From 24ba826cbb02b11c144a35d745e187ec61e88af4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: florian <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 16:57:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] REL: Add 0.3 to changelog

--- | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index fd606c34..b72a38fb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,10 +8,24 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Added ###
+### Changed ###
+### Deprecated ###
+### Removed ###
+### Fixed ###
+### Security ###
+## [0.3.0] - 2021-11-02 ##
+### Added ###
 - Error handling for missing files when using the crawler
 - included the scifolder module
 - included the caosmodels module
-* `send_mail` function in `caosadvancedtools.serverside.helper` module
+- `send_mail` function in `caosadvancedtools.serverside.helper` module
 - New class to collect possible problems with the data model
 - New class for checking and importing tables
 - Function to get a file path to a shared resource directory
@@ -39,9 +53,9 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
   allows them to have dependencies among each other if they are ordered 
 - identifiables must have at least one property or a name
-* `caosadvancedtools.serverside.helper.init_data_model` also checks the role
+- `caosadvancedtools.serverside.helper.init_data_model` also checks the role
   and data type of entities.
-* The `caosadvancedtools.table_importer.date_converter` now actually returns
+- The `caosadvancedtools.table_importer.date_converter` now actually returns
   `` instance. A new
   `caosadvancedtools.table_importer.datetime_converter` replaces the old
   `date_converter` and returns a `datetime.datetime` instance.
@@ -57,24 +71,18 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 - `caosadvancedtools.cfood.assure_object_is_in_list` conducts in-place
   updates if no `to_be_updated` object is supplied.
-### Deprecated ###
-### Removed ###
 ### Fixed ###
 - An exception in collect_information does no longer lead to a break down.
 - Removed dependency on discontiued xlrd version
-* Fixed an issue where `caosadvancedtools.cache.UpdateCache` would
+- Fixed an issue where `caosadvancedtools.cache.UpdateCache` would
   cause an `sqlite3.IntegrityError` if more than one change was cached
   for the same entity.
-* #40 Insertion of identifiables with missing obligatory properties
+- #40 Insertion of identifiables with missing obligatory properties
 - Before, a Property with the datatype "LIST(TEXT)" would lead to the creation 
   of a RecordType. This is fixed now.
-* #52 `XLSimporter.read_xls` throwed a wrong error when reading from a file with a wrong ending. 
+- #52 `XLSimporter.read_xls` throwed a wrong error when reading from a file with a wrong ending. 
   Now, a `DataInconsistencyError` is raised instead of a ValueError.
-* List properties are no longer updated unnecessarily by the crawler.
-### Security ###
+- List properties are no longer updated unnecessarily by the crawler.
 ## [0.2.0] - 2020-05-28 ##