 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/xlsx_utils.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/xlsx_utils.py
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ class RowType(Enum):
 def array_schema_from_model_schema(model_schema: dict) -> dict:
     """Convert a *data model* schema to a *data array* schema.
-Practically, this means that the top level properties are converted into lists.  In a simplified
-notation, this can be expressed as:
-``array_schema = { elem: [elem typed data...] for elem in model_schema }``
-model_schema: dict
-  The schema description of the data model.  Must be a json schema *object*, with a number of
-  *object* typed properties.
-array_schema: dict
-  A corresponding json schema, where the properties are arrays with the types of the input's
-  top-level properties.
+    Practically, this means that the top level properties are converted into lists.  In a simplified
+    notation, this can be expressed as:
+    ``array_schema = { elem: [elem typed data...] for elem in model_schema }``
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    model_schema: dict
+      The schema description of the data model.  Must be a json schema *object*, with a number of
+      *object* typed properties.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    array_schema: dict
+      A corresponding json schema, where the properties are arrays with the types of the input's
+      top-level properties.
     assert model_schema["type"] == "object"
     result = deepcopy(model_schema)
@@ -100,30 +100,30 @@ array_schema: dict
 def get_defining_paths(workbook: Workbook) -> dict[str, list[list[str]]]:
     """For all sheets in ``workbook``, list the paths which they define.
-A sheet is said to define a path, if it has data columns for properties inside that path.  For
-example, consider the following worksheet:
-| `COL_TYPE` | `SCALAR`       | `SCALAR`      | `LIST`       | `SCALAR`           |
-| `PATH`     | `Training`     | `Training`    | `Training`   | `Training`         |
-| `PATH`     | `url`          | `date`        | `subjects`   | `supervisor`       |
-| `PATH`     |                |               |              | `email`            |
-|            | example.com/mp | 2024-02-27    | Math;Physics | steve@example.com  |
-|            | example.com/m  | 2024-02-27    | Math         | stella@example.com |
-This worksheet defines properties for the paths `["Training"]` and `["Training", "supervisor"]`, and
-thus these two path lists would be returned for the key with this sheet's sheetname.
-workbook: Workbook
-  The workbook to analyze.
-out: dict[str, list[list[str]]
-  A dict with worksheet names as keys and lists of paths (represented as string lists) as values.
+    A sheet is said to define a path, if it has data columns for properties inside that path.  For
+    example, consider the following worksheet:
+    | `COL_TYPE` | `SCALAR`       | `SCALAR`      | `LIST`       | `SCALAR`           |
+    | `PATH`     | `Training`     | `Training`    | `Training`   | `Training`         |
+    | `PATH`     | `url`          | `date`        | `subjects`   | `supervisor`       |
+    | `PATH`     |                |               |              | `email`            |
+    |------------|----------------|---------------|--------------|--------------------|
+    |            | example.com/mp | 2024-02-27    | Math;Physics | steve@example.com  |
+    |            | example.com/m  | 2024-02-27    | Math         | stella@example.com |
+    This worksheet defines properties for the paths `["Training"]` and `["Training", "supervisor"]`, and
+    thus these two path lists would be returned for the key with this sheet's sheetname.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    workbook: Workbook
+      The workbook to analyze.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: dict[str, list[list[str]]
+      A dict with worksheet names as keys and lists of paths (represented as string lists) as values.
+    """
     result: dict[str, list[list[str]]] = {}
     for sheet in workbook.worksheets:
         paths = []
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ out: dict[str, list[list[str]]
 def get_data_columns(sheet: Worksheet) -> dict[str, SimpleNamespace]:
     """Return the data paths of the worksheet.
-out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
-  The keys are the stringified paths.  The values are SimpleNamespace objects with ``index``,
-  ``path`` and ``column`` attributes.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
+      The keys are the stringified paths.  The values are SimpleNamespace objects with ``index``,
+      ``path`` and ``column`` attributes.
     column_types = _get_column_types(sheet)
     path_rows = get_path_rows(sheet)
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
 def get_foreign_key_columns(sheet: Worksheet) -> dict[str, SimpleNamespace]:
     """Return the foreign keys of the worksheet.
-out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
-  The keys are the stringified paths.  The values are SimpleNamespace objects with ``index``,
-  ``path`` and ``column`` attributes.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
+      The keys are the stringified paths.  The values are SimpleNamespace objects with ``index``,
+      ``path`` and ``column`` attributes.
     column_types = _get_column_types(sheet)
     path_rows = get_path_rows(sheet)
@@ -198,20 +198,20 @@ out: dict[str, SimpleNamespace]
 def get_path_position(sheet: Worksheet) -> tuple[list[str], str]:
     """Return a path which represents the parent element, and the sheet's "proper name".
-For top-level sheets / entries (those without foreign columns), the path is an empty list.
+    For top-level sheets / entries (those without foreign columns), the path is an empty list.
-A sheet's "proper name" is detected from the data column paths: it is the first component after the
-parent components.
+    A sheet's "proper name" is detected from the data column paths: it is the first component after the
+    parent components.
-parent: list[str]
-  Path to the parent element.  Note that there may be list elements on the path which are **not**
-  represented in this return value.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    parent: list[str]
+      Path to the parent element.  Note that there may be list elements on the path which are **not**
+      represented in this return value.
-proper_name: str
-  The "proper name" of this sheet.  This defines an array where all the data lives, relative to the
-  parent path.
+    proper_name: str
+      The "proper name" of this sheet.  This defines an array where all the data lives, relative to the
+      parent path.
     # Parent element: longest common path shared among any foreign column and all the data columns
     parent: list[str] = []
@@ -258,6 +258,16 @@ def get_row_type_column_index(sheet: Worksheet):
     raise ValueError("The column which defines row types (COL_TYPE, PATH, ...) is missing")
+def get_column_type_row_index(sheet: Worksheet):
+    """Return the row index (0-indexed) of the row which defines the column types.
+    """
+    for row in sheet.rows:
+        for cell in row:
+            if cell.value == RowType.COL_TYPE.name:
+                return cell.row - 1
+    raise ValueError("The column which defines row types (COL_TYPE, SCALAR, ...) is missing")
 def get_subschema(path: list[str], schema: dict) -> dict:
     """Return the sub schema at ``path``."""
     if path:
@@ -285,7 +295,7 @@ def is_exploded_sheet(sheet: Worksheet) -> bool:
     """Return True if this is a an "exploded" sheet.
     An exploded sheet is a sheet whose data entries are LIST valued properties of entries in another
-    sheet.  A sheet is detected as exploded iff it has FOREIGN columns.
+    sheet.  A sheet is detected as exploded if and only if it has FOREIGN columns.
     column_types = _get_column_types(sheet)
     return ColumnType.FOREIGN.name in column_types.values()
@@ -308,22 +318,22 @@ def p2s(path: list[str]) -> str:
 def parse_multiple_choice(value: Any) -> bool:
     """Interpret ``value`` as a multiple choice input.
-*Truthy* values are:
-- The boolean ``True``.
-- The number "1".
-- The (case-insensitive) strings ``true``, ``wahr``, ``x``, ``√``, ``yes``, ``ja``, ``y``, ``j``.
-*Falsy* values are:
-- The boolean ``False``.
-- ``None``, empty strings, lists, dicts.
-- The number "0".
-- The (case-insensitive) strings ``false``, ``falsch``, ``-``, ``no``, ``nein``, ``n``.
-- Everything else.
-out: bool
-  The interpretation result of ``value``.
+    *Truthy* values are:
+    - The boolean ``True``.
+    - The number "1".
+    - The (case-insensitive) strings ``true``, ``wahr``, ``x``, ``√``, ``yes``, ``ja``, ``y``, ``j``.
+    *Falsy* values are:
+    - The boolean ``False``.
+    - ``None``, empty strings, lists, dicts.
+    - The number "0".
+    - The (case-insensitive) strings ``false``, ``falsch``, ``-``, ``no``, ``nein``, ``n``.
+    - Everything else.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    out: bool
+      The interpretation result of ``value``.
     # Non-string cases first:
     # pylint: disable-next=too-many-boolean-expressions
@@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ out: bool
 def read_or_dict(data: Union[dict, str, TextIO]) -> dict:
     """If data is a json file name or input stream, read data from there.
-If it is a dict already, just return it."""
+    If it is a dict already, just return it."""
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         return data
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken.xlsx b/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a65d464a53459de73e41fd20d807899c44728cda
Binary files /dev/null and b/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken.xlsx differ
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken_paths.xlsx b/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken_paths.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0221570c942fc28f2b59a282f751781ff4a504fa
Binary files /dev/null and b/unittests/table_json_conversion/data/simple_data_broken_paths.xlsx differ
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_read_xlsx.py b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_read_xlsx.py
index 0eec2e9caa1f800ad86ab43057b8c512dc09881f..ac0a42b59478a57a1bf7ef53f4333e20c0358e76 100644
--- a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_read_xlsx.py
+++ b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_read_xlsx.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import re
 from types import SimpleNamespace
+import jsonschema
 import pytest
 from caosadvancedtools.table_json_conversion import convert
@@ -112,6 +113,64 @@ def test_missing_columns():
         assert expected in messages
+def test_error_table():
+    with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError) as caught:
+        convert.to_dict(xlsx=rfp("data/simple_data_broken.xlsx"),
+                        schema=rfp("data/simple_schema.json"))
+    # Correct Errors
+    assert "Malformed metadata: Cannot parse paths in worksheet 'Person'." in str(caught.value)
+    assert "'Not a num' is not of type 'number'" in str(caught.value)
+    assert "'Yes a number?' is not of type 'number'" in str(caught.value)
+    assert "1.5 is not of type 'integer'" in str(caught.value)
+    assert "1.2345 is not of type 'integer'" in str(caught.value)
+    assert "'There is no entry in the schema" in str(caught.value)
+    assert "'Not an enum' is not one of [" in str(caught.value)
+    # Correct Locations
+    for line in str(caught.value).split('\n'):
+        if "'Not a num' is not of type 'number'" in line:
+            assert "J7" in line
+        if "'Yes a number?' is not of type 'number'" in line:
+            assert "J8" in line
+        if "1.5 is not of type 'integer'" in line:
+            assert "K7" in line
+        if "1.2345 is not of type 'integer'" in line:
+            assert "K8" in line
+        if "'There is no entry in the schema" in line:
+            assert "Column M" in line
+        if "'Not an enum' is not one of [" in line:
+            assert "G8" in line
+    # No additional errors
+    assert str(caught.value).count("Malformed metadata: Cannot parse paths in worksheet") == 1
+    assert str(caught.value).count("There is no entry in the schema") == 1
+    assert str(caught.value).count("is not one of") == 1
+    # FIXME ToDo: Remove when boolean is fixed / when everything works as
+    #             expected, set correct number.
+    if "is not of type 'boolean'" in str(caught.value):
+        assert str(caught.value).count("is not of type") == 6
+    else:
+        assert str(caught.value).count("is not of type") == 4
+    # Check correct error message for completely unknown path
+    with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError) as caught:
+        convert.to_dict(xlsx=rfp("data/simple_data_broken_paths.xlsx"),
+                        schema=rfp("data/simple_schema.json"))
+    assert ("Malformed metadata: Cannot parse paths. Unknown path: 'There' in sheet 'Person'."
+            == str(caught.value))
+def test_additional_column():
+    with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError) as caught:
+        convert.to_dict(xlsx=rfp("data/simple_data_broken.xlsx"),
+                        schema=rfp("data/simple_schema.json"))
+    # Correct Error
+    assert "no entry in the schema that corresponds to this column" in str(caught.value)
+    # Correct Location
+    for line in str(caught.value).split('\n'):
+        if "no entry in the schema that corresponds to this column" in line:
+            assert " M " in line
+    # No additional column errors
+    assert str(caught.value).count("no entry in the schema that corresponds to this column") == 1
 def test_faulty_foreign():
     # Simple wrong foreign key
     converter = convert.XLSXConverter(xlsx=rfp("data/simple_data_wrong_foreign.xlsx"),