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+# CaosDB Crawler
+The [CaosDB crawler](https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb-advanced-user-tools/blob/master/src/caosadvancedtools/crawler.py) is  tool for automated insertion or updates of entities in CaosDB.
+## Introduction
+In simple terms, it is a program that scans a directory structure, identifies files
+that shall be treated and generates corresponding Entities in CaosDB, possibly filling meta data.
+During this process the crawler can also open files and derive content from within, for example reading
+CSV tables and processing individual rows of these tables.
+As shown in the figure, the general principle of the crawler framework is the following:
+- The crawler walks through the file structure and matches file names using regular expressions
+- Based on the matched files finger prints, so called `Identifiables` are created
+- CaosDB is queried for the `Identifiables`:
+  - If an `Identifiable` is found, it may be updated by the crawler.
+  - If an `Identifiable` does not yet exist, a new one will be inserted.
+I.e. the `Identifiables` (or finger print) allows to automatically decide 
+whether to insert a Record or update an existing one. This logic of 
+the crawler is specified in C-Foods (pun intended! :-)). These are python 
+classes that are
+loaded by `crawl.py` and allow for customized crawling and indexing code. 
+More details on the different components of the CaosDB Crawler can 
+be found under [Concepts](#concepts) below.
+In case you are happy with our suggestion of a standard crawler, feel free to use the standard crawler.
+The standard crawler lives in this git repository maintained by Henrik tom Wörden:
+## Usage
+Typically, the crawler can be invoked in two ways: via the web interface and 
+directly as a Python script.
+In both cases, if the crawler has a problem with some file (e.g. columns in a table (tsv, xls, ...) are named incorrectly), 
+the problem should be indicated by a warning that is returned. You can fix the 
+problem and run the crawler again. This does not cause any problems, since the 
+crawler can recognize what has already been processed (see the description of finger prints in the [Introduction](#Introduction)).
+However, pay **attention** when you change a property that is used for the 
+finger print: The crawler will not be able to identify a previous version 
+with the changed one since the finger print is different. This often means that entities
+in the data base need to be changed or removed. As a rule of thumb, you should be 
+pretty sure that properties that are used as finger prints will not change after 
+the crawler ran the first time. This prevents complications.
+### Invocation from the Web Interface
+If enabled, the crawler can be called using a menu entry in the web interface. 
+This will open a form where the path of the directory that shall be crawled 
+needs to be given. After the execution information about what was done and 
+which problems might exist is printed in the web interface. 
+Note, that some changes might be pending authorization (if indicated in the 
+### Invocation as Python Script
+The crawler can be executed directly via a python script (usually called `crawl.py`).
+The script prints the progress and reports potential problems.
+The exact behavior depends on your setup. However, you can have a look at the example in
+the [tests](https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb-advanced-user-tools/-/blob/master/integrationtests/full_test/crawl.py).
+Call `python3 crawl.py --help` to see what parameters can be provided. Typically, 
+an invocation looks like:
+python3 crawl.py "/TestData/"
+In this case `/TestData/` identifies the path to be crawled 
+**within the CaosDB file system**. You can browse the CaosDB file system by 
+opening the WebUI of your CaosDB instance and clicking on "File System".
+In the backend, `crawl.py` starts a CQL query `FIND Files WHICH ARE STORED AT /TestData/**` and crawls these files according to your customized `C-Foods`.
+Crawling may consist of two distinct steps:
+1. Insertion of files (use function `loadFiles`)
+2. The actual crawling (use program `crawl.py`)
+However, the first step may be included in `crawl.py`. Otherwise, you can only crawl
+files that were previously inserted by `loadFiles`.
+#### loadFiles
+After installation of the `caosadvancedtools` you can simply 
+call the function `loadFiles` contained in the package:
+python3 -m caosadvancedtools.loadFiles  /opt/caosdb/mnt/extroot
+`/opt/caosdb/mnt/extroot` is the root of the file system to be crawled as seen 
+by the CaosDB server (The actual path may vary. This is the used in the LinkAhead 
+distribution of CaosDB). In this case the root file system as seen from within 
+the CaosDB docker process is used.
+The crawler has the CaosDB python client as dependency, so make sure to install [caosdb-pylib](manuals/pylib/Setting-up-caosdb-pylib).
+## Extending the Crawlers
+Work in Progress
+### Identifiable
+As described above, the main feature of an `identifiable` is, that it has sufficient properties to identify an existing Record in CaosDB that should be update by the Crawler instead of inserting a new one. Obviously, this is necessary to allow to run the Crawler twice on the same file structure without duplicating the data in CaosDB.
+An `identifiable` is a python Record object with the features to identify the correct Record in CaosDB. This object is used to create a query in order to determine whether the Record exists. If it does not, the python object is used to insert the Record. Thus, after this step it is certain, that a Record with the features of the `identifiable` exists in CaosDB (newly created or from before).
+The Crawler also provides a local cache for `identifiables`, i.e. once the Crawler knows the ID of the CaosDB Record of an `identifiable`, the ID is stored and CaosDB does not need to be queried again.
+### C-Food
+A `C-Food` is a logical unit in the insertion process. It should be independent of other data and basically define two steps:
+1. define what is needed to do the operation, i.e. create `identifiables`
+2. update the `identifiables` according to the data
+An example: An experiment might be uniquely identified by the date when it was conducted and a number and the `identifiable` might look like the following:
+  <Parent name="Experiment"/>
+  <Property name="date">2020-04-19</Property>
+  <Property name="Exp-No">9</Property>
+Thus after the first step an `Experiment` with those properties exists. In the second step, this further properties might be added to this Record, e.g. references to data files that were recorded in that experiment or to the person that did the experiment.
+A C-Food may also involve multiple `identifiables`, e.g. when the `Experiment` shall reference the `Project` that it belongs to.
+### Example C-Food
+import caosdb as db
+from .cfood import AbstractCFood, assure_has_property
+class ExampleCFood(AbstractCFood):
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_re():
+        return (r".*/(?P<species>[^/]+)/"
+                r"(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/README.md")
+    def create_identifiables(self):
+        self.experiment = db.Record()
+        self.experiment.add_parent(name="Experiment")
+        self.experiment.add_property(
+			name="date",
+			value=self.match.group('date'))
+        self.identifiables.append(self.experiment)
+    def update_identifiables(self):
+        assure_has_property(
+            self.experiment,
+            "species",
+            self.match.group('species'))
+### ACQ C-Food
+An example for a very specialized C-Food:
+class ACQCFood(BMPGExperimentCFood):                                            
+def get_re():                                                               
+   return (self.exp_folder_pattern + r"acqknowledge/.*\.acq")
+def create_identifiables(self):                                             
+   self.experiment = create_identifiable_experiment(self.match)            
+   self.acq = db.Record("ACQRecording")  
+   self.header = get_acq_header(access(self.crawled_file.path))
+   self.acq.add_property("time", header["starttime"])  
+   self.identifiables.append(self.experiment)                              
+def update_identifiables(self):                                             
+   assure_has_parent(self.crawled_file, "ACQRawData")                             
+   assure_object_is_in_list(self.crawled_file.id,                      
+      self.experiment,             
+      "ACQRawData")                      
+   self.acq.add_property("duration", header["duration"])  
+### Crawler
+The Crawler is the unit that coordinates the insertion process. It iterates e.g. through a file structure and over the `C-Foods`. It also collects output and errors.
+## Standard Crawler
+See: https://doi.org/10.3390/data5020043
+responsible:    M. Musterfrau
+description:    Videos of cardiomyocytes on glass surrounded by collagen.
+- filename: *.avi
+  description:  raw videos of the cell culture
+- filename: *.csv
+  description:  velocities for different times
+## Sources
+Source of the fingerprint picture: https://svgsilh.com/image/1298040.html
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-8,-102 5,-59 2,-96 -11,-149 -15,-64 -19,-70 -47,-76 -37,-8 -44,-27 -31,-77 9,-32 8,-41 -3,-45 -22,-8 -41,14 -53,62 -6,24 -17,47 -23,52 -17,11 -116,32 -154,32 -21,1 -49,16 -90,49 -118,93 -165,103 -172,34 -3,-26 8,-42 76,-114 43,-46 82,-97 86,-112 6,-26 10,-28 39,-21 18,4 41,7 52,6 11,-1 34,-2 50,-4 17,-1 43,-12 59,-24 48,-38 151,-27 204,21 13,11 35,42 48,68 13,25 35,55 49,67 20,15 25,26 20,41 -3,11 4,68 16,126 21,100 22,111 9,222 -7,64 -16,167 -20,227 -12,182 -59,312 -130,359 -26,17 -48,42 -60,69 -10,23 -30,57 -44,76 -30,40 -33,59 -10,68 10,4 14,13 10,29 -15,58 43,32 101,-46 21,-28 50,-56 65,-63 26,-11 28,-16 28,-73 0,-49 5,-68 25,-95 48,-65 68,-121 76,-209 4,-47 15,-107 23,-135 9,-27 19,-99 22,-160 4,-60 12,-123 20,-139 12,-25 12,-31 -6,-54 -15,-19 -20,-40 -20,-89 0,-48 -7,-83 -29,-136 -16,-40 -36,-94 -46,-120 -9,-27 -35,-68 -56,-93 -44,-51 -44,-52 -23,-82 40,-58 132,0 164,105 10,34 26,76 35,92 8,17 15,49 15,73 0,28 8,55 23,77 45,69 47,76 41,117 -3,23 -1,73 5,112 15,96 -7,272 -53,417 -19,61 -39,143 -45,183 -12,76 -37,137 -77,185 -13,16 -24,38 -24,50 -1,39 -37,104 -73,131 -20,15 -44,42 -55,60 -10,17 -49,66 -86,109 -54,62 -75,79 -109,88 -23,6 -52,22 -65,35 -13,13 -32,24 -44,24 -11,0 -47,18 -80,40 -50,33 -69,40 -107,39 -25,0 -54,-4 -65,-8 -20,-8 -167,26 -228,53 -36,15 -42,15 -105,-5 -38,-11 -102,-33 -143,-49 -41,-15 -109,-33 -150,-39 -94,-15 -157,-44 -240,-110 -36,-29 -78,-55 -93,-58 -15,-3 -32,-13 -37,-23 -5,-9 -43,-41 -86,-70 -56,-39 -81,-63 -94,-92 -9,-21 -31,-49 -47,-61 -17,-12 -42,-36 -56,-52 -58,-70 -187,-258 -211,-309 -41,-86 -66,-87 -41,-2 21,68 8,90 -46,81 -37,-6 -39,-6 -31,15 5,14 26,29 57,41 58,22 92,52 100,89 4,17 40,61 95,114 51,48 92,97 96,112 4,15 25,46 48,68 23,23 55,58 72,79 22,26 39,37 58,37 17,0 42,14 69,39 70,64 126,99 168,106 39,7 117,48 173,93 16,12 42,22 58,22 16,0 48,11 71,24 37,21 59,25 190,31 133,7 150,6 167,-10 17,-15 31,-17 103,-11 101,8 177,-12 282,-76 42,-25 90,-45 120,-50 79,-12 104,-27 139,-83 20,-31 46,-57 64,-64 18,-7 36,-25 43,-43 7,-16 36,-48 66,-70 30,-23 55,-51 58,-64 3,-13 8,-36 11,-51 3,-14 14,-38 25,-51 10,-14 19,-35 19,-48 0,-13 11,-35 25,-50 31,-34 125,-273 125,-320 0,-19 9,-53 21,-75 22,-45 68,-250 69,-314 0,-22 0,-78 0,-124 0,-66 5,-94 20,-123 37,-72 52,-178 51,-379 0,-57 -33,-162 -67,-214 -19,-29 -63,-55 -91,-55 -10,0 -36,-9 -57,-19 -21,-11 -60,-24 -87,-30 -28,-6 -62,-17 -77,-25 -15,-8 -50,-17 -77,-21 -28,-4 -57,-11 -65,-15 -9,-5 -67,-4 -130,1 -110,8 -224,35 -282,65 -43,22 -188,154 -188,171 0,8 -18,31 -41,51 -41,37 -72,89 -109,181 -27,69 -38,407 -15,472 21,57 19,102 -4,123 -30,27 -62,16 -95,-32 -29,-40 -30,-49 -38,-185 -5,-78 -5,-169 -2,-202 8,-79 97,-348 138,-416 32,-53 33,-54 87,-59 l 54,-5 30,-57 c 42,-79 71,-107 118,-115 23,-3 54,-19 73,-35 37,-33 108,-58 163,-58 20,0 47,-7 60,-16 19,-14 29,-14 66,-4 28,8 65,10 99,6 42,-6 64,-3 92,10 31,15 41,15 71,5 29,-11 38,-10 59,4 14,9 28,23 31,31 3,9 19,14 42,14 28,0 47,8 74,33 21,18 57,38 80,44 59,16 95,48 119,102 10,25 32,58 49,73 l 29,27 -5,216 c -5,182 -8,220 -23,243 -13,20 -16,44 -14,113 3,64 -1,97 -12,121 -8,18 -22,80 -31,137 -8,57 -24,142 -35,188 -11,47 -20,97 -20,112 0,43 -19,92 -52,134 -18,23 -32,55 -35,80 -3,23 -14,59 -24,79 -11,21 -26,68 -35,105 -16,69 -87,213 -154,313 -42,62 -125,141 -191,183 -24,15 -66,43 -93,62 -30,22 -89,48 -158,69 -102,32 -114,34 -164,24 -48,-10 -62,-8 -132,15 -102,34 -152,40 -308,38 -116,-1 -137,-4 -195,-27 -35,-15 -103,-34 -151,-44 -48,-10 -127,-37 -176,-59 -49,-23 -96,-41 -105,-41 -9,0 -24,-12 -34,-26 -9,-15 -40,-37 -68,-50 -27,-12 -77,-48 -109,-79 -32,-32 -77,-65 -99,-75 -24,-11 -52,-35 -67,-57 -14,-21 -38,-44 -53,-51 -20,-10 -27,-21 -27,-41 0,-21 -10,-36 -36,-56 -20,-15 -42,-43 -50,-61 -8,-18 -65,-86 -128,-151 -63,-66 -151,-168 -195,-229 -43,-60 -91,-123 -105,-140 -15,-18 -33,-50 -41,-73 -7,-22 -32,-64 -53,-93 -58,-78 -91,-150 -118,-257 -16,-68 -29,-100 -44,-110 -11,-7 -20,-24 -20,-37 0,-13 -11,-39 -24,-58 -35,-52 -96,-231 -106,-313 -10,-75 -25,-115 -66,-168 -15,-20 -30,-68 -45,-143 -20,-100 -24,-112 -41,-106 -41,13 -66,-21 -104,-138 -31,-97 -37,-132 -44,-248 -4,-74 -13,-159 -20,-189 -7,-32 -9,-73 -5,-100 3,-25 7,-74 8,-108 2,-52 7,-68 34,-105 18,-23 53,-74 79,-111 25,-38 61,-85 79,-106 18,-20 37,-49 40,-64 4,-15 30,-51 57,-80 27,-28 59,-65 71,-82 25,-35 44,-50 106,-82 25,-13 64,-43 86,-67 22,-23 66,-57 98,-75 55,-32 215,-172 271,-238 32,-38 154,-125 241,-173 33,-19 78,-48 100,-65 22,-17 70,-48 106,-68 36,-20 101,-62 145,-93 43,-32 97,-70 119,-86 32,-22 57,-30 122,-38 44,-5 98,-17 120,-26 21,-10 50,-19 65,-20 15,-1 41,-12 57,-23 51,-37 110,-53 147,-41 98,33 39,105 -101,125 -57,8 -79,18 -115,50 -14,12 -39,25 -56,28 -44,8 -393,180 -440,217 -98,77 -133,102 -181,131 -29,17 -53,37 -53,43 0,21 -34,45 -84,60 -55,17 -86,41 -86,67 0,11 -45,53 -117,109 -65,50 -153,119 -195,154 -43,34 -100,74 -128,88 -60,31 -213,191 -259,271 -17,30 -45,71 -62,93 -17,21 -42,64 -55,94 -13,30 -40,69 -59,85 l -36,30 -1,120 c -1,66 3,201 8,300 8,146 13,187 29,219 26,51 40,47 38,-12 -1,-26 -2,-108 -2,-182 -1,-74 -6,-165 -12,-201 -14,-79 -8,-108 30,-151 16,-18 32,-47 35,-64 4,-18 16,-40 26,-49 11,-10 29,-42 40,-72 54,-145 110,-224 233,-328 56,-48 118,-95 137,-105 19,-10 60,-47 90,-81 71,-82 74,-85 210,-179 63,-43 146,-109 185,-145 83,-80 134,-116 197,-140 35,-13 63,-35 104,-82 62,-70 97,-93 145,-93 41,0 150,-58 230,-123 59,-47 68,-51 113,-49 40,2 53,-2 74,-23 20,-20 35,-25 77,-25 41,0 61,-6 99,-32 55,-36 113,-45 194,-30 45,8 59,7 90,-9 47,-24 73,-24 117,2 33,20 46,21 138,16 66,-4 115,-2 141,5 38,12 39,11 70,-25 35,-42 57,-46 93,-17 30,24 58,25 105,5 29,-11 82,-13 281,-11 224,4 249,6 279,24 23,13 39,17 53,12 35,-15 223,-11 253,4 15,7 53,17 86,21 32,4 102,20 155,36 75,22 116,29 186,29 73,0 99,5 141,24 30,14 62,22 76,19 14,-3 70,9 124,27 73,23 109,30 138,26 22,-4 44,-2 51,4 7,6 46,17 86,25 41,8 94,22 119,31 25,8 76,18 115,21 38,4 79,12 90,19 11,7 49,18 85,24 36,7 92,22 125,33 52,19 60,26 60,47 0,21 -4,25 -30,24 -35,-2 -197,-49 -234,-69 -23,-11 -30,-11 -56,3 -24,14 -55,17 -153,15 -156,-2 -213,-15 -258,-60 -28,-28 -37,-32 -53,-23 -28,14 -57,12 -71,-5 -7,-8 -27,-15 -44,-15 -17,0 -56,-7 -86,-15 -30,-8 -73,-15 -95,-15 -22,0 -62,-8 -90,-19 -27,-10 -74,-21 -104,-25 -30,-4 -67,-14 -83,-22 -16,-8 -33,-12 -38,-9 -5,3 -24,-2 -42,-11 -18,-10 -55,-18 -83,-20 -27,-1 -102,-5 -165,-8 -63,-3 -155,-12 -205,-20 -200,-33 -243,-36 -368,-25 -109,10 -128,9 -173,-6 -48,-16 -56,-16 -98,-2 -30,10 -64,14 -98,10 -38,-4 -84,2 -161,21 -60,14 -118,26 -129,26 -12,0 -59,-16 -106,-37 -77,-33 -88,-35 -116,-24 -17,7 -65,19 -107,26 -41,7 -95,23 -118,34 -23,12 -82,31 -130,41 -103,22 -142,37 -222,85 -32,20 -79,42 -106,50 -33,10 -61,28 -89,58 -26,27 -54,46 -74,50 -17,4 -53,26 -79,49 -29,26 -79,56 -128,76 -71,28 -88,41 -143,102 -34,39 -83,85 -108,102 -26,18 -55,42 -65,55 -10,12 -51,43 -91,68 -42,26 -96,71 -125,105 -29,33 -78,75 -109,93 -46,27 -60,41 -70,72 -7,22 -21,44 -30,49 -9,5 -53,44 -97,86 -44,42 -90,82 -102,88 -12,7 -24,25 -28,40 -3,16 -26,48 -50,72 -31,30 -45,52 -45,71 0,14 -14,57 -31,95 -34,75 -44,156 -55,435 -5,118 -3,141 12,170 21,41 22,115 1,155 -15,30 -14,33 34,130 63,125 229,567 229,608 0,9 11,42 24,74 13,31 29,84 35,117 17,96 77,227 127,280 28,28 44,54 44,70 0,39 115,133 136,112 12,-11 -62,-133 -107,-177 -56,-56 -69,-79 -69,-123 0,-26 -12,-50 -45,-93 -68,-87 -84,-166 -35,-172 43,-4 86,30 98,79 6,26 41,85 82,143 41,58 75,117 81,143 7,24 28,61 49,85 34,39 38,41 44,21 5,-14 -10,-55 -49,-133 -30,-62 -55,-119 -55,-126 0,-7 -16,-27 -35,-45 -29,-28 -35,-40 -35,-76 0,-32 -7,-50 -28,-75 -15,-18 -36,-45 -45,-60 -10,-15 -35,-37 -56,-47 -51,-27 -98,-82 -112,-133 -6,-23 -35,-90 -64,-148 -29,-58 -58,-126 -64,-150 -7,-25 -23,-67 -36,-95 -13,-28 -41,-131 -62,-230 -40,-195 -43,-257 -17,-380 8,-38 14,-102 13,-141 -2,-60 2,-77 20,-103 12,-16 35,-63 52,-103 16,-40 43,-90 59,-110 17,-20 30,-49 30,-64 0,-19 13,-38 46,-68 25,-22 55,-58 65,-79 11,-21 30,-42 43,-47 13,-5 68,-54 122,-110 55,-56 117,-114 139,-129 22,-14 47,-41 57,-59 24,-49 45,-69 107,-104 95,-53 132,-80 161,-123 27,-40 203,-159 375,-255 33,-19 86,-53 118,-76 31,-24 73,-48 92,-54 21,-7 42,-24 55,-46 19,-29 27,-34 60,-34 21,0 68,-11 104,-25 37,-14 83,-25 102,-25 41,0 301,-85 325,-106 21,-19 43,-18 62,4 26,28 21,47 -21,76 -29,20 -50,26 -88,26 -43,0 -58,6 -95,35 -27,20 -86,49 -149,70 -126,44 -138,50 -218,109 -48,36 -71,46 -101,46 -41,0 -91,30 -145,89 -17,17 -35,31 -41,31 -22,0 -110,52 -160,94 -27,24 -61,49 -75,56 -13,7 -33,24 -44,38 -11,13 -47,37 -80,52 -34,15 -72,40 -86,55 -14,15 -50,45 -81,66 -31,21 -71,57 -90,81 -50,66 -110,127 -156,159 -26,18 -46,42 -53,64 -12,38 -52,75 -80,75 -24,0 -128,114 -136,148 -11,45 -60,135 -88,161 -14,13 -35,49 -47,80 -17,46 -19,68 -14,122 6,56 3,73 -14,106 -37,74 -44,123 -31,220 6,48 20,108 32,133 12,27 23,83 28,142 7,71 16,109 34,145 14,26 30,73 36,103 15,70 97,240 116,240 11,0 12,-4 4,-19 -5,-11 -10,-29 -10,-39 0,-11 -11,-44 -25,-74 -14,-29 -25,-62 -25,-73 0,-11 -6,-32 -14,-46 -8,-16 -11,-46 -8,-81 3,-46 -1,-67 -22,-113 -36,-80 -50,-171 -42,-284 13,-189 24,-267 45,-319 11,-29 21,-65 21,-80 0,-18 11,-38 29,-56 20,-19 35,-52 52,-108 18,-65 35,-98 86,-167 36,-47 81,-101 101,-121 20,-20 49,-55 64,-77 15,-23 43,-49 63,-59 22,-10 50,-38 73,-72 51,-76 78,-102 102,-102 20,0 112,-72 171,-134 15,-15 46,-37 70,-48 24,-10 61,-33 83,-51 85,-68 179,-129 212,-139 20,-5 52,-24 72,-41 20,-18 49,-39 63,-46 15,-7 47,-33 72,-57 33,-31 57,-45 87,-50 22,-4 69,-24 104,-45 35,-21 81,-42 102,-47 23,-5 54,-23 74,-44 34,-34 38,-35 88,-30 48,4 56,2 92,-27 21,-17 63,-37 94,-45 30,-8 65,-20 78,-28 13,-7 37,-14 53,-15 17,-1 45,-5 62,-8 39,-9 76,-1 97,21 39,38 1,94 -63,94 -21,0 -86,16 -144,35 -58,19 -113,35 -122,35 -9,0 -53,16 -98,36 -45,20 -106,43 -134,51 -50,13 -154,79 -247,156 -57,46 -64,49 -125,56 -51,6 -57,9 -84,48 -23,36 -34,43 -60,43 -45,0 -91,31 -132,89 -38,52 -65,74 -105,84 -14,3 -53,38 -88,76 -36,40 -96,92 -142,122 -60,39 -91,68 -123,113 -23,33 -57,70 -75,83 -19,12 -57,55 -86,95 l -52,73 h -50 -49 l -7,65 c -6,49 -19,88 -57,160 -27,52 -63,131 -80,175 -18,44 -41,99 -52,121 -17,35 -19,52 -13,100 4,33 8,97 9,144 2,104 21,257 36,296 6,16 15,73 20,128 5,66 16,113 30,143 18,37 20,48 9,67 -10,19 -8,28 14,60 13,20 30,54 37,74 38,120 98,254 149,332 39,58 65,111 75,151 20,78 71,180 122,244 21,28 54,74 72,104 18,30 66,102 107,159 42,59 74,115 74,128 0,15 6,24 16,24 9,0 46,29 83,65 37,36 74,65 81,65 8,0 50,24 94,54 88,59 131,79 189,90 21,4 59,21 85,37 36,23 57,29 92,28 29,-1 78,10 138,31 89,32 95,32 147,20 29,-7 67,-10 84,-7 64,13 131,-10 241,-82 96,-64 145,-90 192,-105 9,-3 29,-23 43,-46 14,-22 30,-40 36,-40 15,0 -8,-27 -33,-41 -15,-8 -25,-4 -51,22 -18,17 -71,59 -118,93 -80,58 -95,65 -213,95 -82,21 -138,31 -155,26 -27,-7 -49,-8 -91,-4 -14,1 -38,-3 -55,-9 -71,-26 -224,-72 -270,-82 -27,-6 -59,-20 -70,-30 -11,-10 -62,-36 -113,-58 -136,-59 -301,-191 -344,-277 -12,-22 -36,-57 -54,-77 -18,-20 -36,-53 -40,-72 -3,-21 -18,-46 -33,-59 -50,-42 -79,-93 -210,-370 -134,-283 -205,-446 -267,-615 -31,-83 -34,-104 -32,-180 1,-54 -5,-121 -17,-177 -18,-90 -18,-91 3,-185 11,-52 28,-148 36,-213 10,-72 26,-141 41,-177 14,-33 25,-68 25,-77 0,-10 7,-29 16,-41 15,-22 23,-23 73,-4 11,4 11,1 2,-16 -14,-26 -14,-87 -1,-113 6,-10 21,-19 35,-19 44,0 55,-10 55,-52 0,-50 22,-92 60,-115 16,-9 32,-25 36,-35 3,-9 31,-44 63,-78 50,-54 60,-61 84,-55 25,7 29,3 48,-41 35,-84 40,-91 79,-113 21,-12 48,-37 59,-55 37,-60 71,-86 110,-86 30,0 48,-11 105,-61 63,-56 72,-60 103,-54 31,5 38,2 71,-33 20,-21 49,-43 63,-49 15,-6 46,-38 71,-70 36,-47 51,-60 83,-67 22,-4 58,-14 80,-22 23,-8 55,-14 72,-14 25,0 35,-7 52,-35 16,-28 40,-44 116,-80 103,-48 339,-126 383,-127 52,-2 99,41 86,77 -4,8 -25,27 -49,40 -35,21 -55,25 -119,25 -57,0 -87,5 -116,20 -21,11 -64,29 -95,41 -30,11 -68,31 -83,43 -15,13 -57,33 -93,45 -91,30 -139,63 -258,175 -113,107 -147,131 -272,192 -98,48 -108,58 -116,111 -8,48 -19,55 -61,37 -37,-15 -54,-11 -46,11 10,25 -17,56 -70,79 -30,13 -62,36 -72,52 -11,16 -49,58 -85,94 -37,36 -74,82 -82,102 -12,28 -24,39 -49,46 -31,8 -33,11 -33,54 0,33 -6,53 -21,70 -34,38 -54,71 -54,91 0,35 -31,84 -64,102 -29,16 -37,30 -69,124 -20,58 -39,131 -43,161 -3,30 -14,82 -24,116 -16,51 -17,73 -9,138 5,42 14,88 19,102 6,14 10,78 10,143 0,107 2,123 25,165 14,26 25,60 25,76 0,20 15,47 46,85 33,41 48,69 53,103 9,55 74,221 106,273 13,19 30,57 39,84 10,27 31,64 48,84 33,37 71,115 83,170 4,21 31,59 74,105 37,39 83,94 101,121 19,28 71,88 115,134 62,65 94,90 145,113 36,16 79,42 95,58 17,15 46,31 65,35 19,4 69,18 110,32 45,14 97,23 130,23 30,-1 80,6 110,15 70,20 110,15 251,-36 139,-49 161,-61 196,-102 15,-19 40,-42 56,-52 30,-19 35,-42 11,-52 -10,-4 -32,10 -62,39 -26,25 -57,51 -69,57 -59,30 -195,73 -256,81 -61,7 -73,6 -103,-12 -27,-16 -56,-21 -120,-23 -71,-2 -89,-6 -108,-24 -27,-25 -76,-41 -127,-41 -25,0 -42,-7 -60,-26 -13,-14 -50,-39 -82,-56 -32,-17 -67,-44 -78,-60 -11,-15 -27,-28 -36,-28 -22,0 -141,-118 -171,-170 -15,-24 -39,-56 -54,-70 -36,-34 -155,-253 -188,-350 -15,-43 -36,-90 -47,-106 -25,-35 -49,-105 -69,-197 -21,-101 -19,-123 14,-147 l 28,-21 -30,-62 -31,-62 3,-175 c 2,-110 8,-199 18,-240 8,-36 22,-115 30,-177 8,-61 20,-131 28,-155 15,-51 11,-75 -10,-57 -8,6 -14,20 -14,30 0,10 -9,36 -21,58 -11,22 -34,86 -52,143 -30,99 -31,111 -35,318 -3,179 0,228 14,290 10,41 18,93 18,115 1,33 -2,40 -20,43 -17,2 -31,-11 -62,-57 -62,-93 -65,-111 -58,-300 8,-196 8,-201 5,-288 -1,-55 4,-83 30,-148 34,-89 37,-105 18,-105 -29,0 -50,-26 -43,-53 5,-20 16,-29 46,-37 52,-14 93,-79 94,-151 1,-42 7,-55 51,-106 27,-32 66,-73 87,-91 30,-27 38,-41 38,-68 0,-35 28,-74 53,-74 20,0 43,-29 56,-72 12,-36 27,-48 62,-48 24,0 195,-172 220,-222 12,-24 28,-40 44,-43 14,-3 35,-7 48,-10 12,-3 57,-36 99,-73 47,-42 93,-73 118,-81 29,-8 45,-21 56,-44 53,-102 116,-157 183,-157 16,0 42,-10 58,-24 45,-38 144,-83 229,-105 44,-11 99,-27 123,-35 40,-15 46,-15 92,6 42,17 54,19 76,9 19,-9 29,-9 39,0 21,17 18,24 -31,79 -24,27 -49,58 -54,68 -5,10 -46,40 -90,66 -65,38 -87,46 -110,41 -24,-5 -33,-1 -52,23 -32,39 -109,81 -249,135 -63,25 -142,56 -175,71 -33,14 -68,26 -77,26 -16,0 -162,130 -293,260 -33,32 -73,64 -88,70 -25,9 -28,14 -22,38 8,41 -21,65 -68,57 -43,-8 -55,9 -64,88 -8,71 -16,83 -71,109 l -47,23 v 60 c 0,61 -10,87 -63,167 -20,32 -23,45 -18,90 7,64 7,58 -2,188 -5,58 -11,112 -15,120 -4,8 -11,127 -16,265 -9,247 -9,250 15,322 13,41 24,84 24,96 0,29 86,294 104,322 8,12 28,35 44,52 19,18 33,45 37,69 7,41 60,124 131,209 24,28 48,63 53,78 8,19 18,27 36,27 28,0 65,32 65,55 0,9 9,15 23,15 12,0 36,9 52,20 17,11 45,20 63,20 28,0 35,5 47,34 18,43 62,73 84,57 69,-48 104,-46 116,8 8,36 18,45 75,65 63,22 82,20 195,-19 55,-19 112,-35 126,-35 40,0 63,-22 55,-53 -6,-25 -8,-25 -63,-20 -42,5 -69,14 -98,36 -35,25 -46,28 -85,22 -25,-3 -62,-5 -82,-5 -45,1 -66,-9 -119,-57 -33,-30 -46,-35 -96,-37 -44,-2 -78,-12 -143,-44 -128,-63 -250,-161 -250,-201 0,-23 -53,-104 -106,-161 -19,-21 -34,-51 -39,-75 -3,-22 -28,-74 -55,-115 -60,-94 -80,-153 -80,-234 0,-58 -3,-68 -34,-105 -40,-48 -53,-113 -42,-214 4,-34 9,-105 12,-157 2,-52 13,-142 24,-200 11,-58 26,-162 35,-233 17,-135 22,-154 54,-202 30,-43 28,-89 -4,-103 -38,-17 -22,-46 21,-37 29,5 35,2 48,-23 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-22,-4 -56,-16 -75,-28 -26,-16 -53,-22 -110,-23 -123,-3 -248,-18 -261,-31 -9,-9 -18,-9 -31,-2 -30,16 -266,35 -279,22 -8,-8 -27,0 -67,27 -107,70 -284,174 -422,247 -36,19 -76,45 -90,58 -14,13 -61,46 -105,74 -59,38 -90,51 -117,51 -20,0 -40,5 -43,10 -4,6 -23,17 -43,26 -20,8 -56,35 -79,59 -23,24 -78,71 -122,104 -44,34 -95,83 -112,109 -18,26 -54,70 -80,99 -26,29 -54,73 -63,99 -8,25 -44,85 -80,132 -87,119 -105,150 -113,208 -3,27 -12,58 -19,69 -20,31 -74,190 -74,217 0,14 11,35 25,48 14,13 25,32 25,42 0,16 -6,19 -32,16 l -33,-3 -2,73 c -2,52 2,84 14,110 14,30 18,79 23,247 l 5,210 32,55 c 18,31 35,75 39,99 4,24 17,55 29,69 30,36 45,67 45,90 0,11 12,37 26,58 15,21 31,53 36,70 15,55 242,253 265,231 10,-11 -30,-66 -108,-147 -61,-64 -94,-109 -130,-179 -27,-51 -49,-99 -49,-106 0,-7 -7,-18 -16,-26 -28,-23 -55,-88 -75,-181 -11,-50 -27,-104 -35,-120 -10,-19 -13,-40 -9,-57 8,-29 26,-233 25,-268 -8,-161 9,-345 39,-439 11,-32 29,-93 41,-134 25,-85 45,-118 108,-177 24,-23 41,-47 37,-53 -13,-21 17,-78 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23,-49 44,-112 48,-140 3,-27 17,-77 30,-109 13,-33 24,-64 24,-70 0,-6 14,-40 30,-74 17,-35 30,-74 30,-86 0,-37 78,-290 116,-377 44,-99 46,-107 86,-279 25,-111 31,-160 34,-280 2,-80 6,-157 9,-172 5,-20 2,-29 -13,-37 -25,-13 -37,-45 -58,-151 -9,-47 -21,-94 -27,-105 -20,-40 -193,-207 -244,-237 -60,-34 -98,-75 -120,-130 -11,-28 -29,-46 -70,-70 -30,-18 -71,-43 -91,-55 -20,-13 -53,-23 -73,-23 -20,0 -56,-11 -80,-23 -24,-13 -80,-32 -124,-42 -44,-9 -100,-24 -125,-32 -50,-17 -64,-19 -241,-29 -84,-4 -147,-3 -190,5 -35,6 -122,16 -194,21 -119,8 -138,12 -225,49 -52,21 -113,54 -135,73 -21,18 -51,38 -66,45 -88,37 -287,209 -303,261 -4,10 -21,25 -39,34 -17,8 -59,40 -93,69 -34,30 -71,62 -83,71 -11,10 -21,26 -21,36 0,10 -18,44 -39,74 -103,147 -181,282 -219,379 -41,104 -41,106 -33,184 9,76 8,80 -14,101 -34,32 -37,67 -25,279 19,351 30,401 123,573 48,89 87,143 186,257 108,123 127,141 131,122 9,-35 42,-28 62,13 38,76 86,88 157,40 29,-20 56,-30 81,-30 37,0 38,-1 42,-40 3,-37 2,-40 -27,-46 -35,-7 -78,-36 -117,-76 -15,-17 -37,-28 -52,-28 -40,0 -31,17 24,45 73,37 82,96 16,118 -45,15 -75,0 -161,-83 -46,-44 -95,-82 -111,-86 -64,-15 -83,-32 -100,-90 -9,-30 -28,-70 -43,-87 -30,-35 -57,-104 -97,-247 -24,-86 -27,-115 -31,-316 -5,-216 -4,-223 20,-290 14,-38 30,-96 37,-129 6,-33 22,-85 35,-115 13,-30 26,-76 30,-103 6,-47 23,-82 100,-211 30,-51 47,-68 73,-77 32,-10 34,-14 29,-44 -7,-42 9,-65 76,-109 29,-20 68,-54 86,-77 22,-27 54,-50 96,-69 75,-34 95,-59 95,-120 0,-51 13,-70 47,-70 31,0 72,-22 102,-54 14,-14 33,-26 44,-26 10,0 51,-13 90,-29 40,-15 104,-35 142,-44 39,-9 99,-26 135,-37 44,-14 88,-21 135,-20 39,1 106,-6 149,-15 l 79,-16 46,24 c 38,20 57,23 108,19 44,-3 71,0 94,12 18,9 48,16 67,16 23,0 44,8 58,21 21,20 24,20 46,5 31,-22 40,-21 122,18 39,18 91,42 115,52 83,35 112,74 76,104 -21,18 -148,-12 -223,-52 -39,-21 -71,-30 -111,-32 -43,-1 -62,-7 -79,-24 -25,-25 -40,-29 -143,-37 -48,-3 -87,-1 -105,6 -30,12 -95,17 -254,22 -58,1 -104,7 -119,16 -20,11 -33,11 -79,0 -52,-12 -57,-12 -95,10 -25,15 -57,24 -81,24 -46,-1 -70,9 -106,43 -14,13 -53,32 -88,43 -73,22 -142,69 -121,82 7,4 52,6 99,4 73,-2 96,-8 165,-40 44,-20 107,-41 140,-46 33,-5 81,-16 107,-25 25,-8 66,-14 90,-14 23,1 61,-5 83,-14 56,-21 351,-22 455,-1 103,21 110,24 134,50 20,21 163,65 212,65 11,0 37,9 58,19 34,18 41,18 76,6 37,-13 40,-13 77,16 21,16 89,65 151,110 l 112,80 v 43 c 0,27 12,67 35,114 34,71 34,73 18,107 -15,32 -15,36 5,84 17,38 22,70 22,133 0,90 -20,248 -45,353 -8,37 -15,81 -15,99 0,34 -38,118 -56,123 -6,2 -21,-5 -34,-15 -23,-19 -23,-20 -12,-103 7,-46 12,-107 12,-136 0,-29 7,-77 14,-108 11,-41 12,-63 4,-86 -6,-16 -8,-47 -4,-69 4,-24 0,-51 -9,-74 -11,-26 -14,-52 -9,-86 8,-63 -2,-120 -22,-120 -9,0 -28,-13 -43,-28 -25,-24 -28,-36 -29,-91 -1,-71 -19,-101 -60,-101 -39,0 -91,-30 -120,-69 -14,-20 -29,-39 -32,-44 -3,-4 -20,-2 -37,4 -27,9 -36,7 -70,-15 -59,-39 -263,-124 -349,-146 -93,-24 -221,-26 -290,-5 -31,10 -68,13 -99,10 -27,-3 -84,-1 -125,6 -41,6 -106,15 -145,19 -102,12 -162,25 -230,50 -33,12 -82,29 -110,37 -27,8 -64,28 -80,44 -17,16 -58,42 -92,58 -34,17 -84,50 -112,75 -29,25 -63,53 -77,62 -20,14 -24,22 -19,46 8,36 -7,56 -51,64 -27,5 -38,14 -49,39 -7,19 -26,41 -42,51 -15,10 -29,19 -31,20 -2,1 4,16 13,34 16,30 15,33 -7,67 -13,19 -40,42 -61,52 -35,15 -40,23 -67,101 -18,50 -30,106 -30,135 0,29 -7,60 -15,72 -11,16 -15,46 -15,110 1,142 -6,225 -23,277 -19,55 -15,78 18,118 13,15 44,91 69,170 26,82 57,156 71,173 l 24,30 1,-57 c 0,-42 -7,-69 -27,-108 -19,-36 -29,-75 -34,-133 -4,-45 -15,-106 -24,-135 -16,-52 -16,-55 4,-102 15,-34 21,-70 21,-118 0,-49 12,-115 40,-223 33,-126 53,-180 113,-298 42,-84 82,-150 95,-159 13,-9 34,-39 47,-67 14,-33 39,-65 69,-89 25,-21 46,-45 46,-52 0,-26 39,-54 74,-54 26,0 40,-7 56,-27 11,-15 37,-38 58,-51 20,-14 48,-35 62,-47 20,-18 42,-24 110,-30 64,-5 94,-13 120,-30 29,-19 54,-24 140,-29 58,-4 141,-11 185,-17 131,-18 386,-12 407,9 6,6 24,12 38,12 56,0 131,31 169,70 27,28 41,36 52,29 26,-16 51,-9 90,26 21,19 61,46 88,59 27,14 52,30 56,36 3,5 19,10 35,10 42,0 57,21 65,94 4,40 14,75 26,90 10,13 19,38 19,55 0,18 14,58 30,91 28,55 30,68 30,163 0,60 6,127 15,162 13,49 14,67 3,107 -9,38 -9,64 1,123 20,119 6,317 -31,430 -16,50 -38,103 -49,118 -15,20 -22,50 -26,105 -4,54 -13,89 -29,117 -12,22 -41,91 -63,153 -22,63 -49,128 -60,145 -11,18 -29,59 -40,92 -12,33 -35,83 -53,110 -17,28 -47,79 -66,115 -19,36 -43,74 -53,85 -10,11 -27,45 -39,76 -24,67 -78,153 -143,228 -28,32 -57,82 -73,123 -22,58 -33,73 -68,95 -22,14 -58,45 -79,69 -26,30 -49,45 -73,50 -23,4 -40,15 -51,35 -21,35 -218,202 -292,246 -29,18 -75,39 -100,48 -26,8 -91,38 -144,65 -62,32 -110,50 -133,50 -19,0 -60,9 -91,20 -32,11 -70,20 -86,20 -16,0 -55,6 -86,14 -80,20 -150,26 -196,15 z m 436,-1657 c 15,-9 42,-37 60,-61 19,-25 47,-49 64,-54 40,-13 62,-33 74,-68 8,-24 7,-29 -5,-29 -22,0 -66,25 -89,50 -11,12 -51,36 -90,54 -38,18 -81,42 -94,53 -24,20 -25,21 -8,47 20,30 51,33 88,8 z M 3156,5353 c -10,-10 -19,5 -10,18 6,11 8,11 12,0 2,-7 1,-15 -2,-18 z m 4,-109 c 0,-8 -4,-14 -10,-14 -5,0 -10,9 -10,21 0,11 5,17 10,14 6,-3 10,-13 10,-21 z m 1464,-175 c 49,-17 64,-18 87,-8 37,15 61,5 57,-22 -5,-34 -31,-45 -70,-31 -20,7 -54,9 -84,6 -47,-6 -54,-4 -97,29 -36,28 -43,37 -29,40 38,10 81,6 136,-14 z M 4077,3370 c 71,-27 157,-67 192,-87 64,-38 196,-151 187,-161 -8,-7 -135,46 -170,72 -17,12 -47,29 -66,36 -69,28 -265,131 -277,147 -15,20 -17,43 -3,43 5,0 67,-22 137,-50 z"
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diff --git a/src/doc/getting_started.md b/src/doc/getting_started.md
index 6805181e73a7f338fbacb74bdd9f734360404372..97dc1d28e6294cc765a0d5b75de25aa74cf693ed 100644
--- a/src/doc/getting_started.md
+++ b/src/doc/getting_started.md
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
 # Getting started with pycaosdb #
-1. Install
-2. import
-3. enjoy
+## Installation
+The program can be installed (under Linux) with:
+# Clone the repository:
+git clone 'https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb-advanced-user-tools'
+# cd into the directory:
+cd caosdb-advanced-user-tools
+# Use pip to install the package:
+pip install --user .
+## import
+## enjoy
diff --git a/src/doc/index.rst b/src/doc/index.rst
index 84580c215806385b09fd7140ce1d4de22f30f021..99963f686393e9f8627542de630aa1939617e5f0 100644
--- a/src/doc/index.rst
+++ b/src/doc/index.rst
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
+Welcome to caosadvancedtools' documentation!
-Welcome to caosdb-pylib's documentation!
+Welcome to the advanced Python tools for CaosDB!
+This documentation helps you to :doc:`get started<getting_started>`, explains the most important
+:doc:`concepts<concepts>` and offers a range of :doc:`tutorials<tutorials>`.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Contents:
-   :hidden:
    Getting started <getting_started>
    Concepts <concepts>
+   Caosdb-Crawler <crawler>
-Welcome to the advanced Python tools for CaosDB!
-This documentation helps you to :doc:`get started<getting_started>`, explains the most important
-:doc:`concepts<concepts>` and offers a range of :doc:`tutorials<tutorials>`.
 Indices and tables