diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
index 79c7bfea1925adec47cf74af94d99deaf4fabc06..cca0735f3491277675b06142063b5f8cf712f01f 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/fill_xlsx.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2024 Indiscale GmbH <info@indiscale.com>
 # Copyright (C) 2024 Henrik tom Wörden <h.tomwoerden@indiscale.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Daniel Hornung <d.hornung@indiscale.com>
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import json
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+from typing import List, Union, TextIO
 from openpyxl import load_workbook
 from .table_generator import ColumnType, RowType
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ def _fill_leaves(json_doc: dict, workbook):
             workbook.cell(1, 2, el)
-def _get_row_type_column(worksheet):
+def _get_row_type_column_index(worksheet):
     for col in worksheet.columns:
         for cell in col:
             if cell.value == RowType.COL_TYPE.name:
@@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ def _get_row_type_column(worksheet):
 def _get_path_rows(worksheet):
     rows = []
-    rt_col = _get_row_type_column(worksheet)
+    rt_col = _get_row_type_column_index(worksheet)
     for cell in list(worksheet.columns)[rt_col-1]:
         if cell.value == RowType.PATH.name:
@@ -53,18 +58,128 @@ def _get_path_rows(worksheet):
 def _generate_path_col_mapping(workbook):
-    rt_col = _get_row_type_column(workbook)
+    rt_col = _get_row_type_column_index(workbook)
     for col in workbook.columns:
-def fill_template(template_path: str, json_path: str, result_path: str) -> None:
-    """
-    Fill the contents of the JSON document stored at ``json_path`` into the template stored at
-    ``template_path`` and store the result under ``result_path``.
-    """
-    template = load_workbook(template_path)
+class TemplateFiller:
+    def __init__(self, workbook):
+        self._workbook = workbook
+        self._create_index()
+    def fill_data(self, data: dict):
+        """Fill the data into the workbook."""
+        self._handle_data(data=data, current_path=[])
+    def _create_index(self, ):
+        """Create a sheet index for the workbook.
+        Index the sheets by their relevant path array.  Also create a simple column index by column
+        type and path.
+        """
+        self._sheet_index = {}
+        for sheetname in self._workbook.sheetnames:
+            sheet = self._workbook[sheetname]
+            type_column = [x.value for x in list(sheet.columns)[
+                _get_row_type_column_index(sheet) - 1]]
+            # 0-indexed, as everything outside of sheet.cell(...):
+            coltype_idx = type_column.index(RowType.COL_TYPE.name)
+            path_indices = [i for i, typ in enumerate(type_column) if typ == RowType.PATH.name]
+            # Get the paths, use without the leaf component for sheet indexing, with type prefix and
+            # leaf for column indexing.
+            paths = []
+            col_index = {}
+            for col_idx, col in enumerate(sheet.columns):
+                if col[coltype_idx].value == RowType.COL_TYPE.name:
+                    continue
+                path = []
+                for path_idx in path_indices:
+                    if col[path_idx].value is not None:
+                        path.append(col[path_idx].value)
+                col_key = ".".join([col[coltype_idx].value] + path)
+                col_index[col_key] = SimpleNamespace(column=col, col_index=col_idx)
+                if col[coltype_idx].value not in [ColumnType.SCALAR.name, ColumnType.LIST.name]:
+                    continue
+                paths.append(path[:-1])
+            # Find common components:
+            common_path = []
+            for idx, component in enumerate(paths[0]):
+                for path in paths:
+                    if not path[idx] == component:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    common_path.append(component)
+            assert len(common_path) >= 1
+            self._sheet_index[".".join(common_path)] = SimpleNamespace(
+                common_path=common_path, sheetname=sheetname, sheet=sheet)
+    def _handle_data(self, data: dict, current_path: List[str] = None):
+        """Handle the data and write it into ``workbook``.
+        """
+        if current_path is None:
+            current_path = []
+        for name, content in data.items():
+            path = current_path + [name]
+            if isinstance(content, list):
+                if not content:
+                    continue
+                assert len(set(type(entry) for entry in content)) == 1
+                if isinstance(content[0], dict):
+                    # An array of objects: must go into exploded sheet
+                    for entry in content:
+                        self._handle_data(data=entry, current_path=path)
+                    continue
+                for entry in content:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                self._handle_single_data(data=content, current_path=path)
+    def _handle_single_data(self, data, current_path: List[str]):
+        """Enter this single data item into the workbook.
+        """
+        sheet = self._sheet_index[".".join(current_path)].sheet
+        for name, content in data.items():
+            if isinstance(content, list):
+                # TODO handle later
+                continue
+            if isinstance(content, dict):
+                pass
+                # from IPython import embed
+                # embed()
+def fill_template(data: Union[dict, str, TextIO], template: str, result: str) -> None:
+    """Insert json data into an xlsx file, according to a template.
+This function fills the json data into the template stored at ``template`` and stores the result as
+data: Union[dict, str, TextIO]
+  The data, given as Python dict, path to a file or a file-like object.
+template: str
+  Path to the XLSX template.
+result: str
+  Path for the result XLSX.
+    if isinstance(data, dict):
+        pass
+    elif isinstance(data, str):
+        with open(data, encoding="utf-8") as infile:
+            data = json.load(infile)
+    elif hasattr(data, "read"):
+        data = json.load(data)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"I don't know how to handle the datatype of `data`: {type(data)}")
+    result_wb = load_workbook(template)
+    template_filler = TemplateFiller(result_wb)
     # For each top level key in the json we iterate the values (if it is an array). Those are the
     # root elements that belong to a particular sheet.
     #       After treating a root element, the row index for the corresponding sheet needs to be
@@ -72,7 +187,6 @@ def fill_template(template_path: str, json_path: str, result_path: str) -> None:
     #       When we finished treating an object that goes into a lower ranked sheet (see below), we
     #       increase the row index of that sheet.
     # We can generate a hierarchy of sheets in the beginning (using the paths). The lower sheets
     # are for objects referenced by objects in higher ranked sheets.
     # We can detect the sheet corresponding to a root element by looking at the first path element:
@@ -80,10 +194,11 @@ def fill_template(template_path: str, json_path: str, result_path: str) -> None:
     # Suggestion:
     # row indices: Dict[str, int] string is the sheet name
     # sheet_hirarchy: List[Tuple[str]]  elements are sheet names
-    #
+    template_filler.fill_data(data=data)
     # Question:
     # We can create an internal representation where we assign as sheet_names the same names that
     # are used in table generator. Or should we create another special row that contains this
     # somehow?
-    template.save(result_path)
+    result_wb.save(result)
diff --git a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
index 8794496fa369ba2e6804084ad784073dfc065cca..0074e4aed7162152c50ee0568056610e5cdb7a6c 100644
--- a/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
+++ b/src/caosadvancedtools/table_json_conversion/table_generator.py
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ class XLSXTemplateGenerator(TableTemplateGenerator):
         """Create and return a nice workbook for the given sheets."""
         wb = Workbook()
         yellowfill = PatternFill(fill_type="solid", fgColor='00FFFFAA')
-        assert wb.sheetnames == ["Sheet"]
         # remove initial sheet
+        assert wb.sheetnames == ["Sheet"]
         del wb['Sheet']
         for sheetname, sheetdef in sheets.items():
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/multiple_refs.xlsx b/unittests/table_json_conversion/multiple_refs.xlsx
index 34bea9b9b9d29c9308ec5cff496c91e7ecaa45c9..cff3dad99a3c296e360d660ed5178a0eee48cd40 100644
Binary files a/unittests/table_json_conversion/multiple_refs.xlsx and b/unittests/table_json_conversion/multiple_refs.xlsx differ
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
index 10ddcc32dad9a95d02fe5e6f1f593f9db26e0330..c3f26251011333fa8d5c3071ed481315f096c47f 100644
--- a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
+++ b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_fill_xlsx.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import os
 import tempfile
 from caosadvancedtools.table_json_conversion.fill_xlsx import (
-    _get_path_rows, _get_row_type_column, fill_template)
+    _get_path_rows, _get_row_type_column_index, fill_template)
 from openpyxl import load_workbook
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def rfp(*pathcomponents):
 def test_detect():
     example = load_workbook(rfp("example_template.xlsx"))
-    assert 1 == _get_row_type_column(example['Person'])
+    assert 1 == _get_row_type_column_index(example['Person'])
     assert [2, 3] == _get_path_rows(example['Person'])
diff --git a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_table_template_generator.py b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_table_template_generator.py
index 8115c187396baac2bcf7b58d2e891c02c4be28b2..670f7df1dc59c4928ec64d4bf3bdd7b7d5f45cd0 100644
--- a/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_table_template_generator.py
+++ b/unittests/table_json_conversion/test_table_template_generator.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ out: tuple
     assert os.path.exists(outpath)
-    generated = load_workbook(outpath)  # workbook can be read
+    generated = load_workbook(outpath)
     good = load_workbook(known_good)
     assert generated.sheetnames == good.sheetnames
     for sheetname in good.sheetnames: